Roblox + Monstercat = <3

Listen up, Developers!!!

Today, we’re excited to officially announce that we’ve partnered with Monstercat to bring you a huge collection of music for you to use (for FREE) in your games!

There are over 50 tracks available now, with even more on the way, for you to use in any of your games. Browse the collection in the audio library right now or queue up the Roblox x Monstercat Spotify playlist to listen to all the jams Monstercat has to offer.


Hold on… did I just see…


Yes! YES!!! I can’t believe they blessed us with Crab Rave. Raise your pincers, my dudes!

And this is just the beginning.

Much like Roblox, Monstercat’s vision is to empower a creative and passionate community of artists and fans through innovation. This is the first of many exciting collaborative opportunities we hope to do with Monstercat in order to power creativity and imagination together!

Let’s turn this thing up to 11 :star_struck:


You should add the ability to sort through Monstercat (and other audio partners) and user generated audio.


This is amazing

Finally, the day has a came!
We’ve seen rumors of the official account, and the songs in the library…
The existence of Monstercat is now official!
Their music is so amazing. And the collection released is so vast!

A bop outside of Roblox now in Roblox, how much better could it get?
No longer with the fear of a DMCA looming (at least, for Monstercat.)


  1. Will you partner with any other music publishers/creators later down the line? That would be really cool.

  2. Secondly, are we only allowed to use these songs? Monstercat has released so many more tracks that haven’t been added to this list.

  3. Third, do we have to give credit, even though it’s free to use? If so, do we credit Monstercat or the creator?

  4. Fourth, is this long-term? Where can we find these songs without taking a direct link? Will there be a separate category for Monstercat, or maybe even for other companies…?

  5. Fifth, I just thought about this, but I remember content creators on Youtube having to turn off in-game sound to avoid copyright. Does this allow content creators to take videos with Monstercat in them? Will Youtube auto copyright strike their videos? What about someone basically staying afk in a game, to record the Monstercat music, while claiming to be playing Roblox? Where’s the line?

I hope you do add on to the list of great songs later down the road.

Thanks! Can’t wait to use their music. :cat:



Very cool, looking forward to content more partnerships bring us.
Praise aside - will giving any form of credits be necessary?


I think everyone on Roblox is going to be happy about this, now that the void left behind by the great DMCA’ing is being filled in by some proper music everyone can jam out to.

Are they going to be uploading only newer content or will they upload some of their classics too? There is a ton of really cool songs from their older days such as this absolute banger.


Does this partnership mean any licensable tracks by Monstercat can be used (see: Non-Licensable Tracks - Monstercat), or only the ones uploaded by the Monstercat Roblox account? I have a game releasing soon and would love to use a lot more tracks by Conro, CloudNone, and F.O.O.L, which currently aren’t on the website. 50 tracks is nice, but the Monstercat catalog has about or over 2,000 tracks.

As a note for video creators, I would recommend looking into Monstercat Gold (Gold - Monstercat) for $5/month. Guarantees you won’t get copyright strikes and allows you to download high-quality versions of the tracks for custom use, not just in games. YouTube Content Id may get messy as usual, and this announcement doesn’t mention video creators.

Edit: Reached out internally in Monstercat and confirmed that content creators will need Monstercat Gold in order to monetize videos. Make sure to include mute buttons in games for those who don’t want to pay for the licenses.


This is amazing, finally some great official free music!


Sweet! Definitely going to use these audios in my own games. :crab:

Will we be seeing more partnerships like these with other companies?


Keep up the great work.

Do we have to credit anyone if we choose to use these pieces in our games?


Holy cow, I’ve been waiting for something like this to happen! This is incredible, seeing Monstercat collab with Roblox is a dream fully come true, and it’s great to see them expand the variety of audio in the library, especially with great tracks from Monstercat.

Fingers crossed we see more of this soon, potentially from NCS maybe! :crossed_fingers:




Finally some half decent music you can use that doesn’t require precise context.


APM Music has been the standby for quite some time. As Roblox outsources and collaborates with more and more composers and artists to power imagination, I wonder if something like creative commons will come into effect. There are certain restrictions installed for APM usage right now,, what are the considerations for Monstercat? And for the future collaborators, will there just be prefab terms of use? I could imagine getting caught up in too many unique agreements.


Is ROBLOX looking at getting any other artists to upload their songs to the site? It’d be nice to see some artists upload their songs to the site so that others don’t have to try and bypass them.


Is this going to be a long term deal where they keep making more songs for the Developers and will there eventually be a featured catalog of audios directly by Monstercat or possible other partners?


Nah, this deserves a 12. :eyes:

Had already seen this before the post, but it’s awesome nonetheless.


In Library, search for author “Monstercat”