Is it worth it to make classic avatar items on a group?

i made a roblox group a while ago to hold my games on
you can check it Here

so i thought about making some classic clothing i already made one on my profile
you can check it Here

and no one bought it so i thought that it may be bad or something
so it is worth it to make group classic clothing ?


As someone who only wears classic clothing, this could be a good idea! I dont know how the clothing space works, but I see most big people all get into a niche and stick with it for a bit, try to make your clothes represent a style, one people would actually wear, cause not to be rude, dont think many people are going to wear a shirt with a burger on it

Those are just my thoughts~
~ Frodev


It is certainly a great idea to do so, even if 3D layered clothing already exists. You know, many people are still big enjoyers of classic 2D clothing, including me, so I think others would like to buy it, just make it look good. Also, you said that your clothing on your profile hadn’t got any sales, but don’t worry, avatar items made on group have far more sales, since people view groups more frequently than players’ profiles (+groups are a lot more representative).


the problem is my group only have 7 members

i made that shirt for the roblox classic event because of that i put the famous roblox chez burger gear on it

hmm how i can make them represent a certain style ? also is the name of my shirt good ?

also there is an issue for me with that i do not buy robux but i got i few from my games so i do not i have many tries with this

Well to be honest, not really, if someone wanted the chez burger gear on a shirt, they’d probably search for chez burger, thus you should probably put chez burger in the name,

man thats rough.

Found some things that might help:

They mention you need premium in this one, considering you uploaded this shirt you dont actually need it, although I do think having premium makes the upload cheaper or just free, but dont quote me on that

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thank you for sending these tutorials

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