As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to onboard new developers to use Rojo. Rojo enables me to use Git and a variety of sources. Rojo means I can turn off my computer in the middle of making a game, and I never lose work. Rojo solves my problems. Rojo lets me use a better editor. Rojo also has additional issues where it can’t sync certain assets because it’s not a 1st class citizen.
If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my development experience because I could use Git more freely.
Please, make Rojo a 1st class citizen in Roblox Studio. This is critical to my workflow, and many other team’s workflow. The fact that my team and I have access to Rojo and other teams can’t figure out gives us a strict advantage. Rojo enables Adopt Me’s team to grow large.
Files are not negotiable. Computers are built around files. Files are a very good way to let programs talk to each other. Roblox has spent a lot of energy trying to pretend files don’t exist. This is wrong in my opinion.
Please don’t interpret this request as something different like “well, the users actually want Git integrated into Studio, but not file support.” This would be nice, but I want to be clear that this feature request is explicitly to support syncing files into Studio how Rojo works.
Use case: Source control
Let’s get this out of the way–I am convinced Roblox will never recreate the ecosystem of Git. Drafts will never fully be the same experience as Git, because Roblox doesn’t have the resources to create something as good–nor should it spend resources on this!
- GitHub has 700 employees.
- GitLab claims to have 1300 employees.
- Git is maintained by a separate team!
- Every major tech company, including Roblox uses Git, and will provide support for it
- Roblox has 600 employees, and maybe 50 of those are working on Studio, and like 2 are working on source control.
- Microsoft was selling source control to thousands of companies, for millions of dollars, and is now using Git.
Roblox isn’t in the business of making source control. Source control is really hard. The whole industry has coalesced around Git. Drafts is fine, it solves a different set of problems, but it will not solve the same problems as Git.
Use case: External editors
VSCode is made by Microsoft, and has thousands of employees. Roblox also, will struggle to make something as good as an external editor, although I believe this is more possible.
FileSyncService is super disrespectful to experienced developers
The most annoying thing is that Roblox recognizes a strict need for syncing files. Without Rojo and FileSyncService, Roblox could not develop its own tools.
- FileSyncService exists
- Roblox uses Git and external editors in its own workflow
- FileSyncService is only internal to Roblox–developers do not get access to it.
- Roblox actually also makes Rojo–but doesn’t fully support it in studio, It’s a second class citizen.
The most disrespectful thing about not supporting this workflow is that Roblox employees themselves need a way to synchronize files into studio. This is how all programming is done… in files!
By having this internal feature, but not giving it to developers, the message is “you guys aren’t smart enough to figure out files” “our engineers need this to build Roblox, but developers are babies and would be too confused by this feature set.” “you aren’t professional enough to use git or source control.”
Not all of us are 12 years old–and I think a 12 year old could figure out Git. Instead of trying to bring features to the lowest age group that studio supports, please recognize that users can grow and learn. Provide a transition between drafts and git, instead of forcing us into using drafts.
Rojo could be so much more if Roblox recognized files, and synchronized them into Studio. Files are the language that programs use to communicate with each other. The cloud still has files.
Please, respect the community–empower us.