New Updates for the UI Editor

I keep accidentally dragging my UI and its ruining hours of work when I don’t realize I did. Disable this already.


That’s my least favorite thing about the UI editor - it’s a great update, but there’s major issues, such as accidentally dragging UI items around.

The UI editor should only be active when you press the UI button on the home page, like the previous UI editor.


Hi Cindering, are you experiencing issues with multiple plugins or just that one?

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It effects every class converter plugin that isn’t using Lua Widgets


Is there any update on letting us toggle the UI editor completely without just deleting it outright? I often go between UI editing and building at the drop of a hat, so it’s best for me to keep ShowDevelopmentGui enabled, but accidentally dragging frames around when I’m trying to build is getting pretty old.


Still none as of yet. Extremely annoying, I hate this editor and I want to turn it off immediately.


Seriously, someone please tell us if anything is going to be done about the UI editor. It’s the third time I’m disabling it after my complaint 3 weeks ago(and probably complaints from others from longer ago).

Don’t leave us in the dark, this’ll be an issue forever until it isnt.


I’ve found that I’m able to temporarily disable it by clicking on a UI element’s parent property, then clicking somewhere in the explorer to get rid of the instance selector.


@OnlyTwentyCharacters Update? Or anyone else?

I think we should have a toggle by now… It’s been 60 days and people have been asking since day one. I’m wondering what’s so complicated in implementing this, no one has given us any answer…?

Constantly delete it and explain every single person I work with in Team Create to delete the UIEditor.rbxm, then reload the place, because they keep dragging my UI layers everywhere.

I feel bad having to put pressure on you guys but the whole “UI Editor” experience is very frustrating and I’ll probably never ever use it, especially since how annoying it’s been the past two months.

…Or riot?


Not only can they not add a hide button but the feature doesn’t even work after the bug @ChipioIndustries said (not like anyone is using it for production games as it is).


Hate to keep mentioning it, but the UI editor has constantly been getting in the way, making development very tedious. Can you guys add a toggle to the plugin please?


I’m also experiencing this. plz send help & make ui tab disableable

Bug: I can’t press f2 to rename ui objects. Lol ui editor pls


Every week after Studio updates, it’s the same deal - I go to start editing my UIs and those obnoxiously large yellow boxes pop up, then I say “dang it, not this again,” open up my plugins folder, delete UIEditor.rbxm, and restart studio so I can continue using my preferred workflow.

I don’t want to have those giant yellow boxes obscuring my UI while I try to edit it.
I don’t want to accidentally click on my UI in the viewport and end up dragging it out of place.
I want to keep using my previous workflow. I don’t want Roblox forcing me to use this thing.

Please add a toggle for this UI editor. It simply isn’t suited for heavy-duty UI development yet - it seems much more suited for beginners. We shouldn’t be forced to use the editor in its current state.


Proposed a solution: BuiltInPlugins show up in Manage Plugins


I’ve deleted the plugin every time studio updates. I will continue to delete it every time until they add a toggling option that saves.

Seriously… who thought of this? Why does this seem like we’re genuinely being ignored?


I’m starting to get the vibe that we bruised someone’s ego. No offense to the person/team that worked on the editor; it definitely has the potential and is a nice addition to studio.

That being said: It has been 65 days (45 work days) since this update has been introduced and we have had zero responses regarding our concerns; save for one Product Intern inquiring about a specific issue mentioned in this thread.

Get it together for Christ’s sake.


Another month and two or three times I had to delete the UI editor file again. I’m guessing we aren’t going to get an official response; the ui plugin is not going to be toggable.


I feel like I need to release a program that auto deletes this. No staff seems to be paying attention to the fact that 99.9% of us don’t want/use it.


Extremely annoying when I accidentally drag a UI element out of place including when those yellow dimension boxes show up. I just wonder why nothing has been said yet about this from them.

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