How to Test the New In-Game Menu

If you are one of the people who didn’t get the chance to test the new In-Game Menu and would like to try it out, this one’s for you.

As far as I know, the new In-Game Menu is not yet available in studio by default, this allows you to have full access to it within studio.

Step 1

Go to your Roblox Studio version folder. This is located in


Step 2

Navigate to

ExtraContent -> scripts -> CoreScripts -> Modules

and open the file called isNewInGameMenuEnabled.lua with a text editor.

Step 3

Go to the 6th line:

6| game:DefineFastString("NewInGameMenuForcedUserIds", "")

Add your User ID within the quotation marks beside "NewInGameMenuForcedUserIds"

6| game:DefineFastString("NewInGameMenuForcedUserIds", "39520489")

The next time you start studio, you should have the new In-Game Menu.


Wow! This could be applied too in Roblox Player? And/Or disable it?


Unfortunately, the Roblox Player’s Core Scripts cannot be modified(unless you’re an exploiter), so if you have this enabled/disabled in live games, there’s no way to change that.

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Seems as Roblox already changed the icons for me

Is it the main menu that they’re changing?

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They changed the Topbar for everyone a few hours ago. The main menu is still in AB testing phase, so only selected users have it. It’ll be released for everyone in the future.

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Alright, seems really nice

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I don’t know if it is just me but in my game the menu changed automatically. I didn’t touch anything about it.

Literally two posts above yours. This topic is referring to the new menu, not the new topbar (the latter of which everyone got today).

No not the old and new mixed with together. I mean the NEW one. The one that has a big screen on the side.

If you’re referring to the new menu, then yeah, it’s in A/B testing, some have it and some don’t

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I am an AB tester but I have not gotten the menu, is it randomized AB testers?

Is the top bar on the left side? It looks like it is with the menu being on the left, as well as a semi-transparent bar before it. I really hope not, because it was honestly fine before.

The way Roblox gives users the new menu in live games is based off the last 2 digits of your User ID.

Roblox has a system called “FastFlags” which allows them to change “Flags” remotely. There’s a flag called “InGameMenuRolloutPercentage” which is currently set to 10%. If your last 2 digits is less than the percent rollout, you will be part of the AB Test.

So if your last 2 digits of your User ID range from 00 - 09, then you will most likely have the new menu on live games. As the percent rollout flag is increased, more users will be added to the AB Test.

Too bad the last 2 digits of my user id is 89 -_-


No, the topbar is still at the top of everyone’s screen, there’s just no actual “bar” anymore.

What is an AB tester. And I don’t know if I am one or not, but I still have the new menu


An AB Tester is a user that is part of an AB Test which is a system that selects a group of users and gives them features that are not released to the public yet.

I literally just explained here how Roblox determines the AB Testers for the In-Game Menu

Oh… Ok. I thought AB testers are like beta testers, and I am not in beta testers program that’s why I asked

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So that is why some players have it on their alt?


Yes, their alt account’s user ID may have the last 2 digits that is below the percent rollout number.

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It took me a while, I made alternate account and it was last digits 02 and I had the new Topbar with the same client and PC.