Make AvatarEditorService have server level throttling

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to use avatar editor service when it has experience-level throttling. If this issue were addressed, it would improve my development experience because I would be able to use the API without getting rate limited.

In my game, I use AvatarEditorService to get the information of different accessories that I don’t have cached so my game’s outfit creator can function properly. I need this information because I use humanoid descriptions to apply the accessories so I have to know what type of accessory it is. Every time I shutdown my game, I have to run :GetBatchItemDetails() on thousands of players which usually leads to 1-3 Http 429 errors per server. If the rate limit were per server, I wouldn’t have this issue because worst case on a shutdown I only have to do 25 batch queries for a 25 player server.


I agree with this.

One of the potential uses of the AvatarEditorService is an in-game catalog system. However, with this experience limit, I don’t think in-game catalogs will be possible for a large scale player base. It’s better if the throttling happens on the server level so the request limit can scale along with the number of players.


I agree.
Also, experiences with more players usually have devs that know what they’re doing and don’t spam requests?


Throttling requests based on experience size instead of by server is a huge pain. Especially given that these requests are primarily useful for catalog GUIs, these need to scale well across multiple servers, and across multiple players within those servers. At the moment this feels unusable for any medium to large scale game as request limits are hit very quickly. If a game has 1000 players, every player gets 6 requests per minute. If the game has 6000, that’s only one per minute. This is not feasible and should scale better, like other APIs do.

It would be great if all players had the ability to reasonably search the catalog in a game and interact with it, regardless of the scale of a game.