New update negatively changes the way studio handles Windows 10 scaling

Reproduction Steps

These are my settings

Expected Behavior

I expect the screen in studio and play to be normal size, not shrunken down. For example a ScreenGui in studio right now says its 1110x886, when in reality the pixel size is 1388x1107.
Before this recent update, play mode had these problems but studio was untouched. Now its all been blown up

Actual Behavior

Before, with “normal” windows scaling

After, with my custom scaling of 125% and 225%

I now have no choice but to resort to default scaling, because development with this type of blurring and stretching is not doable.


There is no workaround. There used to be, until Roblox prevented it here: Having to modify "Override high DPI scaling behavior" just so Studio doesn't appear blurry and poorly scaled - #26 by ittrgrey

Issue Area: Studio
Issue Type: Display
Impact: High
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: 2022-01-06 00:01:00 (-05:00)


This update is really troublesome for me. I have multiple 27" 2560 x 1440 monitors, I use 125% so the size of everything is bearable. This was fine up until a few months ago, where the scaling was off and blurry ingame. Now that same effect is in studio, and it’s terrible to develop with a blurry/blown up UI.

So my only choice is to shrink down my whole windows UI to eye-straining levels, or attempt to develop on a blurry studio with a very small screen size

Everything was perfect before these couple of updates that messed with studio scaling, now it is extremely inconvenient.


Thanks for the report. I filed a ticket to our internal database.


The rendered screen looks really zoomed in on a small screen with a high resolution because of this update.
I can barely use the window because of this and it really disturbs my developing experience.

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This issue is now back. It was gone for 2 or 3 weeks, and with the new DPI update studio is either completely unusable with Enable DPI Aware Studio disabled, or it’s usable but warped like it was when I originally made this post.


Hi @Alkan, is this still an issue for you?

I have not had any issues in a while, but I also gave up and just changed my windows scaling to a whole number long ago