New Search Tool for Roblox Audio Discovery

Updated Dec 19, 2024 with Freesound database search feature - more updates coming!

Having trouble finding the right music/SFX for your game?

We’ve built a free tool for multi-level audio search so you can narrow down to exactly what you want.

Try it | Report a bug

Target your search by genre, vibe, and filter by artist:


View the waveform, play the track, and search for similar music tracks/SFX files


  1. Use “Search and Filter Options” to filter by genre and vibe (music), or browse SFX categories
  2. Create playlists to organize your audio
  3. Click on the audio waveform to skip ahead
  4. Find similar tracks with “More like this”
  5. Click on the album name (in orange) and view all the tracks on that album
  6. “View on Roblox” to see the audio in the Roblox store, or click on the Screenshot 2024-09-05 at 11.27.24 AMicon to copy the asset ID.

Updated Features Oct 2024

  1. Works on mobile phones now (responsive)
  2. Search by Audio Asset ID or Track Name
  3. Share your playlists publically
  4. Filter by field name
  5. Negative Searches. Use a minus sign “-” for negative searches like this

  1. Sort any field (like duration or date added)

Why we made it

Searching for sound effects and music on Roblox can be time consuming. For sound effects, sound designers want to search by category and object. For music, they might want to search by genre (like Pop/Classical) and then by vibe – chill, sad, happy.

SFX Categories

Music Genres/Vibes

Genres and Vibes


Join our discord and let us know what you think.

We are just getting started. Getting audio discovery right is tricky, and we need your ideas (and patience) to get it right. And if you like our search, try our boombox which is available as a free plugin!

OffGridDude, Audioscape
More about Audioscape on Twitter, YouTube, and our Roblox Group


I’ve been waiting so long for a better Roblox audio search tool, and this definitely is more than what I could of ever asked for :ok_hand:

Also, I really like how you’re able to filter by genre and emotion, and also seeing the audio waveform is very handy. Looking forward to seeing what other features get added!


Thanks @Trustmeimrussian!

We would love your (and other devs) thoughts on the best workflow to move IDs/lists you create in our Discovery App over to Studio.


Follow-up question, I know that you can make playlists, but can you share playlists publicly?

Yes, you can!

We did this with the Halloween Music and SFX playlists we posted to the Dev Forum last week.

Create a playlist and click on the “share” button. Share the copied URL – you don’t need an account to view or play playlists. Use the “lock” icon up top if you want to “unshare” it.

Screenshot 2024-10-02 at 12.19.02 PM

1 Like

There should be a guest mode. I don’t feel like giving my email to y’all, yet.


Update 12/19/24

FreeSound searching and downloading added!

We’re happy to announce that we have added support for searching the Freesound audio database in our Audio Discovery Tool.


  1. Search the Roblox library AND the 600K+ sounds on Freesound

  2. Results are listed in order of popularity so the best sounds show up first

  3. Filter by Creative Commons license (eg: if you don’t want to include attribution, choose “CC0”)

  4. Make playlists of Freesound tracks

  5. Download the tracks in MP3 or OGG format

Example Search: “rain” 98 results on Roblox, 1914 on Freesound!

98 Roblox results:

1914 Freesound results, ranked by popularity

Tell us what you think

As always, we would love to hear your feedback on the tool in our discord channel. We plan to release many new features in the next few months, including a Roblox Studio plugin version. Let us know if you’d like to help us by being a beta tester.

Thanks very much, and Happy Holidays!



Love your guys’ search tool. Would it be possible to move the waveform to the top of the screen?

Sure! What do the rest of you think?

  • Display audio waveform at top of the screen
  • Display audio waveform at the bottom of the screen

0 voters

