Ruski's Tutorial #2 - How to design a simple house

Hello once again, beautiful people of Roblox! I’ve returned with another step-by-step tutorial, this time discussing how to lay out and design a simple house! Thanks again for the support on the previous tutorial for designing maps. If you missed it, you can find it here: Ruski’s Tutorial #1 - How to design your maps layout or for my guide on sound and audio, click HERE.

What makes a good house?

They say home is where the heart is… Well they’re wrong! Home is where you can easily access the bathroom, kitchen, and bedroom without having to go through a maze of corridors! Seriously, though.
First things first, we need to come up with a floor plan. I highly recommend searching for some on the web. There’s plenty of free-to-use floor drafts and plans around the internet. One site that I like to use in particular is

Here’s a few things to consider before choosing a layout:

  1. How big is the house/building?

  2. How many players should be able to comfortably fit in the house at once?

  3. Will this floor plan fit the shape of the lot, or will it make the exterior look funny?

  4. Will the props/furniture I plan to use be a suitable size for the room(s)?

Whether you’re following a floor plan you found, or one you sketched out, let’s continue! For this tutorial we’ll be going off of this floor plan:

Floor plan photo

Getting Started

Let’s get settled in with the basics. The first step is laying out sizes. I don’t care what anyone says–size does matter. I like to keep the walls .7 studs thick. I also like to keep it an average height that matches about the height of a characters bellybutton. I use Bob-Chan as a height reference for all my doorways and windows.

Photos 1 (meet bob-chan)

Now we can move on to the actual building part. WOO! Let’s start by tracing out some rooms, our doorways (RED), and our windows (BLUE).

Photos 2 (layout basics)

Once we’re satisfied with the floor plan and room sizes, we can start building up our walls. Make sure that the player has room to move the camera freely (not having a very low ceiling). Depending on the complexity of your house, it’s nice to have areas with vaulted ceilings.

I like to use this time period to add a little frame around the windows and have them extend out a bit. It adds a nice touch of contrast to the flat walls.

Photos 3 (walls and window frames)

Getting into the Details

Now here’s where the real fun starts. If you’re wishing to go for a bit of extra detail without going overkill on part count, just a little bit of baseboard & some wall color can go a long way. I like to place a veryyy thin part along the inside of the walls, that way I can color rooms individually to give them each a bit of personality. Putting a baseboard (or top board if you wanna get real funky) can also help break up the ground and wall nicely.

Photos 4 (wallpaper & baseboard)

I mean, while we’re at it, why don’t we do the same for the floor? Then we can texture each room according to its theme.

Photos 5 (flooring)

From here we can begin working on the exterior. I could go very deep into the topic of exterior design, but I’m trying to keep this short and to the point. Feel free to experiment with your own style, using your creative brain will set your house apart from the rest! Once again, finding reference images will be your best friend for coming up with ideas.

For this house, I am going to do a small deck and a simple sloped roof, similar to the reference photo bellow.

(reference photo)

Photos 6 (roof slope and deck)

I like to overhang the roof slope about 1 or 2 studs over, then the shingle layer on it another 1 stud over that. This adds a more realistic overhang style as seen in most modern North American homes.

From here, you can leave it flat and plain, or do as I do below and make a wood shake pattern on the walls (this works great on the roof too!). I adjust the sizes and make sure the lineups are offset, and toss a small rotation on each one to give them more originality and less of a copy/paste feel (remember: real life is random!) Adjusting the color of the shakes also helps it stand out.

The same concept can be used on the walls, but I did it at a single rotation and in long strips to reflect modern vinyl siding.

Photos 7 (wall siding)


So here we are at the end of this quick and simple tutorial. Here are the key takeaways:

  • Plan your layout. It helps to draw it out or have a pre-existing template to look at
  • Use characters for scale and reference
  • Plan ahead as to what’s going in the building so you’re not making it too large or too small
  • Small details do matter, don’t be afraid to try new styles

Overall, have fun with designing homes. This was more or less just a tutorial to show that planning is essential. Without a good plan, everything falls apart. If you have any questions, feel free to leave them bellow. I’ll add onto this topic later on when it’s not 2:49am on a work night….

Thanks again for the support. if you have a suggestion on the next tutorial then leave it down below, I’d be happy to make another.

Stay Cheeky,



Great tutorial! I’ve thought about using house plans found online like you show here, but never got to it. Really, the biggest downfall I see with houses in Roblox games is awkward layout, even if it technically works. What I especially like about this is how you don’t elaborate on building techniques but rather how to combine multiple ideas and aspects about building, which is often overlooked.

For your next tutorial, I would recommend either furniture (to match with this tutorial) or designing an more open map, similar to your first but with less or non-linear maps.


Thanks for this tutorial, I’m sure this will help out me and others in making a house in a easier but detailed way.


This is a great tutorial. Usually I’d build the main shape but then have troubles having to go back and change basic/fundamental things so this will definitely help! I’ll definitely be using this next time I’m building houses or buildings. :+1:

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I need more this kind of tutorials from you! It’s really helpful since I’m pretty sure I’m bad at building layout but with you here, I can build the perfect house ever!

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I’m going to be honest. Personally, I’m never going to use this tutorial.

But the fact that you (who makes maps at a very professional standard), took your time and made a really in-depth and quality tutorial for anyone to use is such a respectable thing to do. Especially since you shared some of your methods/tips.

Huge hats off to you dude, keep it up!


Thanks for the great tutorial. This came out at a great time, I will be using it.


Amazing! This is going to help me in many ways and I love it. An awesome thing about this is how you go step by step and combining separate parts into one.

Keep up with the great tutorials, it helps many users out there!


Thanks for the awesome tutorial! I look forward to diving in and using it! :slight_smile:


This helped me a lot, as a person who’s not a builder. Having a step by step tutorial explaining how to design something from scratch is extremely helpful. I hope these tutorials keep up as then I can improve my building skills!

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Wow, this is so convenient. Not the mention the convenient step-to-step tutorial. It is cool to see how this is so organized throughout the whole process.


I loved the first tutorial and I definitely like this one too. This is definitely being bookmarked. Great tutorial!

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This is actually a great tutorial for users that are new to the building sides of Roblox. Displays the main areas of focus when building including design, texture, color, blend, and much MUCH more. I love the low-poly feel of the build as well, great tutorial for those who would need it.


Thank you so much for the tutorial! I very much appreciate your work on this tutorial and the previous one. I am definitely going to be using your tutorial for my game :smiley: :+1:


Great tutorial for beginners. I’ll even try it out myself.
Only problem with this was the layout. A lot of people get stuck on that part as indifferent as it can sound or such. People usually end up trying to make their own layouts out of parts instead of a decal and end up messing up the build in such.
Aside from explaining the Layout part, it was a great tutorial! [If you did explain it then I feel dumb lol]

Hey Good afternoon.

It is really clear and I have no doubts and I think that for everyone who is starting in roblox studio with a house this tutorial is the one to get acquainted with the constructions and already have a little idea of how to start a construction.

Thanks for use your time writing it!

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Nice tutorial overall. Im kinda confused about how you found the height and the “correct” sizes of the rooms. Will try build a nice little house with this tutorial tho. (If im allowed, steal your blueprint :cowboy_hat_face: :see_no_evil:)

This is so helpful! Thank you so much!

Hey, something you should add is measurements. A preferable stud ratio to make the house should be from 0.2-1 (depending) for people to better scale them. So my point is to add a stud ratio when building.

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