Next Gen Explorer Beta: Performance and Quality Improvements

Hey Creators,

We’re excited to announce that performance upgrades and quality of life improvements for the Explorer are now in beta. With these upgrades, you’ll be able to handle larger numbers of instances and more complex places in Roblox Studio much more efficiently. Here’s a closer look at what’s new:

  1. We’ve rebuilt the Explorer in Luau, with a much more efficient architecture. This will allow you to select, edit, and move thousands of Explorer instances without worrying about lags, hangs, or crashes.

Here’s a side-by-side comparison of opening a place with 100K instances. The new explorer is on the left, and the old explorer is on the right:

With 100k instances, the new explorer opens the workspace 79 times faster than the old explorer, in just 2.5 seconds. We had to massively speed up the old explorer’s video to show the old explorer finishing the operation, which takes 197 seconds. In fact, in our testing when we tried to open a place with 1 million instances in the workspace, the new explorer did it in about 19 seconds (though individual results may vary). Meanwhile, the old explorer wasn’t even able to finish the operation!

  1. We’re adding hierarchy lines to make it easier to see hierarchy relationships between instances. You’ll see vertical lines on the left-hand side that delineate where each hierarchy level starts and ends.

  1. We’ve significantly improved the Explorer context menu. Right-clicking on instances will no longer bring up a laundry list of greyed-out options; it is now a concise list of actions relevant to your selected object, split into nested categories. Here’s an example of the new context menu in action:

Old Context Menu (Left) vs New Context Menu (Right)

  1. We’ve made shift + select much more feature-rich. Previously, it would naively select everything from the top to the bottom, regardless of hierarchy. This would often make selections that would break if you, for instance, drag to another location, or if you want to change properties. The new behavior will try to be conscious about the hierarchy of your selection.

  1. We’re adding selection highlights to a selected object’s hierarchy. Now, when you select an object, you’ll receive a clear indication of the objects contained within your selection’s hierarchy, so you can easily orient yourself within the Explorer and understand the scope of any potential changes. This is toggleable in the 3 dot menu to the right of the Explorer search bar!

  1. We’re adding new Explorer settings to help you better customize your editing experience, accessible through the 3 dot menu to the right of the Explorer search bar:

a. Select instance after insert: This setting is identical to the one that appears in the insert object menu. When enabled, objects that you insert through the insert object menu will be selected.
b. Increment names for new instances: When this setting is enabled, copy/pasted, inserted, or duplicated instances of the same type will have numbered names so they are easily differentiable. For example, watch what happens when we insert a Part and duplicate it a few times:


Now, we can similarly insert MeshParts and create similar differentiation among the meshparts:|274x378.7636363636364

c. Expand hierarchy when selecting: When enabled, selecting an instance within a hierarchy will expand the hierarchy to reveal your selection. When disabled, Explorer will give you an indication that your selection is nested within a hierarchy, but the hierarchy itself will not automatically expand.

d. Show selection hierarchy highlights: When enabled, hierarchy highlights will be visible, as shown in #5 above.

Enabling This Beta

To turn the beta on, navigate to File > Beta Features, and enable Next Gen Explorer.

Known Bugs

There are a few issues we know about and are actively working on fixing before release. We will continue to update this list as we get more feedback. So far, this includes:

  • Studio Script Sync is currently not supported when this beta is enabled. This will be resolved in January.
  • Missing support for custom icon sets like Vanilla
  • Box select is not yet implemented.
  • Occasionally, the “Open Script” action in the context menu will read “TBD”.
  • Scrolling on Mac is significantly faster than it is supposed to be. This is an issue affecting all ScrollingFrames, which we will resolve before this goes out of beta.
  • Some shortcuts (such as Delete) don’t work when the script editor is open. Others, like focusing on the search box, have not been implemented yet.
  • The packages UX isn’t complete yet – certain package actions won’t be available in the explorer context menu.
  • When using Explorer on monitors with different DPI, the text may get blurry. Let us know if you encounter this issue!

Our goal is to preserve workflows from the old explorer, and ship improvements that make creation even faster. If you’re unable to complete certain workflows with the new Explorer, let us know so we can address your use case.

What’s Next

We’re planning to release even more improvements this year to make organization and quick editing easy from the Explorer. The Properties panel will also be receiving some performance and quality upgrades in the near future, so stay tuned! In the meantime, we’d love to hear your feedback on this beta – what do you like and dislike? What could be better? Let us know in the comments below!


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Lots of great changes for sure! I can’t wait to see the completely redesigned Next Gen Studio!

However, I do have a few points that need improvement.

  1. Sometimes not all children of an instance are shown. I experience this mostly in playtesting, but also in normal edit mode. I’ve usually been able to fix this by searching for something. Note that right-clicking < Hierarchy < Expand All does not fix the problem.

  2. Why is the Next Gen Studio UI beta using the old color scheme while this Next Gen Explorer beta is already using the upcoming colors? This seems inconsistent and unpleasant.

