Possible Recent ROBLOX Update Broke Our Game

Hello, I am requesting urgent help since a recent ROBLOX update seems to have messed with our game completely. We use a lot of humanoids and it seems to be involved with this update. Releasing Character Physics Controllers
At least that’s what we believe is the problem we haven’t touched our game recently with our older content. Dev forum also has someone reporting a very similar case please take a look! Thank you for your time.
My ENTIRE GAME broke from a Roblox update! (HELP NEEDED)


Already reported?

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Thank you for the report! Our team is currently investigating this issue. We’ll keep you updated on our progress.


Found a workaround to this problem if you need it here it is:

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Hello developers! Our engineers are actively working on identifying the root cause of the issue and resolving it. For more information, please see the linked post below. We will also be communicating on that thread with further updates regarding this issue.


I’m sorry, but I am not able to reproduce this on my Apple Mac Pro, with the M2 Max chip with 192GB of Unified Memory.

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Hi, we’ve fully released the fix for the issue. Please let us know if it is not resolved. Thank you!

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