New Laser Tag Studio Template!

I hope you had a good break, this must be so stressful to deal with just coming back :disappointed:


Thanks for finding these, we’ll push out a fix soon! (it will no longer be unplayable)

The easiest way is probably to comment out/remove line 223 in the BlasterController script.

You’ll also need to update the way muzzle position is calculated on line 124

I’d recommend checking out our gameplay scripting curriculum: Gameplay Scripting Curriculum | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

It’s not 1:1 with these templates but covers a lot of the same concepts and should be a much easier introduction.

there are also some Utterly Unbearable issues with foliage clipping


…but thats like next level nitpickery :sob:
would love to get in contact with one of the environmental artists to learn a thing or two about the decisions that were made behind the scenes

god bless you all for having sense of humor
a well deserved break is better be in order :pray:


can’t wait to add VR support to this template!


INSANELY GOOD JOB ROBLOX! this is an awesome template, and its great to reverse engineer it!


I still am willing for some kind of test place to test it?


Thanks for responding! I ended up commenting out the viewmodels in a different way, and I realized something. I don’t know how to make guns make sounds now, due to sounds being handled in relation to viewmodels. I may just be stupid, though lol.

Btw, are some of the non-viewmodel issues in my previous reply going to be addressed? Or are they actually just non-issues?


I’m not sure what you mean by adaptive viewmodels here. Are you referring to sharing the first and third person viewmodel?

ADS and a bunch of other features were considered, but we decided against adding them due to time and complexity constraints. We might revisit in the future though


Yeah. I had initially thought that it could be potentially simple to add, due to the segmented nature of Roblox characters (and also EasyFirstPerson) I, looking back, think it’s not the worlds most important thing to add though. It’s honestly mostly a visual touch, which isnt nearly as important as functionality.

I do however think ADS should very much reconsidered. It’s an important feature for many modern shooters. Even movement shooters like DooM incorporate it, mainly with the heavy cannon/rifle, the gauss cannon, and the ballista. It generally boosts player experience.

Also, it would be cool if character’s heads and torsos would move in third person, as it provides immersion AND a visual indicator of where a teamate/opponent is looking.


Actually, more important. Ability to have limited ammo, along with ammo replenishments. I’m gonna try to figure out how to do that on my own, since my old gun system had that.

I also changed my viewModel disabling method to the simple one you described. It works, still need to make myself figure out how to make the sounds play without viewModels.

wish me luck

Edit: I did it. was somewhat difficult with 2:33am brain math, but managed

Typo with the variable name in “ShotReplication” in both Laser Tag & FPS templates.

I see this and think of company named after extreme cold weather. Which made a game
OVER time, better WATCH put for the number 2.


Its very well built. I used to learn some cool things. Might try to customize to add the aiming animation.
I could not find the animations to edit, so I had to download em as a clip and put in the ServerStorage so the Animation Editor could see and so I could edit them.


Here are the games uploaded by Roblox. Invite your friends to test it.


Come on be real, adding ADS wouldn’t have taken that much longer, and the scripts are already over complicated so it’s not like adding a little more complexity would have ruined anything lol. ADS should have been incorporated from the start otherwise I don’t really consider it an FPS system. There’s only one FPS game out of a million that doesn’t have ADS and that’s counterstrike, but even they let you aim when you have a sniper rifle.


Please. how to add npcs in the platform

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Will there be documentation created for this or any of the Roblox templates? Or is the expectation that they are entirely intuitive, and even new developers should fully understand what is going on?


No, i meants to add NPCs that can shoot and interact with this template.


Did you go to the link? These can attack. If you want them to work with the laser tag you would have to give them a team and create a system to log their kills & put points toward whatever team they are on.

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