  3. The + (insert object) button is too small.

  4. I have rarely experienced not being able to scroll down even though there was content. I could always fix this by scrolling up a bit.

  5. I once found that the blue highlight for selected instances was positioned a bit above the selected instance. Other highlights, such as the drag and drop highlights, were also incorrectly positioned when this problem occurred.

  6. Selecting multiple instances using Shift + select did not work for me. I tried to select multiple instances of the same hierarchy level but it felt like it selected random instances of that hierarchy level. It might be related to the changed sorting of the objects.

  7. The “Disable/Enable Scripts” option is missing from the right-click context menu. Previously, one was able to select any instance, press Disable Scripts and any descending scripts would be disabled.

  8. One can rename services, e.g. Workspace.

I’ll come back in the next days to add things that I forgot to mention today.


I’m sure the ‘native code is always better’ fans will arrive any minute to say they hate this, but before they do I wanna say: I’m impressed.

I’ve made explorers periodically during my time on Roblox, so I know firsthand how much of a nightmare it is. To do it with performance this good while maintaining every feature of the old explorer is a monumental achievement. Well done to everyone involved.

…How? I’m really curious to know how we got this far but nobody thought “we should support custom icons” before now? What are you using to get the icons for classes?

EDIT now that I’ve tried it: I think the text in Light Mode is too light. I know that’s a funny thing to say, but I mean it:
I’d like this to be black, please!


The new colors and the look of it is cool. Can’t use this sadly because of:

~ the icons (the mid 2022 ones everybody whined about were far, far superior over the new default ones; sorry)
~ the smooth scrolling (it’s annoying)
~ the spacing (it’s like it’s optimized for touch almost; way to far out)

Besides that I hope this can be far better than the old one, just have to keep it for now.


I really hope it won’t take 2 seconds to load items when the new explorer is officially released. So far it looks okay to me.


Everything here is great but I’m SOLD because of this dear god. It’s never been something that I’ve looked into plugins for because it’s not something I need to do on the daily, but when I find myself needing a lot of ordered parts it’s always the most tedious chore ever and I’m glad to finally say good riddance to it.


For all the recent acts of deprecation lately one would assume that’s all that will follow…
But yet again, Roblox making a remarkable breakthrough with another generous and productive update!


I should be able to search for an object, select it, then clear my search query and still have my selection be focused so I can examine its children while live testing.

Also a way to zoom it would be nice, at the moment it displays less content than the normal explorer


This entire update is great, but the lack of custom icon support is a downer. I really hope this gets addressed sooner rather then after it’s out of beta.


Yep, it is indeed blurry with 150% DPI scaling on my 4k monitor. I’m curious why this is happening since it’s written in Luau? Plugin widgets do not have this problem.


Impressive performance!
Are there plans to bring back what sorting was before (by class and name, compared to what it is right now, just name) and is bug with setting object property using new explorer solved? (trying to pick anything in explorer always sets it nil)
Hopefully things will get ironed out in the future to make user experience pleasant.


We all thought it, and people internally did fight quite hard for it, but Explorer is a ton of small features and we only had so much time to work on it before the time we felt is was ready to get feedback on. We’re using StudioService:GetClassIcon, which doesn’t support it–the work is already very much underway to support it, it just wasn’t finished in time in favor of more pressing things.


Everything in that list will be solved before the beta is released to everyone. The work is already underway to support it, and the fixes in this area will be exposed to all developers who are using StudioService:GetClassIcon.


This sounds like quite a good feature until you try it out.
I love how everything is smoother and faster, however there’s some major issues with this, first of all, there’s too much space in between each instance, compared to the old menu, and the text on “unselected” items is grey for some unnecessary reasons, which makes the instances look similar to “disabled scripts” which can become quite an issue.

I think making the text black, or atleast closer to black, and keeping the old spacing would just make it better. There’s no reason to have so much space in between, here’s a comparison between old and new.

I will be sticking with the old one personally, as it is much more compact and looks better to the eye. I don’t like the spacing on the new one nor the grey text

Edit: I think some personalization would be nice allowing us to keep our instances closer to each other so we can see and select more at once, as well as the color of the text.


Totally hear you. We want to add icon support shortly so stay tuned for that. We definitely feel your pain with smooth scrolling – we plan on fixing this in the new year.


I already have a pull request up to fix this. I expect it to deploy in about a day or so.



Could you explain more about “a way to zoom”?
Right now if you are in Explorer and Press “F”, you can quickly focus on the selected item. Is it something matching your expectation?


Love this update! However, I really wish the plus icon was right next to the instance name like the old version, and I hope we can configure the padding through the explorer settings in the future. (Perhaps a slider or a box that we can input values in that allows us to change the padding to a certain level?)


I don’t believe this will mess up icon packs; you should still be able to use custom icons.

If this is true, I wonder why they even added this. It’s like when you move your mouse and the camera moves 3 seconds after.

Judging from images sent in the thread, It looks ALMOST the same as before. I think this is a good thing.