Introducing an Improved Appeals Process

Hiya. I believe that the new interface doesn’t solve any underlying problems with the system we have in place as it is. You are still only given one chance to have someone review your work.

Devex already integrates with PayPal.

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Interesting decision on Roblox’s end.

Still a step in the right direction though, no matter how small of an impact it will have atleast they see their weaknesses in moderation.


That is true. My main concern is people seeing others blindly praise their new interface without thinking about what could be missing.

At the same time, we shouldn’t rely completely on bad precedent. It might actually turn out better than what we have now.

I like your point, it isn’t perfect and we still shouldn’t praise this like it’s the end of bad moderation.

Although despite it not being super reliable yet we still should be thankful for Roblox atleast taking some action against their moderation.

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There is a specific process you must go through in order to view your moderation history.

Follow these steps:

It is within your privacy rights to view you moderation history, which is why selecting this specific options on the form work rather than just asking “can i see my moderation history”


Hopefully moderation improves in addition with this update

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Ah alright, that makes more sense. I’ll give that a try if my next DevEx attempt fails. I’m thinking it only failed last time because some of the 30k was likely from Premium at the time. Thanks for the info.

However, I think this should still be visible clearly on a dashboard somewhere, similarly to Discord’s upcoming update, instead of going through this process.

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I completely agree. But in the meantime, we’ll have to go through the very inconvenient process through Support.

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I stand corrected.

That same company let known copyright issues drone on for 15 years, and only made an attempt to fix it after they got sued for it.

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I agree with such a powerful statement.

If an appeal gets denied, there should be another chance to appeal to a different moderator for a second opinion.

Moderators are not perfect and can affect the results. Many factors can affect the outcome…

  • Work load
  • Busy schedule
  • Degree of knowledge
  • Tolerance
  • Etc
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Hope this improves the system! Sounds like a good update.

My appeal was just rejected and they allow you to appeal a second time.

Only if iconography used Roblox’s own ones instead of this…

why did it uses material icons???


Where on the site will this be in?

Finally. We have been waiting for this for THE LONGEST time.

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This is only available for assets created or uploaded moving forward.

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