Subscriptions: Expansion & New Features

[Update] March 5, 2024

Hi Creators,

It’s been 3 months since we released subscriptions within experiences for users to purchase, and we are excited to announce the first of a series of product expansions and new features.

Starting today, all experiences regardless of when they were created will be eligible to offer subscriptions, as long as the creator has an ID or phone-verified account. We have also addressed a common pain point we heard - you will now be able to edit your subscription description to fix typos or improve the subscription offering without having to delete and re-create the product. Remember that reducing the value of a subscription by taking away active benefits is a violation of our terms.

What’s next?

Keep an eye out for upcoming updates in the coming months:

  • Subscription APIs on Open Cloud
  • More detailed subscription statuses, as well as status change events
  • Expansion to more countries - including Canada!
  • Testing the ability for users to use Roblox Credit from gift cards to subscribe
  • …and more!

Let us know if you have any questions or feedback.



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Can’t wait for the ability to subscribe with gift cards, would be an easy way to gift others subscriptions without revealing your bank info


yeah that would be good i dont want to give roblox my bank info


Will it be for robux or only robux gift cards?


Still waiting for:

  • Changing Subscription Price to Robux (some people would like to pay in Robux instead of real-life money)
  • Changing Subscription Price to Custom (for example: 549 Robux / 5.49$)
  • Changing Subscription Period to Custom (for example: 53 days)

The way subscriptions make money is from auto-recurring purchases, especially from people that forget to cancel. This is easier to do with USD since that is far less likely to run out than Robux, in addition to the fact that you’re more likely to forget about a USD subscription than a Robux one.


Roblox credit is in USD, not Robux. Credit is what turns in to Robux, but Robux is not the purchasing currency for subscriptions.


Private Servers are using Robux as an Payment and they are also renewing after a month, so i don’t see a problem adding it to the actual "Subscription "


That’s because private servers go way back before Roblox was a career for many. In my opinion this should also be set to USD, although the change likely wasn’t made since that would cancel existing subscriptions and be a financial mess for all devs.


You don’t give your bank info to Roblox anyways, it’s done through Stripe.


Still not using it, but at least you guys are adding features that should have been there to begin with!


Do you think that we’ll ever be able to add a robux equivalent option to our subscriptions? I, and many others have actually implemented our own subscription systems in-experiences so that you can use Robux OR this built in USD feature and it’s kind of just one big headache.

I will never personally purchase a subscription for a specific Roblox game, and I’d 9 times out of 10 prefer to just spend Robux.


This is very confusing. Why only mention Canada? Now I’m curious what other countries get access.


I don’t want to argue or something, it’s just my opinion. I see a lot of devs wants “Robux” as an type of Subscription Payment, and they should add it too. Devs will be able to set it to “Real-Life Money” or “Robux”.

(Tbh, Subscriptions are very limited).


im concerned there may be a potential moderation issues.
for example say something in a game breaks and the content a user purchased a subscription for is no longer working, this could be accidentally perceived as “lowering value” and possibly get the developer banned. how will roblox know if a developer is genuinely breaking tos in this instance?


Hey, amazing job on subscriptions, well done to the people that develop this. “How to create a subscription is good”, but for developers, the subscription APIs are too obtuse, I won’t go to far into it as that post covers it, but basically some of the APIs could be simpler to a better function!

Other then that, I can’t wait to implement it into my game whenever it releases to OpenCloud, it’s amazing!!! <3


Isn’t this exactly why a Robux solution should exist? Thankfully it’s still technically possible via custom systems, but this is still rather absurd to me. I’m also not a fan of charge-backs and some of the rules regarding it. I’d feel much safer just using my own system. The only rule I support is that benefits should last until the end of their term, even if you change the benefits for new purchases.


When will Canadians have access? I don’t have access yet.


When will all countries have access? I didnt check if I had access but I’m still asking.