On older devforum posts, many images hosted on *.cloudfront.net have been disappearing, when viewed from the forum page the images appears as broken images:
This isn’t about teleporting, this is just about players joining a game and being placed into an empty server.
It shouldn’t happen.
However when opened in a new tab, the image appeared to be 404.
This has happened to newer post as well, Most of the images appears to have been attached to *.cloudfront.net, instead of devforum-uploads.s3.dualstack.us-east-2.amazonaws.com .
First Experienced : Around December
Last Experienced : 1/11/23
Impact: High
Frequency: Constantly
Issue Area: DevForum
Update: it appears that to get the image back, all you need is to replace the cloudfront domain with devforum-uploads.s3.dualstack.us-east-2.amazonaws.com , and remove the “/default” from uploads/default/original
Meaning the image has not been lost, but moved.
For example:
Can be fixed with
This doesn’t seem to work always, for example, this post has broken images: A property for flipping GUI images - #2 by buildthomas
Yet the links are already in the new format. What’s weirder is that the preview does show the images correctly:
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what im curious is what url is the preview is linked to, one of my post from 2022 (All ROBLOX server locations - #58 by GoodNameOnly ), it’s already linked to the correct domain, it still doesn’t work, even preview linked it to transparent.png from doy2mn9upadnk.cloudfront.net
The preview in my post links to:
Maybe my post just needs a re-bake since it looks like the preview urls do not match the urls in the cooked post content
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I get 403 on my end even with the new URL, I think there may be issues on their s3 bucket’s permission.
Some of my posts even I can’t access the image with preview or anything and some I can just by changing some URL
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January 14, 2023, 9:22am
you linked a .xml
file, i don’t know what .xml file is for, but it shows this
<Message>Access Denied</Message>
.xml files is similar to .html files and the example down below
<img src="https://devforum-uploads.s3.dualstack.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/uploads/optimized/5X/d/d/6/2/dd6271b9965a436992b50c3596a769dbbded2057_2_690x321.png">
Pretty sure amazon s3 returns this both when there is no such file or the access is denied
Some images seems to be from a completely different URL, found with google images:
if this is part of your post:
The url I found is:
No this is not in my post.
It works for me…
Mi Browser
A maintenance that was done back in february fixed this issue, however the one I described where you can’t access it when you change the domain has not.
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