Next Gen Explorer Beta: Performance and Quality Improvements

Can we please have back Select Children and Select Parents?


Love the new upgrades, however I would love it if there was an option or was set by default for the + icon to stay beside the name of the object. I’ve had that muscle memory stay there for years already and I constantly forget it isn’t there anymore.

Another thing I had noticed is the insert menu sets itself on the top left corner
I assume it’s a bug, probably already known, but I gotta complain just in case :joy:


Thank you for confirming you got the feedback! I’ll continue to look for issues I find with the new Explorer.

Just putting this here because I thought it would be useful to me, the hierarchy lines disappear when you aren’t hovering over the explorer.
I feel like it would be useful to have the option for the lines to stay no matter what, although I see why this was done.

Yes, they weren’t removed intentionally. They’ll be back in January.


This is a design decision that we regretted–please restart until your Explorer reads “v0.7” in the title bar.

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Thank you. And the massive pain that is this bug still exists. I already went over it in a previous post and someone at Roblox told me the explorer rewrite would fix it. Safe to say, it has not been solved.

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Okay now this is what I like to see. Next gen studio looks more exciting!


Thank you, it worked and I am now on v0.7.

As of updating this post, I am on v0.10.

List Of Issues/Suggestions
  • I feel as if it would be beneficial for the suggested filters to not appear as you start typing, it would probably be better if you bought back something similar to the filter button on the old explorer, or as an option to show suggested filters upon selection. Next Gen Explorer Beta: Performance and Quality Improvements - #113 by TimeFrenzied


  • Duplicating or Copying instance will add a number after them This is a bug relating to the next-gen explorer affecting the old explorer.

  • There should also be an option to disable the hierarchy lines, like how we can disable the highlights, just in case someone prefers not to use them.

  • The plus button appears on the right, rather than next to the instance’s name. I’m used to it being near the names of instances, so this should probably be a setting at the minimum.

  • The + button seems to always show the category names of objects, even if they do not show up, if “Show only recommended objects” is ticked in the + menu settings. Next Gen Explorer Beta: Performance and Quality Improvements - #149 by TimeFrenzied

  • It would be nice if the hitbox of the scroll bar was bigger so that we could select around the scroll bar such as the edges or to the very right, and still have it scroll.

  • After clicking the plus button, the instance selection appears at the top left of the screen. Fixed!

  • Option to disable smooth scrolling. I know some people like it. This is a side effect of something else and most likely is not intended. It is being looked into by staff.


Fix is already up, will hopefully be merged and released tomorrow.


Awesome update! Unfortunately, there doesn’t appear to be a way to clear the search history.


Nice catch, will file this as a request. Out of curiosity, why do you want to clear it? Too distracting? Just like things clean?


I won’t personally have a large use for it, but I’m sure some people would like to keep it clean.


Not a bad beta but it 100% needs more work. Here’s my laundry list of issues and feedback:

  • Explorer seems to run at a lower framerate by default. Not sure what’s up but this is an issue with every modern interface you guys push out. Whenever it is the client roblox interface, character customizer and now the explorer, they just run at low framerates. So far the explorer seems to lower framerates to around 42. (Ditch the UI frameworks like React/Roact or whatever else yall got pls)

  • Text looks a bit blurry. I’m using a 1080p display at 100% scale. Standard configuration basically.

  • The rounded scroll bar is an example of visuals over functionality. It’s not great. It makes scrolling via the scroll bar harder and a bit more confusing. This along with the fact that the scroll bar itself cannot properly scroll in high instance scenarios since it would just stop near the top or bottom of the explorer menu (but not at the actual top or bottom) if you move your cursor too fast. The missing up and bottom arrow scroll buttons are not helping either. Furthermore, it is also not helping how there are no clear bounds for the scroll bar so right now its just looks like its on top of everything.

  • There should be a way to change the scaling of the instances shown along with a way to change the spacing between them. The way instances look right now isn’t bad but the reduced information density is not of help for me.

