Social Links - Discord/Twitter

I might be wrong on this but the folks who are suggesting “use PolicyService” aren’t exactly correct. Although the Community Rules do now whitelist Discord as a social link, other rules regarding Discord have not changed. It can only be used via the Social Media tab of your experience’s configuration.

Does anyone have a standing source that PolicyService is safe to use if you want to show a Discord icon, name and/or a link or are developers just assuming it’s fine now because of how it’s set up? Even if PolicyService has Discord under an allowed links key, doesn’t really mean the rules on it changed.

Twitter is a different circumstance (although, in my opinion, weirdly so, since both of them have the same expectation about age; probably their concern is the need for an account to view Discord content?) which is why you see it around but not Discord.

Would stay away from marking solutions that imply showing Discord is okay because another experience is currently doing it as there’s no guarantee what they’re doing is actually in line with the rules. Look for an official statement or message DevEngagement for a better answer.

Remember that none of us are staff and can’t give an authoritative answer so a lot of the responses here will probably be speculative and assumptions even though, to my knowledge, nothing changed with the rules around Discord.

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You could use the box for anything, it could be a spot warning users of scams or really anything else (ToS permitted)

The policy changed a few weeks ago, I’ve read the full Community Rules and it says nothing about these links only being usable in Social Links. However, the logo could be a problem since under 13s can view the image on-site.

I’d still want it to open the code menu, I’m just not sure what to do instead of a picture. For example, the word ‘Code’ would make the square box a rectangle which I don’t really want it to be.

You could use a Roblox Group icon if it’s a group etc.

Hey! Thanks for replying! Do you know how to contact the DevEngagement team?

They are only for forum moderation and showcasing developer talent.

I need an exact cited source please. Using the words of a developer alone isn’t enough for me to take a gamble on Roblox pulling the trigger on my experience or not for the presence of what I’ve known as an otherwise blacklisted link.

If you’re talking about the new provision:

Offsite website links, services, and additional 3rd party content are not permitted on Roblox with the following exceptions: YouTube, Facebook, Discord, Twitter, Twitch (and such other links that Roblox may subsequently permit).

Then that’s there to justify the Social Media tab but not necessarily anywhere else. I’m looking for a staff message saying that PolicyService can be used to display Discord. This being that I’m also curious about whether or not the circumstances have changed.

Also, no, they can also be used for other kinds of contact, but yeah the link provided is how you can view and reach them. Forum moderation is part of their mission but so is maintaining contact between developers and other Roblox Staff. Read point two of that group’s description. Developer Relations as a whole is for communicating with us as developers.


What about the Developer Relations team?
(Developer relations - DevForum | Roblox)

Read the Community Rules, it says nothing about them being banned everywhere else but social links.

They cannot be messaged as they have DMs off on the group.

Would Roblox Support be able to help?

Can’t message that group since it’d message Developer Relations as a whole. Developer Engagement is for communication with developers.

Right, but you see I already quoted this in my post. Not every rule will be explicitly written down in the Community Rules so just seeing it there is not justification enough to prove that it’s actually allowed or not. Additionally what you’ve linked is a developer’s words, not those from a staff member.

“Respect Policy APIs” to me speaks like yes, you do need to use PolicyService to respect a player’s policies and therefore access to features. This includes using Robux to open loot crates and any other descriptors laid out there. It does not change the ban on Discord though. Discord was blanket banned a while ago and said ban has not been lifted. There’s no staff comment to go off of.

Just because it’s there doesn’t mean the blanket ban was lifted. I need an official comment please.

Roblox has no department for ‘questions’ so they may not be able to help.

They have to write all the rules down there or else the rule doesn’t legally exist.

They do not need to go out and say this publicly, they can silently allow this overnight.

Read this topic:

It goes over how Discord links are allowed now…

There is a category for ‘Chat and Age Settings’, so I could maybe ask them about using scripts to only show it to certain players and if that’s allowed?

That is probably for changing your personal age settings. They probably know nothing about this policy.

You may be confusing this with the Terms of Service which is a separate and legally binding document regarding your use of the Roblox platform.

Community Rules are expectations Roblox sets out for its community and do not need to be exhaustive nor are they legal documents. It does not need to be written down to be ruled against; common sense exists. You will notice provisions explaining that a list of examples is not exhaustive, such as what is defined as inappropriateness on the platform. The same thing goes for the forum, albeit the fact that they’ve started writing some things down to make it explicitly clarified because of the “if its not written its not disallowed” mindset and also to make it public rather than implied.

As far as commenting on the situation goes, it’s not like I’m asking to see an announcement or otherwise but someone who may have asked the question and gotten a staff response may have had that response circulated around that’s quotable. That’s what I want to see, not hearsay.

When it comes to handling the rules on Roblox, taking something at face value is incredibly dangerous or following the examples of other experiences. It may just be something simple like a Discord link right now but this kind of mentality applied to other rules could result in serious consequences if the action isn’t actually allowed. Additionally, I’m not about to have an experience taken down and lose on metrics because of a single word, which is why I need concrete information from staff and not the basis of other developers’ words. It’s not substantial enough a comment on the circumstances.

In a text label inside studio, could I say join the community server, link under the description and then say on the Discord link: join the community server? It wouldn’t be saying the word Discord, but it would be pointing you in that direction. You think this is allowed?