SteamVR once again automatically opens whenever starting roblox

And then when you criticize the company for ignoring obvious bugs, you have others defending this practice. We’ll never win with ROBLOX at this rate.

If I’m right, the Quest launch happened late September, so I wonder if any previous employees working on this bug are even focused on it or have completely dropped it.


Quest launch has long since passed. I eagerly await a fix for this as someone who reported this bug the last time it happened.

This is now the third time Roblox’s integration with SteamVR has regressed into a broken state.


I will be replying a third time with my dismay at the complete lack of consideration and care towards even doing so much as to communicate with us with the progress of this bug report. It’s unfortunate that more priority is being taken towards taking down critiques of this company (meanwhile I see no energy towards other comments on this thread, for example.)

As Mauio said, ROBLOX has now been on Meta Quest for a while now, so when will this bug be fixed so that I can remove the workarounds that I created months ago and be able to play without hassle? Will the moderator that takes a quick glance at this thread maybe send a message over to the correct team?


Seeing how ROBLOX is nowhere eager to fix this constant on-going issue. I’ve written a small script to quickly rename my SteamVR for my use cases. I’m sure other SteamVR users who use it other than ROBLOX would like this.

It’s just simple as making as making 1 bat, and 1 ps1 file. Make sure they’re in the same directory. You then can create a shortcut for the bat file for quick access.

Pictures of the setup


Powershell code
New-Variable -Name "steam" -Visibility Public -Value "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common"
if (Test-Path -Path "$steam\SteamVR") {
	Rename-Item "$steam\SteamVR" -NewName "SteamVR1"
	" "
	"  SteamVR was disabled, closing in 3 seconds."
} else {
	Rename-Item "$steam\SteamVR1" -NewName "SteamVR"
	" "
	"  SteamVR was enabled, closing in 3 seconds."
Windows Batch File
title Toggling SteamVR
echo off
PowerShell.exe -command "./code.ps1"
timeout 3 >nul

Only side note, is that steam will occasionally tries to validate the files for SteamVR. It’ll create a new SteamVR folder. You’ll just need to remove the empty SteamVR folder.


Hi, is there any progress on this? i recently set up my VR again for my office computer, and I turned VR off in the settings, yet it’s still launching Steam VR. It’s annoying to have to unplug the VR.


Currently no progress on this ongoing issue. Staff have completely abandoned every thread dedicated to this issue. You’re better off performing any of the temporary fixes available here until someone decides to look into this again.


Any updates to this? Seems as if it’s been put on hold since June.


Staff has completely abandoned this issue since July 24th.

@MetaVars will the team begin to address this issue in any way? Has there been any progress? Will we have full transparency like you gave us on the 24th?


I’ve been having this issue for a while now and I’m surprised it still hasn’t been fixed yet.

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Still dealing with this.
Crazy how its been MONTHS already.
Crazier how it’s been total radio silence, when this issue really knows how to annoy a person.


I just realized this happens when opening Studio too. Now I have to reach behind and unplug my cable twice as often.

Can this please be looked at again??


Remember when I was called out for ‘aggressive wording’ at my frustration towards the ROBLOX employees responsible for monitoring and fixing bugs?

Notice how in less than a week this issue will have been unfixed for 5 months. 5 months with zero accountability save for ‘We messed up haha’.

@MetaVars @Focia19 It’s ridiculous and depressing to see how an issue like this will be ignored for almost 5 whole months with zero communication. Not even updates on how progress is, nothing.

It goes to show that this is how ROBLOX the company treats those who care enough to attempt to fix any issues. I think my ‘aggressive’ wording was within my rights at this point.

Edit: I would also like to add that the employees browsing and lurking this section of the DevForums have taken more consideration and care into bug reports that were years old than this one. Bug reports that were made in 2018 are given attention and necrobumps rather than any form of communication to assure us that this bug is being investigated.


I’m sorry this is taking so long. I was assured that we are looking into a fix. Unfortunately past fixes were rejected because they negatively impacted App launch times independent of whether you have VR enabled or not.

So what’s the plan going forward?
This issue is honestly really agitating to a lot of players and developers, and each day that passes without proper transparency makes us more frustrated and disappointed.
To us, it seems as if this was brushed aside in favor of other things. Are you able to provide any kind of information so we at least know that this will be fixed sooner rather than later?

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There is a better alternative that doesn’t involve messing with cables, as there can be damage if you constantly do that.
Move the SteamVR folder from steamapps, wherever it was installed, to your Desktop. It won’t run VR if its not able to even find it. Just move it back whenever you want to use VR.

Still encountering this months later, I don’t understand how this is such a big problem.

At this point, it shouldn’t matter about the launch times. Whenever my SteamVR is forced opened, by ROBLOX. It causes my game to run slower and studder at times. I shouldn’t have to rely on a program I wrote to temporarily disable my SteamVR at the convince of some lazy developers trying to “find a work around”. I highly doubt this is being monitor, or reviewed at this point. It’s been months, and a solution hasn’t been put into place. I couldn’t care less about launch time.

Fix this issue already


Bump. Still an issue. The renaming the SteamVR folder workaround is a workaround that shouldn’t be necessary.


Happy (late) new years, folks. Doing a checkup on this again… still got this issue, except now I’m just dumbfounded at the lack of transparency and the fact that there still isn’t a single permanent fix.


Same, issue is still prevalent. New windows installation, reinstallation of Studio and SteamVR. This bug has been prevalent for literally years at this point, so frustrating