  • The instance drop down arrow icon looks quite a lot more smaller than the actual instance icons. I know the hitbox of it is larger than the actual icon but i think it would help making it bigger. People will try clicking on the actual arrow and not around it after all.

  • There should be a couple options to customize the hirearchy lines. Like the thickness of it and color. Pretty hard to see, at least for me (probably a consequence of everything in the thing being blurry)

  • The insert object menu always appears at the top left corner of the screen regardless of explorer and cursor position. This only happens if you specifically open the insert object menu via the plus icon of an instance within the explorer.

  • Any chance of us getting a way to manually position our instances within the explorer? Maybe even pin them and mark them with a specific color/icon? Maybe a way to hide instances too?


The Suggested Filters dropdown should disappear when you start typing in the Search bar, is it not working like this on your end? If so, could you please share a video recording for us to look into? Thanks!

It disappears when I type, however, I believe it should not show up when you select the search bar. It’s a tiny bit intrusive. This would be best left as a setting, or, even better, something like the old explorer’s filter button. I don’t want these to show up if I’m not trying to use filters in the first place, also, this way beginners can still learn about them.

If there’s a certain reason or design choice why it appears whenever you select the textbox, it would be cool to know.

I know this is just a nitpick and I can quite literally just type for it to go away, but it still triggers me for some reason.

Note: If this is made into a filter button, that should probably be left as a setting if it’s big enough, as some people have the syntax memorized from the top of their head.

I feel like the style they were going for with this was great, it would be nice if the hitbox was bigger so that we could select around the scroll bar such as the edges or to the very right, and still have it scroll.

This just started happening to me and was not happening before. Unfortunate.

I would like to add that the plus button appears on the right, rather than next to the name of the instance. I’m used to it being near the names of instances, so this should probably be a setting at minimum.


Tried adding 500K instances in a folder and collapsed the folder while it was adding the instances and the output went crazy

ExplorerPlugin.ExplorerPlugin.Packages._Index.Explorer.Explorer.Util.ExplorerNodeChildrenMutable:320: Tree descendant count went below 1  -  Standalone
  Stack Begin  -  Studio
  Script 'ExplorerPlugin.ExplorerPlugin.Packages._Index.Explorer.Explorer.Util.ExplorerNodeChildrenMutable', Line 320 - function patchNodeDescendantCount  -  Studio
  Script 'ExplorerPlugin.ExplorerPlugin.Packages._Index.Explorer.Explorer.Networking.createSession.SessionChildren', Line 14 - function insertInto  -  Studio
  Script 'ExplorerPlugin.ExplorerPlugin.Packages._Index.Explorer.Explorer.Networking.createSession.RootStateUpdating', Line 30 - function instanceAdded  -  Studio
  Script 'ExplorerPlugin.ExplorerPlugin.Packages._Index.Explorer.Explorer.Networking.createSession.createSessionDataModelUpdating', Line 20 - function instanceAdded  -  Studio
  Script 'ExplorerPlugin.ExplorerPlugin.Packages._Index.Explorer.Explorer.Networking.NetworkedRPCInterfaces', Line 127  -  Studio
  Script 'ExplorerPlugin.ExplorerPlugin.Packages._Index.GoodSignal.GoodSignal', Line 38 - function acquireRunnerThreadAndCallEventHandler  -  Studio
  Script 'ExplorerPlugin.ExplorerPlugin.Packages._Index.GoodSignal.GoodSignal', Line 53 - function runEventHandlerInFreeThread  -  Studio
  Stack End
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I’m a full keyboard user most of the time however when I’m using Roblox Studio I have to rely on my trackpad, can the new Explorer accommodate and support better Keyboard use?

On 1080p display with 100% scaling, the + icon appears bitcrushed.

A simple thing I’d imagine, but I did see others didn’t have it this bad looking.


It’s probably harder to notice in a screenshot but I can definitely notice it on my screen

What do you mean by this? Isn’t a trackpad related to a mouse more than a keyboard?

I’m asking for better Keyboard support so I don’t have to rely on my Trackpad (Mouse)