Roblox Player won't launch after I click "Play" on an experience

It was Bitdefender, once I added an exception to Roblox Player through Bitdefender I was able to load games again.

I have been experiencing this issue for three weeks straight, even though I have not installed this application. I wonder if this is related to Windows 11 Insider, but I have not found any confirmation. I have tried every possible method, including reinstalling, but nothing works. Roblox keeps crashing, while Roblox Studio runs fine.

I just tried Demofocus’s Method and It allowed me to boot up the game. It was a bit tricky but I had to place the exception explicitly on the ‘RobloxPlayerBeta’ Application for any success.

Windows 11 insider is not supported at the moment. A fix is in the pipeline.

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Thank you for confirming. As mentioned, the issue is known, and we have a fix going through the build and test pipeline right now, and it will be rolled out with the next release.

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Hello Ionely_traveler,

You mentioned crashes. If you have a crash dump, please forward it to us for analysis.

I do not have a crash dump file the client instantly crashes and shows up for about 5ms. The only thing I have is Roblox logs end at

2023-10-26T18:06:31.702Z,2.702143,621c,6 [FLog::SurfaceController] SurfaceController::RenderJob::scheduleRender: No data model. Bind workspace now...
2023-10-26T18:06:31.718Z,2.718177,621c,6 [FLog::Graphics] LayeredClothingMode updated: LC=1 HSR=1
2023-10-26T18:06:31.728Z,2.728385,621c,6 [FLog::Graphics] SceneManager: resizing main targets to 2560x1369

I would also like to thank you for your quick response times and actively trying to find the issue.

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I also use Bitdefender, but I tried adding an exception to Roblox although it didn’t fix the issue. For me, the issue started yesterday immediately after the Roblox player updated.

It also still does not work after the fix.

Without crash dumps, it is really hard to diagnose the issue. The whole Bitdefender incompatibility issue was worked out by the community, and without folks here on the forum, we wouldn’t even have known, as it is impossible to have all possible configurations in-house for testing. Thank you all for your help and dedication.

Having said that, for the next release, we have currently merged fixes for all the issues mentioned in my post here, and we hope this solves the majority of the incompatibilities discussed in this topic.


Should I private message you the log file?

Ideally, I would like to have a crash dump. If you have one, please feel free to upload it to Google Drive (crash dumps can be huge) and send me the link in a DM. If you don’t have any place to store the crash dump, please let me know in a DM, and I will provide a location.

If you don’t have a crash dump and only have logs, feel free to DM them to me. Unfortunately, log files are hit and miss. Sometimes we can figure out the root cause, but more often than not, we can’t.

Experiencing the same thing, and have been for a little over a week. It only happens on my Window devices, not my Macbook.

If you don’t have a crash dump, you can try to capture one using ProcDump, as described in Strategy Four here.

Yes, I managed to fix the issue by disabling advanced threat defense.

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I would like to confirm that the solution provided by poopman has resolved the issue for me.

This is the issue I’m experiencing. I do not get any crash dump files. It’s been over 2 days since I have not been able to access Roblox because of this.


Yep, same issue for me. Have not been able to play for the past 2 days. I have tried the Hyperion related solutions to no avail. Stopped every service and application which did not change it. I do not have Bitdefender installed.


Same thing exactly, tried everything.


It’s been 3 days and this issue hasn’t been fixed yet. All I did is to revert from Windows 11 to Windows 10 to fix the issue