PointLight erroneously removed from "Egg of Destiny"

I’ve regularly used some particles for advantages in games.
It’s not out of the question that a light is being abused.

Even though I agree with lights possibly giving players unfair advantages, I don’t think it’s fair for the original owners to take away such a unique part of this item. It’d suck if I owned a sound hat and Roblox decided they were too intrusive and removed them when that’s what makes it unique, and that’s why they’re so popular with players.

I think the best solution personally would be to keep any original effects for these items, and give developers easier control over common things like this. Maybe we want size limits on accessories that can be brought into our game, or to remove particles, sounds, scripts, anything of that nature from accessories / gears whenever they’re updated someday.

The catalog is too diverse and being able to restrict accessories per experience would be great.

It’s common enough that I think we should have some settings in our game to quickly toggle such things, maybe under the Avatar tab in Game Settings, because it’s common for many types of experiences to disable sound hats or particles, because it can ruin the immersion if that’s their goal.


This is a pretty creative idea, cheers - could be a good fallback option if they can’t be convinced to revert this.

However, I would like to emphasize that I’m still not convinced that these lights are actually giving true advantages in game. Consider the following conditions:

A. this is purely visual, client-sided behavior. Developers already assume they cannot trust clients with any top critical gameplay decisions; these should be managed by the server. If a developer has implemented economic rewards gated by NOTHING except client-sided brightness and the ability to find something in the dark, this is already a vulnerability regardless of the existence of PointLight items.

B. There seem to have been no major complaints or reports about the Sparkle Time Classic Pumpkin causing problems in at least 4 years, or probably ever, or else this would have been raised long ago.

for _, accessory in Humanoid:GetAccessories() do
    local light = accessory:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("PointLight")
    local particle = accessory:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("ParticleEmitter")

    if light then

    if particle then

-- Change according to if effects 
-- are placed inside the handle, 
-- I forgot.


Saying we have items on roblox with serious problems and already a lack of catalog items removing the pumpkin light is pointless.
Classic item ruined once again with its main highlight that people paid for being removed.

Refund the original players or make it limited or something maybe

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They didn’t buy it + nobody will want it without any special properties.

I find it funny that this reply did not address anything relating to the 6-month umbrella when that was the main argument that sparked it. (Finn mcool WAS a good change, but you shouldn’t just pick and choose what changes to add and hide under the 6-month umbrella)

The artists intended these to have lights!

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The Pumpkin was 31,000 Robux. i dont understand your response to me except we all know the lights were intentional


Again me not thinking before I send a post :l

What I meant to say was, since the item came out of a gift, it was impossible to know the item would contain lights anyways

Taking a cool feature away from the only items to have them years later is still scummy

i think what made this rule was the workclock situation. It makes sense of course to protect old items but roblox still pick and choose and damage old items anyways

The Pumpkin is older than 6 months old, cherished by thousands and then has its special perk removed.

Picking and choosing what to fix and having this 6 month thing doesnt work, many bugs are now being left just for the sake of it, real shame that roblox cant protect items at the same time as well as place these rules in play.

This pumpkin was forever famous for that light, real shame that roblox remove these stuff due to stuff like this, i just see more items being trashed than being fixed with this feature

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I do too, and I saw that reply. I was gonna use it as an example, but I was too lazy.

If you fix Finn Mcool due to the artistic intent, why deny fixing other items due to them being 6-months old? Sorta seems like a “Nuh uh, I don’t wanna do that right now!” card.


When this was fixed by one of the staff it’s possible they also either accidentally removed the light or they decided to do it purposefully.

  • Add PointLight back to both Sparkle Time Classic Pumpkin and Egg of Destiny

  • Remove UGC ( Because Yes ) + Refund all Sparkle Time Classic Pumpkin owners 21,000 Robux.

This has to be illegal. Removing the appeal of an item that was used to compensate for the absolute disgrace of an item we got out of the 31,000 gift back in 2015. You don’t add a feature to compensate for money spent, get on ground basis level where the other party accepted your common ground and then take it away 10 years later.

As for your “Removed because of unfair advantage”. Any game that relied on darkness in game had already planned ahead and implemented a PointLight removal from whatever hat had this.


Yeah, I do not really know how to feel about this change, to be completely honest. While I could live with the fact that the Egg of Destiny’s PointLight might’ve been completely unintentional (even if it would’ve been nice to see it restored), the Sparkle Time Classic Pumpkin’s was clearly intentional, so removing it feels like a slap in the face for those that spent 31k Robux on it almost ten years ago.

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So I did some research and found that the script inside the “Egg of Destiny” item was removed on January 16, 2020, followed by the PointLight a few hours later. You can confirm this with the replies below in the bug report.

I found the related DevForum bug report post, and I think @subcritical, the Roblox staff involved in this incident, should make a statement if a real reason is being searched for (They’re quite active on the DevForum, so I don’t see why not):

Actually, the bug report only needed the script to be removed, but the PointLight was also removed, and despite being questioned by several users, they didn’t get further responses.

However, I still agree with the “we don’t want anyone to have an advantage in certain games” argument, but I hope this doesn’t lead to a snowball effect that could result in removing particle effects as well. I’m against that because particles already show up enough in dark games, and it’s not hard to imagine that we’ll eventually reach a point where we can’t say anything once they’re removed.


Can you clarify that the team doesn’t plan to remove Particles effects like sparkles, bubbles, etc?

Removing the pointlight from the Sparkle Time Classic Pumpkin instead of just choosing not to re-enable the pointlight in the Egg of Destiny was an interesting way to go about this bug report.

Roblox is basically rubbing salt in the wounds of the owners of this item. The gift this hat came from was already very unpopular when it first released due to the original intended item inside getting leaked and not being all that good, it was so unpopular in fact that Roblox had to instead retexture the classic pumpkin head with sparkle time and give it particles and a light to satisfy the owners of the gift. This gift costed R$31,000 in 2015, mind you.

The Egg of Destiny having its light removed was far less impactful considering it was a FREE event item with a sizeable amount of owners. The pumpkin on the other hand costed A LOT of Robux to purchase, especially for 2015 standards when inflation wasn’t so bad. This change should just be reverted considering the amount of people who can even take advantage of having light in dark games is so small that it shouldn’t have ever been a major concern to begin with.

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The solution would just be making a feature in the settings of games to disable all effects including audio, sparkles, and lights.
It allows the item to remain how it was and for games where those are intrusive to be “hidden”

Agreed, I don’t know why they thought this was the way to go, STP doesn’t even have a whole lot of owners and isn’t a limited, if anything they should of fixed the ghost particles on the hat to go everywhere instead of one direction

They don’t. If they actually did, it would cause a riot.

This is scriptable, so this didn’t even have to be done in the first place.

So is automatically R6, automatically R15, and in game clothing but Roblox has settings for those.