Roblox doesn’t let you upgrade your premium to a higher version until the current one has expired. This is a major problem for developers when they’re trying to upload ugc and have to wait a WHOLE month until they can do anything in there group. I’d love to make an alt and buy the 10 dollar premium to get my ugc up but roblox makes it impossible to transfer robux without waiting at least 2 weeks. This problem needs to be solved to make it easier for developers.
This has already been reported as a bug and requested as a feature multiple times, please take a look at any of the below posts:
I recently tried to change my payment info for my premium and instead the billing settings page and the premium page basically locked me out of doing either. I cannot see any option to renew or change my payment info. The buy buttons on the premium page are unable to be clicked and I can’t see anything but the expiration date on my billing settings. I am concerned about my membership ending because I have over 100 UGC items on sale right now.
The steps I took to get here is that I:
1: …
I was trying to upgrade to Premium 1000 / 2200 to upload a UGC item, and I mistakenly went to my subscriptions and cancelled it thinking this would then allow me to choose another plan, but instead it seems like cancelling the renewal has meant I’m not able to upgrade my plan until the current plan is cancelled (as in, it has reached the renewal date, it is not possible to cancel on the spot)
Expected behavior
Firstly there should be an upsell on the page in your account that you con…
After the recent switch to premium, I’ve cancelled my (Previously OBC) yearly membership with the intention of downgrading to the lowest premium tier, as I only used OBC to be able to devex. However, unlike the previous system, after cancelling my 3rd tier membership, I can’t downgrade to a lower tier until my yearly membership expires. While this may seem fine, as a Roblox developer I will lose revenue in the period between my yearly membership expiring, and the time I purchase the lowest tier…