It’s far too hard to have your voice heard here

As a developer on the Roblox platform, this Forum should be a place to connect with other developers, share our feedback, and, contribute ideas to better the experience for everyone.

It’s failing miserably to do so-

I get it, you gotta keep moderation tight to uphold the rules, but why is a post that is clearly aiming to bring light to some situation the writer felt needed to be heard, silenced?

It should be answered and corrected. And at the very most, locked for future reference.

For example: Because there was no category specifically for it, I could not share my concerns with the Support Team. As a developer, the failure of a support team to do a simple task such as deleting an asset is worrying.

If you guys want be so particular about topics, why not create a wider array of topics? Or just not make the topics so narrow.

And to add insult to injury, as of now, being a developer and member of this forum for almost 4 years, I cannot even create a post in Platform Feedback.

I know I’m not the only one who feels the forum is just too inaccessible and unnecessarily scrutinized. I hope this can be heard and taken into consideration, unlike my previous attempts to post anything.

I almost feel scared to click post in fear of being reprimanded for saying what I feel needed to be said.
Here goes nothing-


If it is not in the correct category, or no correct category exists, it should not be posted. There isn’t any tolerance for this because to have tolerance would be to invite so much nonsense that the forum becomes unusable. If you think there is an important category missing, you are welcome to suggest it.

This is the Developer Forum, you should contact Support - Roblox for support related matters.

The other issue is a sensitive one because the old process for ranking up to Regular involved too much manual effort, and to make it a free-for-all would again make the forum unusable. DevRel is likely still working on it.


Calm down man; this is unnecessarily dramatic. Nobody is being silenced or suppressed.

If you are referring to Roblox Support, Support - Roblox is at your service.

You should probably suggest what categories you would like to see and use cases for them and why it would benefit you as a developer, im interested too.

It is also possible to post in Platform Feedback already, by DMing DevEngagementTeam. You can also use the support form again, which has “Idea & Suggestions” and “Bug Report” categories. Posting in Platform Feedback is literally just an abstraction for using the support form in my opinion – both methods will be seen by forwarded to the appropriate teams anyway.


The support form is not a 1:1 equivalence to using the forum, and you should not suggest to anyone that it is. The forum is the best place, you should prefer to try contacting DET.

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Fair enough, it was just my opinion, specifically the “seen by the appropriate teams anyway” part, maybe I should say “forwarded to” as not even the forum guarantees it actually being seen. I understand why the forum would be preferable over a support form, it allows for others to add their thoughts to it as well and just gives it more exposure

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I do feel the same due to almost all of my post were flagged and they were genuine topic that are real question. Dev Forum should be a place where Developer can freely discuss their concern or things that they don’t know about. Every time I write a post i get scared to write it because Dev Forum is a pretty harsh place and anything that stray off the topic get flagged. I wish they added an off topic topic section where everyone can share they thought and stuff without getting scared of flag and their post deleted.

An off topic category isn’t needed, this forum is for Development only. Its not a replacement for the Roblox Forums.


I can’t really see your point here. Especially when thinking of posts demanding for the plugin marketplace to change into a less toxic system.

Your argument for where the dev forum is failing seems to be masked behind a vague description of a single very specific experience. And I’d be all for an argument suggesting how the topics are too narrow, and what topics fall outside them would benefit the forum. Because then you’re suggesting an actual change, with new topics the forum needs.


If your posts keep getting deleted, that means you aren’t doing them right.

There are posting guidelines in almost every category, so it’s not hard to do. All of those people being “silenced” are the ones that don’t read the guidelines before posting, or have already been flagged multiple times but are too dense to take a hint to use them.

If you guys want be so particular about topics, why not create a wider array of topics? Or just not make the topics so narrow.

Because this isn’t the Roblox forums, everyone involved knew how chaotic that was. This is specifically aimed towards development on roblox.

I know I’m not the only one who feels the forum is just too inaccessible and unnecessarily scrutinized. I hope this can be heard and taken into consideration, unlike my previous attempts to post anything.

Again, it’s not very hard to learn how stuff is done.


I had horrible problems with these groups.

I maybe, 1 to 2 weeks ago sent a request to unban one of my items, and only yesterday it got answered, from one PERSON. The rest were offline for 3 months. And then, they coudn’t do anything, and also in the beginning didn’t know what a developer product was.

That’s not a bug report or feature request, that’s an appeal to overturn a moderation action, so obviously DevEngagementTeam is not the right channel for that. Those should be submitted via Support - Roblox .

They’re all the same thing. I meant groups.

I don’t know what you mean, that isn’t what that team does, you’re probably thinking of /g/Mod_Review_Requests. That group is an abstraction for appeals anyway – might as well use appeals since a lot of the mod review members are inactive on the forum it looks like.


They’re not the same teams. Who / which documentation told you they are the same?

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I think the correct title for your topic is: “I’m too lazy to read the guidelines and my posts are getting flagged”.

The forum is already an amazing place (with its own faults obviously). If your posts get flagged you aren’t doing them correctly.


Because it doesn’t belong here.

They are locked, and people can still find them.

It’s the DevForums, so the topics will be narrowed down to development topics. You’re example has little to do with development.

I do agree with this, it’s unfortunate they took PA away with seemingly no idea on what to replace it with.

This is overly dramatic.

If you can’t deal with people disagreeing, the forums are not for you.

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This statement contradicts the usage of the forum, the forum is used in a variety of ways, such as needing help, recruitment, portfolios, bugs, etc. Discussions are not a huge part of the forum - like 15-25% of it. The statement, “If you can’t deal with people disagreeing, the forums are not for you.” is going to stop people from requesting help and post things regarding development because they’ll assume based on this statement that there will be an argument. Please, remember that there are a ton of other uses for the forums, #development-discussion is not the only thing that is used.


It doesn’t?

That’s 1/4 of the forums. It’s a good amount.

I’m sorry to say this, but that’s a them problem. My statement is entirely true, there are many times (outside of DD) where someone can disagree. Right now we are disagreeing, and it’s not in DD.

I’m very aware of that…

And another thing, this is very off-topic and belongs in DMs, not here.

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Thanks for the feedback. At the time of writing, the issues have been largely resolved, where all forum categories are now immediately accessible aside from #feature-requests , #bug-reports and legacy #lounge access, and we have a clear path forward on how a user can request access to #bug-reports due to the Big Bug Reporting Update.

Everybody here in the current topic that made a post or Liked one of the posts (as of Mar 19) has had their join request to AllowBugReports accepted if they submitted one.

For everybody else that participates here later than this reply, please follow the instructions in the linked announcement above on how to get your join request in. We are slowly accepting people from the backlog to make sure we don’t overwhelm internal teams, but it is our goal to clear out the backlog. It will take us some time before we’re caught up with requests so appreciate your patience here.

This resolves the issue for all bug reporting categories.

For the feature request side of the matter, I am consolidating the threads into one thread, namely this one: All forum users should have a path forward to be able to post in feature requests - #154 by Hooksmith.

Please check out the update I posted there for further information. I will close this thread so that all further discussion is centralized in the thread above.

For #lounge access we will have a dedicated update at some point with more information. The Lounge category is currently not actively used by the forum community at all and there is not really any benefit of having access to it.

Thank you for posting this and for your patience so far as we work through these issues!