hey guys
since its october and whatnot ive decided to make my very first devforums tutorial
devs are out here spookifying their games so im here to help with that process by teaching you nerds how to make a pumpkin in blender and carving it out
blender professionals may disagree with my methods but im gonna teach you guys how to make a pumpkin my way
step 1: open blender
everyone should see something like this
cool! now what?
step 2: delete everything in the scene
we dont really need all this so might as well delete it
select objects with right click and press X to delete em
step 3: spawn in a UV sphere
dont deselect anything, and right below that menu change the number of segments to 30
step 4: go into top ortho
to do this, press Numpad 7 and press Numpad 5 right after
this brings you into top ortho view
step 5: pumpkin detail
press tab to go into edit mode
hold ALT and SHIFT while right clicking columns of the sphere with two lines of space between them
it should look like this
now what you wanna do is exit top ortho (by doing the exact same thing mentioned in step 4, numpad 7 and 5) and middle mouse click to position your camera
to make the actual detail, press S and move your mouse so the lines go inward
and finish it off by pressing CTRL + E and clicking Mark Sharps (thanks @JadeFIames)
step 6: shaping the pumpkin
you might be asking
this isnt a pumpkin!
this looks like a pinata!!!
what is this?
0/10 terrible tutorial
relax we still need to shape the pumpkin
press O to enable proportional editing and right click the top vertex
by scrolling your mouse to change the strength of the proportional editing, use the blue arrow to squash the pumpkin up, do the same for the bottom vertex
step 7: adjusting the pumpkin
press O again and exit proportional editing
now you can go into object mode and press S to scale the pumpkin to your liking
use the keys X, Y, Z to scale it on the X/Y/Z axis
step 8: edge split modifier
this is where those sharps we marked earlier come in handy
go into the modifier tab and select the edge split modifier
and then change the shading to smooth
it’ll end up like this
step 9: the stem
aight now what u wanna do is move ur camera to the top of the pumpkin and press C to use the circle select tool. this makes it easier to select all of em
now press I to make a similar shape within that shape
press E to extrude that out of the pumpkin
now make edge loops that’ll help us in curving this out, which you can do by pressing Ctrl + R
now select the top again and press alt + m and merge it all to the center, which gives it that pointy look
or if you want to, instead of pressing alt + m, press S and then Z, and then 0 to flatten it out and then S again to scale it down like this
(i prefer this way tbh)
select the entire stem in wireframe to make it easier to select, pressing wireframe with the Z key and pressing C for that circle select tool
now press P to separate it from the pumpkin
select the stem in object mode and go back into edit mode
then enable proportional editting again (O) and select the top
now press R and rotate it, making sure that it rotates the rest of the stem
you may have to move vertices with proportional editing to get the result you want
now thats done, combine the stem with the pumpkin by selecting them both in object mode and pressing CTRL + J
(optional: keep the stem and pumpkin separate if you want to import to roblox without the use of vertex paint)
annd thats it for the pumpkin itself.
carving the pumpkin:
step 1: google a pumpkin template
we’ll need this to carve our pumpkin
because i already did this im just gonna go with the roblox default face because why not
step 2: import to blender
now you wanna save that file to your computer. dont think you can just copy paste this into blender, thats not how it works. you gotta actually save the file to your computer
now in blender, press N to reveal another tab
scroll down on that new tab until you see background images
check the mark and add the image of your choice
select your pumpkin and move it to a different layer by selecting it and pressing M, then choosing a layer box
now enter front ortho by pressing numpad 1 and numpad 5, and you should see your picture
step 3: modelling the carve
if you know how to use blender, model this however you want
if not, you’re stuck with my weird way of modelling 2D objects
- spawn in a plane
- go into edit mode
- select vertex mode in edit mode
- alt + m and merge to center
now you have this one tiny vertex
extrude this with E and basically trace around your shape
when you come to a stop, like this:
select the two vertices and merge
to clone a vertex, select a vertex and press shift + d
repeat this until you have your entire pumpkin traced out
you should end up with something like this
lets bring the pumpkin back by entering the layer we put it in and moving it back to layer one using the same step
go back into front ortho and position your carve onto the pumpkin
you may need to adjust the size of your pumpkin so that it doesnt look weird, especially resizing it on the Z axis
alright thats it for modelling the carve
step 4: carving the carve:
“ash!! that last step was literally useless i could’ve just boolean’d all of it ur trash at these tutorials”
ok but like i said this at the beginning of the tutorial:
"blender professionals may disagree with my methods but im gonna teach you guys how to make a pumpkin my way"
anyway, we’re gonna be using knife project, which is way cooler than boolean
select the carve
hold shift and select the pumpkin
enter edit mode on the pumpkin (TAB) -
go into front ortho and click Knife Project
now delete your carving and go into edit mode onto your pumpkin
Whao!!! Magic!!!
all thats left is selecting your carving on the pumpkin
and extruding inwards on the Y axis (press Y after pressing E to extrude on Y axis)

boom carved
if you deciding on seperating your stem and pumpkin to export both parts into roblox, skip this part
if you wanna import into roblox with just one meshpart without using UV maps, continue reading
separate the stem again by right clicking anywhere on the stem and pressing L, following by pressing P to separate it
select the pumpkin and go into vertex paint mode
choose an orange color and change the radius to a bigger number
now P A I N T
pro tip: press Z while painting to see it more clearly
select the stem and do the same process, except green
now merge both parts (Ctrl + J) and call it a day
and we’re done !
not really, we’re gonna continue off in studio
time to import into roblox
how 2 import
file > export > fbx
very important look:
make sure u check selected objects and the scale is low like 0.10 -
choose a folder, name the file, and click that button
now import it into roblox by inserting a meshpart and opening the file from there
you should give it a white color to make sure the colors dont seem faded
cool its imported
how to light it up and stuff?
insert a part and insert a special mesh within that part, and set it to a sphere
resize the sphere within the pumpkin
set it to neon with a bright orange color
scale it down
and thats all there is to it
i hope you learned from this tutorial!
happy halloween and have fun spookifying your games !