How to make on screen effects? (Like Jailbreak)

So basically, I’ve seen many onscreen effects in games like jailbreak(when you successfully complete a robbery), and I’ve been wondering for a while what the best approach is. I don’t want an entire code block, because then I can’t learn anything. Any ideas?
What i would want is a roblox documentation, other devforum posts like this one, etc

I have tried looking across the devforum, couldn’t find anything though

Thanks in advance!


When the person finished the action, make a smooth pop-up animation (you have many tutorials that explain on YouTube) in the GUI, there will be all the action (robbery for exemple) info (like number of money earned…) and a button to close the GUI. You don’t need something very complicated.

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im assuming you mean the ui of the game. you can use tutorials like this or like this to learn how to tween ui and make it visible. you can also use this roblox api post to learn more about what youre doing. hope this helps.

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No i mean effects as in the fireworks when you complete a robbery, lemme send you a clip(sorry for lag)

So, I’m guessing this has something to do with using Udim2, but I’m not sure

I am trying to achieve the firework effect as seen in this video

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Fireworks are just videos uploaded to Roblox!

I know, but how do you get videos to play on screen?

use the video frame instance.

Can you insert a video frame into screen guis? I thought it was only for surface guis

I swear jailbreak had the fireworks way before the video update was out?

Also currently you can’t even upload your own videos unless I missed an update somewhere. I think these are the only ones available.


Yup, that’s what I noticed too.
They may be using other methods?
And I dont think a video frame can go into a screen gui, only onto a surface gui

I am guessing they used some type of UI partials. I am not 100% sure how to do it but there are many modules you could look in the source code with or just use the module itself.

(you can search google “roblox gui particles” and u probs will find more examples.

I also found this if its any help:


Thanks! Thats exactly what i was looking for!

They could just have images of the fire works and just tween them to random positions and possibly rotation