Matswap - Find and replace for materials

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Matswap is find and replace, but for materials! Select any part, group of parts, model or folder and instantly swap their materials.

[!!!] Important
This plugin does not currently support custom materials/Material Variants or Terrain.

Clicking on the Icon Matswap icon will open the main dialog window. Select the parts or groups you wish to search within, choose the target and replacement materials, and click on the “Replace in Selection” button to instantly swap materials.

Alternatively, if you wish to process the entire workspace with your chosen configuration, ensure nothing is selected and the “Replace in Selection” will be replaced with a red “Replace All” button.

Made a mistake? Never fear! Matswap has undo/redo support! Smash CTRL+Z to get back to safety!

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This looks really helpful! I will be using this!


Pretty simple and cool looking plugin that is just what I was looking for at this time :+1:

Tested with my mech build to revert metal to plastic for a more classic Roblox style destruction system using surface stud textures.

Just a small problem so far during play testing where the UI isn’t fully offscreen. UI testing I presume?

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Good catch! I’ll get that sorted. It’s due to the fact that it’s using a CoreGui and is not ignoring the inset from the topbar. I’ll get that sorted asap!

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This should now be fixed. v0.0.2 now ignores the topbar inset when in playtesting.

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This looks amazing,
Can’t wait to start using this!

A couple days ago I had to replace a ton of houses colors & textures one by one,
This would’ve saved a LOT of time :sweat_smile:

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I think I will not use it, because I’m not a builder.
But the UI looks so good, it’s so clean! Great job!

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@Obiectum definitely! I built this plugin as I’m currently working on a game where I am constantly having to switch Plastic to Smooth Plastic, so now it’s as simple as clicking the “Repeat Last” button to change all Plastic parts to Smooth Plastic!

@Xsticcy thanks so much. I tried to tie the design in with the website as best as possible, with some Material Design influences, but I’m new to implementing animations in Roact, which @Reselim’s Flipper library came in super handy for. It’s not 100% as I wanted it, but it works as a plugin, which is the main point :sweat_smile:


Not bad!
However, one thing I would change is maybe let people use custom materials!


Unfortunately this plugin is for switching between the built-in materials. This would be a great idea for a separate plugin which would allow users to create “presets,” however!


Version 0.0.3

It’s been just over a year since I released this plugin. This is just a small patch to improve the functionality of the plugin, but a good one!

What’s Changed

  • The material list dropdown is now guaranteed to be ordered alphabetically. This should make finding the right material a bit easier!
  • The plugin will no longer show materials that are exclusive to terrain (requires the MaterialService beta*). This means you won’t see materials that can’t be applied to parts, like “Air” or “Cracked Lava,” in the dropdown anymore.
    • Note: If you do not have the MaterialService beta enabled, you will still be shown all materials, regardless of whether it can be used on parts.
    • If Roblox adds new part materials, the list will be automatically updated. No need to update your plugin.
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Version 0.0.4

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Find+Replace Materials has been rebranded as Matswap. It’ll be integrated more closely into my personal suite of plugins in the future, which will bring a UI overhaul and extra functionality. For now, please enjoy this patch!

Upgraded material picker

The material picker overlay has been upgraded to more closely match Studio’s built-in material picker. This includes displaying materials as a grid and a visual swatch (that can also be pivoted by hovering).

Matswap is also now using the new Builder font, since Gotham has been deprecated.

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I know you’ve discussed that it is only for built-in materials, but I think it would be really useful if maybe after you select a material in the menu, you have the option to select one of the custom sub-materials from the drop down under said selected material. Of course you could just not select a custom material to begin with which would let it function as usual. This would allow users to swap custom materials easily as well. For example, you could swap a cobblestone for a custom corroded metal material. Or replace a custom with a custom of another type. That sort of thing.

While this plugin is useful, this functionality would really step up its use. You talked about pairing it with another plugin to do this, but in all honesty it would just work smoother, faster, and easier if it was cohesive.

I agree a more specific why of narrowing down which material would be helpful… like if there were sub classification, like plastic , color blue , and also perhaps by a name plastic with the name of floor…

I think you might’ve misunderstood (or I may have been too concise). I’m working on creating a consistent design language across all my products, and I’m looking to integrate matswap into that suite. This means it’ll come with a refreshed UI (including a dockable widget, rather than just overlaying the 3D viewport) and features that it’s currently lacking.

Agreed! This is something I look to add in the aforementioned update. I want to create a material picker experience that’s more cohesive with Studio’s material picker widget. This means there should be absolutely no learning curve when selecting materials, as it’ll already be a familiar interface.

Also agreed! I’m also looking to pack filters, sorting, categorisation and searching into that future update that’ll deliver a much more powerful way for you to quickly pick out the materials you’re looking for.


I see! I was under the impression that you were suggesting that someone else make a plugin, that interfaces with matswap. That’s why I was a bit confused.

Anyways, keep up the good work and I can’t wait to see where this goes!

[!!!] PSA
Matswap already supports the new base materials mentioned in the linked topic.

Ensure you have the beta enabled to see the new materials in Matswap. You can briefly see them in the demo video below.