Happy year of the snake!
Here are the release notes for 658: Release notes for 658 | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub
Stay healthy out there
Happy year of the snake!
Here are the release notes for 658: Release notes for 658 | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub
Stay healthy out there
I dont have anything to say about any of these release notes, I just want to say I love how changes to the new Explorer are being listed so thoroughly. It’s a welcome change from the usual way widgets are updated.
What is that supposed to mean?
Not sure what the point of this is exactly but I know why it got added (stares at @juliaoverflow)
It’s the year of the snake for lunar new year / Chinese new year.
Now that makes more sense! Thank you!
for some reason the script auto complete broke after i updated Roblox studio
No more year of the dragon
Chinese new year has a different animal every year.
Thank you for the mark tag in RichText!! This will significantly improve the performance of my plugin, as I was trying it do this behavior manually.
When will buffer read/write bits functions come out?
Hi! Are you still experiencing this issue? We have a fix out this morning that should help. If you are connected to TeamCreate, you may need to leave and rejoin so your TeamCreate server restarts
This issue is still prominent in games that are selected to use R6 rigs. When I test in studio roughly 5 times out of 10 it will make my character an R15 rig.
This issue is especially noticeable when quickly leaving and rejoining testing sessions.
(This is not a super big issue, but still annoying, especially when my games rely on the r6 body parts to load)
We’re still seeing some quite sub-optimal paths in our game, so I’m interested what “Adds time limitation for improved pathfinding.” refers to? Is this an optimisation or something that will improve the quality of the paths? It’s a bit cryptic!