Introducing an Improved Appeals Process

Can (or will) we actually see the images that were removed? Like where Fleshkjerta’s ban his image was visible. What if I don’t know what I published in the first place?


I’m pretty sure a multi-million dollar enterprise knows better than to violate GDPR. If they were to, they know they’d be fined a lot of money.

GDPR is specifically designed to protect the personal information of EU citizens and residents. Therefore, it only applies to EU citizens and residents inside the EU. Therefor is they say “no” to the request to people not in the EU (and the place the person resides in doesn’t have similar regulations/requirements), it wouldn’t be a violation of GDPR.

So the answer is, it depends.

If (META MARKET CAP 318.82 Billion USD) :clap: only (ALPHABET MARKET CAP 1.65 Trillion USD) :clap: you (BYTEDANCE VALUATION 223.5 Billion) :clap: knew (SPOTIFY MARKET CAP 32.30 Billion USD) :clap: if (CRITEO MARKET CAP 1.35 Billion USD) :clap: only (H&M MARKET CAP 231.34 Billion SEK (21.2 Billion USD)) :clap: you (INTERNATIONAL CONSOLDIATED AIRLINES MARKET CAP 7.36 Billion GBP (9 Billion USD)) :clap: knew (TELECOM ITALIA MARKET CAP 5.40 Billion EUR (5.8 Billion USD))


Oh my!! Hopefully this will truly make development a lot smoother and not inflict fear on me as a developer. Good move Roblox!

This is a really nice and welcomed change, do you think we could look at our previous bans as well?

I haven’t done it recently, so maybe it has changed since then. But even just in general, support seems to be very reluctant to actually helping you with anything until a few emails in.

Also, what do you mean by this? I don’t know of any specific way of doing this other than just contacting Roblox Support and asking them about it.

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Excited to see theres a proper appeals process now. Im hoping that with the release of this it also removes the bans for uploading assets.

Having to worry about “i wonder if uploading this image or audio is going to get me banned for a day or 3 because the automod thought it was mad” is not something we should have to worry about. It completely ruins workflows for those effected and theres not really anything you can do other than hope and pray.

Another roblox W! Reading the title alone gave me an aneurysm, so happy to see this!

Can I appeal a moderated account? The account in question was terminated over seven years ago, but still meant a lot to me.

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conveniently i just had 8 assets i uploaded moderated. (they were different whitenoise textures)
so by my prognosis, this will be available before all of those assets have been unmoderated. yay
update they all were still rejected. cant even get past bots :frowning:


Imagine roblox moderation system has been wrongfully falsely by AI, it’s been a while for process as whole changes better for improved is the next assets moderators since developers are fill out information, but pretty sure for those filling tickets support as soon as possible.

I appreciate that it seems there is more interest with trust and safety, however this doesn’t really change virtually anything though. It’s just a simpler flow to open a ticket, from what I can tell. In the future, I would expect to see some of the following:

  • Show the content that resulted in a takedown, if feasible. If relevant, highlight the offending area.
  • Include a description of what was violated beyond a single word. (If I uploaded a link, I expect to be told what link, or what category of swear word, etc.)
  • A fair appeals process for all developers of all sizes. Any size developer should be able to appeal incorrectly anything banned, by multiple different moderators, without being just instantly told no and there’s no clarification.
  • A proper way to appeal automatic rights takedown like audios, I think & hope this is something we’ll see in combination with rights management, in the future. The answer shouldn’t be just don’t upload anything that is copyrighted, even if you have a (often-times in indies case) free license.
  • In some cases much more limited case, having a way to ‘challenge’ the appeals rejection may make sense. This is more for more limited mismoderation case. For example, unintended harm like someone’s account getting compromised and/or a rogue user in TC could be a good fit.
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My question with this, is if the asset gets moderated does your account receive an account warning or an account ban? Last time I uploaded an audio I got hit with “Bypassing Roblox’s System” which never did at all and appealed but gotten my account unbanned, but still ended up having my audio deleted either way.

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I haven’t considered this yet actually.
We SHOULD be able to appeal more than once.

The thing is, humans are INCREDIBLY biased and opinionated.
And so are AI because AI and bots are based on biased human data after all.

We should be able to appeal more than once because if more than one person can review an appeal it reduces the chance of error due to human bias, opinion and belief.

Being able to only appeal once would actually be a massive downgrade and increase inaccuracy.


funny to see how they’re joking on investors, pretending to update something while just changing the UI. reports still won’t be checked, and appeals will be controlled by a useless AI. :joy:


Hiya. I believe that the new interface doesn’t solve any underlying problems with the system we have in place as it is. You are still only given one chance to have someone review your work.

Devex already integrates with PayPal.

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Interesting decision on Roblox’s end.

Still a step in the right direction though, no matter how small of an impact it will have atleast they see their weaknesses in moderation.


That is true. My main concern is people seeing others blindly praise their new interface without thinking about what could be missing.

At the same time, we shouldn’t rely completely on bad precedent. It might actually turn out better than what we have now.

I like your point, it isn’t perfect and we still shouldn’t praise this like it’s the end of bad moderation.

Although despite it not being super reliable yet we still should be thankful for Roblox atleast taking some action against their moderation.

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