Small Humanoids control like ice

If you shrink the player character or have any small humanoids in general, they start to control as if they were walking on ice. I expect them to continue to control as normal regardless of size. The issue happens consistently in all situations as far as I can tell.

I remember this bug started happening after the humanoid physics were tweaked a few months ago. There was a “heads-up” post about it somewhere but I’m unable to find it.

Repro of the behavior (14.9 KB)


A post similar to this already exists, although it’s not categorized as a bug.

That was my own post. I forgot to make it a bug report until I was reminded of the bug again by playing through my game.


Oh, whoops, my bad.

note to self;
don’t try to read on a screen about 5 feet away when your vision is blurry from sleep deprivation


Small Humanoids (BodyScale 0.5 and lower) have an “ice skating” effect when moving around. It takes a long time for them to accelerate / decelerate. This issue may have regressed if it was previously fixed.

I have created a simple open source repro place here to see the issue clearly. Default humanoid size is set to 0.2.