Increase Range Limit of Lights

When the Universe will end, in the same Galaxy, the Future, will be 0.00000000001 Studs away, but never reached…

I totally agree, if they did everything right they simply need to change a number, c’mon


Please stop assuming things, as seen earlier on this topic, this is not as simple as ‘imcreasing the limit’ as there are technical reaaons for the limit.


Yeah but if you hack in a larger value you’ll find out it still works very well (the shadows only start to get janky past around 250-300 studs), and performance isn’t bad either.


(Never actually used C++)
If the max distance was set as a Variable they would just need to change a number, no big problem (anyways it’s not as hard as other things)


The guy here removed the max range and it had no performance issue or graphical issue.

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All they have to do is dim the light as it gets further, simple as that just like fog.

It could be that they are trying to release this change with improvements to lighting shadows as a whole, because right now they have a few issues:

A lot of these seem to be caused by Roblox’s implementation of shadows, AKA how the engineers coded them. It could take a while to change implementations to one that does not have these issues.

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Maybe not on the graphical engine they’re using. It might be very performance intensive on phones or mobile devices.

Not everything needs to be for mobile.

Well, that’s kind of disappointing

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Unfortunately, that isn’t the case in Roblox’s vision. We don’t have raytracing support yet for a reason.

Some things are better enjoyed on bigger screens and more powerful devices, and that sadly excludes mobile.

But yeah, roblox seems to hold back cool features for the sake of mobile performance (:sob:)

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im pretty sure light range does not impact performance. You increase distance of light, but at the same time you sacrifice shadow quality. As long as shadow ray step is constant regardless of range, it doesnt impact performance much, other than hitting more things.


Yeah, it does. Some time ago, Roblox would, for every pixel, try and shade it’s color based on every single light in the level. This would mean, for example, a pixel in the ocean would check the headlight of a car thousands of studs away to figure out how bright it should be, despite the fact that the headlight would not be able to affect it.

Back then, it didn’t matter if you increased the range, it only depended on how many lights you have, and was quite inefficient. Now, Roblox has something called “Forward Plus Rendering”, which only accounts for light sources that can actually affect a pixel.

Increasing the range also means the shadowmap has to render more things, which impact framerates a lot. It’s the reason that, on quality level 4 (the minimum level for shadowmap shadows), the shadows cut off very quickly.

Shadows aren’t raytracing??

Even if Roblox had real-time raytracing, you would need a special, expensive graphics card and a beefy computer to handle it. I am certain that 99% of Roblox’s playerbase would not have devices capable enough to handle raytracing.

I think baked-lighting is more realistic for Roblox’s case, like for example radiosity.

As far as I can tell, people on this thread have only tested this change on PC through Cheat Engine, who knows what would happen if the range were increased on mobile or console?


Why does everybody have this mindset?

Mobile is your main Playerbase, you can’t just ignore them! When better phones that support RayTracing will come out than you’ll have RayTracing

Just be patient

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So? Why keep useful features locked away for the sake of mobile performance? Just release the update for desktops, and then when the mobile industry is ready, push it out to them.

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But wouldn’t it be kind of unfair?
In some ways you could also get advantages by having some features that Mobile doesn’t have


I’m not sure what made you think I’m talking about ray tracing?

But my opinion still stands, it’s ridiculous to hold back useful features (no, raytracing is not a to die for useful feature) just because some mobile devices can’t handle it.

And by the way, increasing the range limit of lights is something that even today’s mobile devices can handle, so I don’t see all the fuss about mobile performance.

Just because 70% of roblox’s total playerbase is mobile, doesn’t mean that every game needs to have everything catered to it. Some things are just better on PC.

You can’t have everything in a small, handheld device at the end of the day, and that’s a sacrifice you make when you decide to game on mobile. Why do you think there’s no GTA 5 for mobile :skull:


You were talking about that, weren’t you?

Well, there’s some features that if we have them they could make the Mobile Players be in disadvantage
We already have some, one being being able to switch tools trough 1,2,3,etc., while they press on the screen, they have smaller screens but we (often) have bigger ones, etc.

Never said they can’t, in fact I’m supporting this

Because the CPU, GPU, Memory Space etc. isn’t enough?

I was not.

This is just because we have a keyboard, you are literally telling me what technical differences there are between mobile and PC :joy:

And again, some things are better on PC, and don’t necessarily have to be on mobile.

Either way, I understand your point, and you hopefully understand my point.

I must’ve got confused

I do (kind of)

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