New Terrain and Parts Built-In Materials - Release Build

Roblox is no longer forcing this update, my post is now rectified. image


Simple, most people will probably have the answer to this:

Let us keep the old materials while we can use the new materials for convenience and for different tonal purposes in relation to materials.



So given that there’s now no reason to panic, I can give some proper critique on how I think things could best be implemented.

I think first and foremost, every new material should be usable along side every old material. It’s gonna be a lot of materials, but it will be well worth it. If there’s a difference in the material quality or inconsistency visually, that can be boiled down to the fault of the developer. Roblox has no reason to take the blame for that, because it’s the developer’s choice what their game looks like and how they make it. This would allow for practically double the options and really expand upon the possibilities. Old sand could be used for sheets, snow, and clothing, and new sand could be used for just that - sand.

Secondly, I think it’d be great if the new materials got changes made to fix the tiling issues, or other problems like sand having an almost “dithered” effect on darker partcolors. Getting rid of the white specks on it would be a big help too.

Lastly, while I think this is unlikely, it’d be helpful to classify the newer materials under different enums rather than changing the old ones. This would prevent any scripts from breaking and leave games whose developers have abandoned them relatively in-tact. This isn’t too big of a problem if it’s not done, however.

Thanks again for listening to our feedback. It is really appreciated by us and we’re all really looking forward to what the future holds for this update now.


By Builderman’s Beard, I thank Roblox for listening to our prayers.


Instead of having to completely replace and eradicate the old textures, why not make two classifications of textures people can choose from? i.e. “Legacy Textures” and “Future Textures” that way, you are giving developers new combinations to mess with, PLUS, preserving the already existing aesthetics of all games. If ROBLOX has managed to implement this on the dynamic shadows before, why can’t it be implemented to the textures?


There are some solutions so you don’t have to manually do so! Some talented devs have made plugins that allow you to easily apply textures and materials. @Crazedbrick1 already linked one plugin in a reply to someone else with the same question. There is also another plugin for textures that they linked as well:

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I think It’s best to keep the older materials, but still add in some new materials to spice things up like the Asphalt.


I agree, I really want Asphalt, although I would appreciate it if the compression quality could be improved a bit as it’s hard to see the definition on roads unless you look directly where your character is standing and zoom all the way in.


Now I have to address your next point:

If they forced it, people would still react the same way, a few would’ve been bothered that no say by the community was looked for in the matter, and things would be less happy. On the matter of custom textures, players are free to make their own textures if they want to. People would be happy with new materials made by Roblox for the convenience of keeping it in-house. The idea that “we’ll get more materials though!” is redundant considering they most likely wouldn’t be the same as the old materials. The only issue is that what you’re describing is somewhat irrelevant to what I said above, so let me break it down for you:

If a builder wants to present a build in a certain way, even if the manner of presentation in relation to material wasn’t exclusively considered beyond what is already assumed by the builder, then those options for presenting it that certain way shouldn’t be forcibly changed by someone else because it interferes with the original intent of the work and how it’s presented.

tl;dr; Let people build what they want with the materials they have, don’t just announce you’ll forcibly replace them. It isn’t the case now, but your opinion on the matter was clearly short-sighted in reference to that.


ok no offense, and I dont wnat to keep that argument going, but I still believe you do not understand how much work it will still take to do that, especially making a custom texture for every mesh in game, and un-unioning each part if you need to change the color.


I do believe the main issue that should definitely be addressed before release is their apparent reliance on normal maps, which for whatever reason stop taking an effect below 8 graphics.
(Unaware if somebody has brought this up already, important nonetheless)

Example on 10 graphics.

Same place on 7 graphics.

These new textures are a definite downgrade to anyone who plays at a lower graphics setting, it also bothers me how these textures for the majority lack roughness, they all reflect much more light than they realistically should be able to. I’ll be looking forward to the customisable properties.


Nooooooo. We were really looking forward to using them! Most of my projects are prepared for it. :pensive:


O_O asimo…

Anyways, I am glad they are listening to us and are thinking of giving us the option to use the new materials… Would be a train wreck the other way around. Really looking forward to using the new materials!


:pray: I am extremely glad for this and thankful for your reply. Roblox has not always had the best history of responding in time to controversial changes. I think that providing the option of maintaining legacy materials will be very useful. Perhaps once the new materials are improved and the aforementioned issues fixed, people will be willing to make the change over smoothly.


I can understand clearly that you aren’t trying to give me the appearance of having difficulty grappling with change and the likes of such, but unfortunately you’re doing that.

Had Roblox said they were adding new materials with the old materials, that would’ve been fine. If Roblox said they were going to add new materials that serve as revamps for the old materials and we get to keep both, that also would’ve been fine. The issue is that previously, Roblox wanted to forcibly replace the old materials we had. Why exactly is that a big issue?

If you’ve read what I said before, you’ll clearly see the issue of intent by the builder and the issue regarding the consistency of quality for some materials. If they want to add something better, then it should be better! I would probably agree with you to some capacity were it the simple fact that the positives actually did outweigh the negatives. Unfortunately, with some clear issues such as this,

and this,

this update would serve nothing more than just a simple, strange, and off-putting replacement of materials that, while some are of excellent quality like wood and wood planks, also don’t do much but bring back the same, basic issues seen before. If they want to throw a huge great update and fixed a number of problems that have been present before, then that would be sweet! The only problem is that they actually need to make it sweet in the first place.

tl;dr; Change is nice, but what we were getting isn’t really super great change considering what would’ve been the results.


This is amazing. No offense, but this year has not been good so far by update standards, but you listened to the community and helped out everyone! It is amazing, and this year may start to get better now!


My biggest issue is that some materials aren’t seamless / contrast WAY TOO DIFFERENTLY from their predecessors. Some good examples would be Slate, Grass, and Sand. Sand is a lot less smooth and shines oddly from certain perspectives. Grass has this weird watered down feeling, as if the texture is just gloomy and oddly flattened, and slate went from being the roughest texture commonly used for mountains / stone-like terrain in general to being super smooth seeming like it’s a rock that’s been polished. This being said, Grass and Sand were used for a lot of things prior such as sand being used for certain fabrics and grass being used for trees. Now that grass has and almost odd washed out look to it, it doesn’t really look good for trees anymore. My biggest complaint of all has to be slate though. Slate has this very visible repeating texture to it that just removes all seamlessness from it. Please take these criticisms into account. Thank you!

I’m SUPER GLAD this wasn’t pushed and so happy you all listened to our feedback! Keep up the good work!


And that’s why they are doing an open beta. I am very glad that they do betas like this so they can get our advice as a community on how to improve the whole thing and make it ready for a full release.


oh my god thank you AAAAAAAAAAAA

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Was realllllly looking forward to this :frowning: I hope there isn’t a huge change. Although, the new sand looks weird in my opinion.