New Brightness Property for 3D GUIs

Awesome! It’d be cool if we could do the same thing with textures (on meshes or parts) and decals!


They probably do:
Blurred image > normal image

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This can actually be helpful for making cool effects which I think is nice

Great update! But the light bleeding out looks a bit weird, we should probably have a property to turn on/off bleeding?!?!?! That would be so helpful and it’ll make the update multi purpose!

I knew that you’ll suggest that lol, as most stuff in jailbreak are blender meshes.


Woah it looks great I was trying to make a Tv but it didn’t worked very well so this may help to make my tv

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I can finally try to replicate this in a better way!


Previously I would have to try very hard with glass and neon, and it just didn’t work very well. Now that we have this, it’s going to work great for neon decal overhead signs!


This is very cool! Hope to see more in the future!


Wow, this looks really cool! I can’t wait until the next update!

The “bleeding” is called Bloom and there has been a way to disable it for years. BloomEffect | Roblox Creator Documentation

It’s a side effect of the GUIs being rendered in the 3D world, therefore, post-processing effects are applied on top of them.


this is one fancy little update! looks great, you bet i will be using this for things like level up ui and stuff

Yay! This will be very helpful, especially with horror games.

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I’m really liking this update!

Though I’m a bit worried about this because people can abuse this in their games, having it very bright.

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What’s wrong with a white screen? It’s the responsibility of the player to ensure their screen brightness doesn’t hurt their eyes.

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Although there is nothing wrong with a white screen, but again, people can abuse this feature for the trolls and some people are not used to looking at a white screen, since they probably use dark mode.

That’s not any different than just putting a white rectangle over the screen in a normal ScreenGui. Why is Brightness at fault here? Should developers be limited from putting bright colors on the screen because it might hurt someone’s eyes?


Please elaborate on what you mean.


If you type in a color value like 300,300,300 into a part’s Color property, it will get wrapped around to 45,45,45

This doesn’t really explain the need for HDR on parts. I’m having a hard time understanding what you mean and I don’t want to act on assumptions that are unchecked.

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The need for HDR on parts is similar to the need for HDR on GUIs or lights - it’s for more immersive environments. There are also materials like diamond plate where 255,255,255 is not really “white” and being able to turn it up even higher would be awesome

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But that’s different. It’s a simple, white screen with no effects, it doesn’t hurt the eyes too much.

Here’s an example.
The disco-ball looks really bright around the sides.


Now take a white screen, and implement it on the Screen gui.
And you know those neon-bricks? That’s what I think it would look like except a lot more brighter.

Players can literally make a box that’s impossible to see, due to the brightness.

And no, Developers shouldn’t be limited from using bright colors, but this can be a serious problem if a person have some sort of symptoms.

This is already a problem from neon bricks.

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