R6 to R15 Adapter [Beta]: Enable R15 Tech in R6 Experiences

do not delete r6 please it will break many games and r6 is better than r15


This is pretty neat, but some animations aren’t working at the moment except for some execeptions
Not sure if I missed something in the beta that said animations weren’t working, but here’s an example.

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I’ve already said that if someone didn’t like R15 they would have just changed their avatar.

Yeah 1 or 2, doesn’t make a difference.

Even if there was a ton of bot accounts with R15 if there was a massive community of R6 users then they would outnumber them.

Also, did you entirely miss the 40% statistic of active players playing R15 experiences in Roblox?

What is this straw man argument? I said that half the developer community isn’t on this thread so you can’t say that “half the developer community isn’t happy”.

This is because R15 allows much more options for avatars, for example, this bundle which is not possible to be created with R6:


Here’s a general statement written by a DevRel staff member regarding why old features have to be removed.

TL;DR: Nothing is really wrong with R6 itself, but it’s going to be a pain for Roblox engineers to develop new features if they need to worry about every bug stemming from old features.

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I will give some feedback on the feature as of now. I am aware this feature is in beta, and this is subject to change. This is as of 8/26/2023.

  • Scaling is wacky. I’ve attached below a photo of my avatar when rigged with R6 (left), when rigged without the adapter in R15 (center), and when rigged with the adapter in R15 (right). As expected, neither my layered clothing nor my bundle render in R6. In R15, my scaling options and my avatar preferences normally render as expected. Adapted R15 sets my scaling options to what I assume is supposed to be “classic” scaling. I would expect something more like Rthro bundles that got R6 ports, such as City Life Woman. TL;DR: The head is HUGE compared to the tiny body.

Here’s a photo of my avatar using Egg, for reference.

  • Animations are really bugged. /e dance inexplicably doesn’t work, jumps look off, things just look kinda weird.

  • R6 literally does not work with the adapter on. Is this intentional? The adapter just forces R15 and then adapts avatars, even if the avatar being rendered is an R6 avatar. This should not be intended behavior, and the adapter should only be functioning for users with only R15 avatars.


It was a good call to make this Studio-only. This really needs a lot of work before its even ready for full opt-in.


Most likely if things go bad and R6 is pretty much removed or something (or you just feel like using R15 rigs), you can pretty much just animate like R6 in R15 by just moving the whole arm around as one whole part like in R6. There is an issue with this being the fact that you can still see the R15 segments and stuff. This is basically entirely based off preference, and if you don’t want to really see those, I’d recommend using S15 rigs:

The model has a script in it which will load the rigs onto the player when they join.

They are R15 “based” (by based I mean that the bone positions are basically in the same positions as they would be on a R15 rig) rigs that are inspired a whole lot by R6 rigs, but get rid of the visible segments on R15 rigs. You can do the same strategy of moving the whole arm around like in R6 which will make this basically identical to R6. And hey! If you ever want to start animating with R15, since these are pretty identical to R15 (rig/bone wise), you can animate R15 stuff with these! They are also skinned, so body parts are connected and aren’t just seperate parts, so now rotating body parts will keep them connected and stretch the mesh out.

  • Please never remove the R6 technology
  • Please never remove R6 from the avatar creator!
  • Please never remove the compatibility layer!
  • Please never force us to use neocolassic!
  • Please never give disproportional coverage to RHTRO (includes rhtro scaling and/or rhtro package) like you previously did in the avatar chooser
  • If the avatar chooser has RHTRO options it should then have both R15 (without RHTRO scaling) and R6 options as well
  • Neoclassic is not the original blocky character so don’t pretend it is!

Nobody pointed out that the 2% of people using R6 are almost all active users who actively fight to keep R6. 100 million people constantly switching back to R6 when Roblox changes it to R15. A large amount of people who do not want R15 on their avatar.


They are deprecating the R6 technology. You will still be able to have characters that look exactly like R6 characters, just with R15 technology running it under-the-hood.

I feel like there is some misunderstanding going on. When I think of R6 “technology”, I think of Humanoid.Torso and CharacterMeshes. Stuff that’s a decade-and-a-half old. Who needs that, if it can be perfectly replicated with R15 technology?

Well considering the fact there’s maybe only like 10 worlds that still use gears, safe to say those items have been defunct for a long time

Exactly! They’re forcing people into the adapter regardless of whether they’re using R15 or R6. When it would make more sense to only apply it to people using R15.

To reiterate:

the best solution would be to make a skinned mesh version of the r15 blocky character and allow the player to equip r6 animations and change to the r6 size then have an adapter for games that have/will use r6 animations

this would preserve the look and adapt to classic games and allow the player to keep the same look :open_mouth:

the problem since the beginning has been that the roblox avatar needs to just be a skinned mesh :expressionless:

im still mad at my ragdoll issues while using this, otherwise id love to use this in my games

Oh wow, almost like forcing R15 and Stevie Standard on inactive accounts raised the number!

It’s just a hunch but I’m pretty sure Erik didn’t do this…


Also, god, the scaling on this is so off, and it’s pretty concerning how they’re going to replicate the phsyics.


Roblox, to clear up a lot of the confusion people have, I suggest to make a forum post answering these questions that literally everyone here has:

  • Will legacy r6 be removed from the website?
  • Will legacy r6 still be usable in games?
  • Will animations using legacy r6 rig work with the emulated r6?
  • Will scripts using legacy r6 rig work with the emulated r6?
  • How is the emulated rig structured? Is it structured similarly to the r6 rig with only 6 parts, but using new r15 technology like the new meshes, or is it an r15 rig with an extra 6 parts to it?

Again, I suggest making a forum post answering these questions. A lot of people are really confused on the future of legacy r6. People are also concerned about games using legacy r6. People aren’t really mad for no reason roblox, the post just really doesn’t explain a lot about the update. The majority of the post is literally just about r15 and statistics.


here, why not just turn the blocky r15 rigs into skinned meshes and then turn r6 into the “limited movement” version of that? it looks about the same and pretty much modernizes both while keeping the same feeling :smiley:


these bodies are both skinned too

Can you please just stop advertising you r21 rig? We get it, its good

Are you serious bro like what :sob: