Preventing Account Farming and Exploits

Ok fair, you are right on that


Yes, if you open the server list there is a super high chance you see one or even multiple.


I theorise the reason you seldom see those players is because they occupy servers as soon as possible, leaving no slots for human players to notice.


As much as I love to see this, I have high doubts about it. I have a feeling that this will stop a big portion of bot accounts, but it won’t stop all. Hyperion was launched 2 years ago (wow, 2024 went by quickly), and yet there are still exploiters rampant in a lot of front-page games.

I am also highly skeptical as to whether the AI would actually work, or if it would give mostly false positives (as we have seen before).


I understand removing entirely automated accounts, but will this impact games with macro communities? For example, games like Bee Swarm Simulator have massive communities of people that macro in game to progress. It’s practically required to reach endgame content and macros are entirely allowed by the creator. I think that removing the ability to Macro would severely hurt games like BSS.


Creators are not safe or able to provide adequate safety with our current tools (which are little to none), so I welcome new change, but also would like to see back changes as well. A requested change in the ban API is so incredibly nontrivial yet the safety effect and reliability of it for creators would dramatically increase - and the time for us needing to implement this API is now.


Tbh I see where you’re getting at, I think their main objective is to combat competitive games to make sure everyone has a fair experience, but I’m guessing it would impact games with macro communities the same way it does with every other experience.


Amazing update :fire::fire::fire:
Now all we need is an egg hunt and it will be an amazing year for ROBLOX :egg:


yeah it sounds like they are really taking it serious after the issue


Onett should just make the game fun to play without having to literally farm for nights on end. That’s his problem. If the game wasn’t so repetitive and grindy, people wouldn’t have to macro, simple.

Same for Fisch, that game says macros are “frowned upon” yet practically encourages them with their new rods.


It baffles me that after time and time again, Roblox never decides to just work on a server-sided character netcode that would prevent all these issues in the first place.

We have precise network timing, we have unreliable remotes and we have parallel threading. Just give us physics rollback APIs and we’ll fix it for you, since you don’t seem to want to yourselves.


I don’t think this will be an good idea,

We’ve already seen AI moderation bots going rouge, what will we do
if rouge AI will be another issue but with anti-cheats


Roblox is actually taking action against exploiters! But I don’t think using AI is good.

But at least their taking action.

What if someone is falsely banned? Can they appeal?
Will this be able to take care of the bot farming problems?

Where are some games with bots and calculated percentage.

  • Fisch: 30 - 55% bots
  • MM2: 40 - 75% bots
  • Pet Sim 99: 99.5% bots
  • Pets Go: 99.8% bots

I think they accept features that benefit themselves, and not the community. But idk that’s just a guess


Byfron didn’t do anything, partnership with synapse didn’t do much. And this is what’s gonna happen? When I see it work I’ll believe it.


In my opinion modified clients and any type of script injection is what Roblox should aim to prevent the most. I think it is the developer’s responsibility to make games intuitively designed as to simply standing still and auto clicking not getting them anymore, as that would lack any sort of game interaction anyways.


Is Byfron added to mobile? The bots use a mobile emulator so perhaps a bypass on mobile? Bots are difficult to track cause they look like normal accounts, we just have to see how well the detection does.


Byfron/Hyperion has basic detection measures on mobile. However those in charge of Hyperion do not have permission to ban the bots/exploiters they detect. That is the crux of the issue and why it is still a problem today.


nope I don’t think so cause actually unless they get caught

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(translation: Hi, there’s many people who can’t join my new game, error code is 600 (BanAsync))

It does work though, although isn’t really that great. The image in question implies to someone admitted to exploiting on their alt in the same device, and banning alts via IP isn’t really that effective considering Carrier-grade NAT, public networks (e.g. schools, universities, restaurants, etc.) and, normal-sized families in a single home?