Studio Beta: CSG Has a New Engine - Vroom, Vroom, Vroom!

CSG V3 is in opt-in Beta so as long as you enable it in Studio, you should be able to use it.

You can already use CSG client-side. However the APIs currently use CSG V2. We definitely plan to release CSG V3 client side but we need to fix a few issues first.


This is amazing, Ever since I’ve started using this version of the engine, I haven’t seen the invisible union glitch and overall performance has been much smoother, this is a change I welcome with open arms, can’t wait to see What other kinds of performance updates you’ll be implementing.

I know it’s a bit late but I felt I had to express my opinion about this


Hi all. It took us more time than anticipated but we are looking to once again start rolling out CSG V3 Beta as an opt-out. That means that over the next few days, some of you may have CSG V3 as the default CSG engine.
Once again, we appreciate any feedback you may have. Thanks


I remember looking through the dev forums few days ago and I seen a post that caught my interest, Do you think its possible to follow through with this rather it be a potential setting inside the property menu after the union operation or??

I will have a look and reply in that post. Thanks for bringing that to my attention.


Bumping this because recently, CSG v3 has started crashing when attempting to union/seperate certain unions. I don’t know what’s causing this, all I know is that once I turn off V3, it stops crashing. Could you look into this?

Would you be able to share some models that are causing crashes in V3? We will look at that immediately.


Of course! Where do I send them?

Thanks for the models. I have reproduced the issue and found the crashes root cause. The fix is already merged so should be in the next release (513 if I am not mistaken).


Could you clarify the use of client-side CSG? I thought the CSG API was only allowed on the server.

Oops… My bad, my previous reply was incorrect and you’re right: CSG API calls are always processed on the server. There are no short term plans to make them client-side.
@C_Corpze Can you tell me more about what you’d like to achieve with client-side CSG operations?


not the original poster, but my own two cents:
being able to have client-side CSG control would provide for much better optimization opportunities for developers.
For instance, footsteps in snow: instead of performing CSG operations on the server, and then having to send all of that physics & mesh data across to every client, you can implement a system where each client is only sent a simple “step” string through a remote, and then the clients perform CSG themselves. This has a much lesser toll on networking.

Depending on how many CSG operations you’d have (for example, >30 / second), it would also take off the heavy load from the server, and allow for each client to manage their own CSGs.


Real time destruction physics that do not rely on the server and such.
Even if I wanted to make a single player game, the fact is has to process these calculations on the server makes it respond so much slower and gives this input lag-kinda feel, it’s borderline frustrating.

Is there a reason it is processed on the server?
If it has to do with performance, I’m pretty sure most computers nowadays are more than fast enough to perform those locally as long as you don’t spam the heck out of it.

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Yes, CSGv1 will be deprecated on 3/31/22

Hello , I’ve been encountering a problem with the CSG v3 system lately. I’ve been struggling to separate unions lately. The error message pop out quite often in this month with the code -8/-11/-12. The It’s so disturbing that I’ve got to close the v3 beta. Well boom! I don’t encounter those error messages anymore, and I’m even able to separate those unions that were unable to separate due to the error message(though a lot slower when processing). Please look into that, thanks!! Here’s is another model that I’m able to separate using v2 but error message if I use v3…

The message:
Union failed

Something went wrong. CSG returned error code -11(or other codes like -8/-12). Please file a bug report, preferably with a file containing the problematic object(s).

Here I’m attaching one of the models. Thanks a lot if you can help me!
union.rbxm (715.6 KB)


Negating your union also give’s a error.

It almost froze my pc also.

yes, but when I closed the beta of CSG v3, everything works again(just a much slower process…)

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Thanks for the model. I have reproduced the issue and am working on fixing it.
If you have more models you can’t union or separate, please continue sending them my way. :wink:


Sorry for bumping, but the CSG engine will not convert this “problematic object”

File in which this is happening to:
Problem Object.rbxm (35.6 KB)