Security Notification: Impossible to reset account

The Security Notification had randomly locked this account, when no bad extensions, vpn, new location or account sharing was ever used or done.

I have 2 accounts linked to one email, one which has not been locked and this one which is.

When I tried to reset the password to my locked account, it only let me do so on the one which was NOT locked. After that happened I decided to change emails on the unlocked account and try again.

Although an email was originally attached to this account, when I attempted to use it on the security notification, there was no email sent back.

Same rules applied to any action that required the verified email, such as one time code login or the “forgot password” button. An email was never sent back when attempting any of the above mentioned actions.

I attempted to use another email which is linked to other accounts all of which are NOT locked and the email got sent.

This leads me to believe the Security Notification would not only reset your password, but also the email address gets taken off of it, making it impossible to recover the account.

I am unable to confirm this suspicion, because at this time I have no way of accessing this account on any device. Yet miraculously I am not logged out of the dev forum on my phone and can make this report.

Sadly I have no phone number attached to this account so I am unable to confirm if this issue is present with it as well.

System information

  • Windows 11 Pro
  • CPU: Intel code i7 12700kf
  • GPU: NVIDIA RTX 3060

Browsers I attempted this on:

  • Google Chrome(both pc and mobile)
  • Microsoft Edge(pc)

Expected behavior

I assumed that when I try to login to an account that shared an email with another it would have me select which account to do it on. Likely by having the reset button given by email to then have me pick an account.

The same way one time codes let me pick which account of the ones linked to the email to login to, after the code has been entered and validated.

A private message is associated with this bug report


I had the same issue until a few days ago.

If you’re using the same email for 2+ Roblox accounts and one of them gets a “Security Notification” and a password reset, chances are the email gets removed from all accounts except the first one.

They said this was fixed, but I guess not. Roblox really needs to stop removing emails, as it makes account recovery impossible. It’s supposed to only reset the password as intended, and we should be able to regain access by entering our email address.

I even confirmed this with Roblox Support—they told me the account had no email, even though it did. If it weren’t for a DevForum staff member helping me, I wouldn’t have been able to recover my account at all.

In the meantime, send a support ticket and wait. It’ll be useful in case of any further updates.

My bug report is available here:

Hopefully, they can compare our cases, identify common points, and find the root cause to fix it. This is a big issue—having your email removed can result in permanently losing access to your account.


I hope so too.
I have sent support an email regarding my account being locked and having no email. Hope they get it attached on there so I can have it also fixed.


Yea ok dude
I got rejected 3 consecutive times just because the account no longer has an email address…
This is so unfair :pensive:
I even told them things like recently played games, friend nicknames, birth date and other stuff that are only visible while on the account itself…

At this point a staff member from here is the only option I have…
Hope I don’t randomly get logged out of the dev forum as well…

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The staff has been made aware of this report, and I’ve provided your user ID. They said they can’t guarantee anything, but I hope it gets resolved. It was mentioned that it depends on the case.