TextScaled property now applies internal padding on BillboardGuis/ScreenGuis

After the latest Roblox update, there’s a noticeable discrepancy in the GUI display of BillboardGuis and SurfaceGuis when the TextScaled property is enabled. This property now appears to introduce internal padding to GUI elements, similar to the effects of inserting a UIPadding element, but is internal and hence cannot be removed. This is affecting the visual appearance of UI in a range of games, making it look odd and misaligned. Overhead nametags are a good example of this. TextScaled is not expected to have padding and if a change like this was intentional, it’s going to ruin a lot of current UI that does not account for it.


image image


Credits to @melodrvma and @TheMagikMan12 for the repro images. :smile:

A temporary workaround is to activate the RichText property on all impacted UI elements; this allows you to compare expected vs current behavior.

Expected behavior

When the TextScaled property is enabled, there should be no internal padding introduced to the GUI elements of BillboardGuis and SurfaceGuis.


Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.


Hi @bvetterdays @melodrvma @TheMagikMan12 , could you share a repro file with us? Thank you.

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Can confirm, need this fixed ASAP creating awful UX can be reproduced here @CharlieGordonnn :

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Hi @LuaBearyGood , could you please provide a step to reproduce the issue or share with us a repro file? Thank you.

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The issue just happens for me, If its helpful my development partner said he isn’t on the latest version of the app and it’s fine for him, haven’t seen it happen before I updated


We are working on a fix for this and would want to verify with a repro file to ensure it’s fixed.


Hey @CharlieGordonnn,

My files seem to be no longer experiencing this issue, although here is the file that did experience it as shown in the images above.
NametagFile.rbxm (4.5 KB)

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Thank you for the file! Could you also confirm on which platforms were you experiencing the issue before?


I apologize for my previous statement. After asking that question I double-checked this.

I seem to have it working on my Windows 11 Studio and Ingame, however, on macOS Sonoma, I am still experiencing this issue both in Studio and Ingame.


Thank you very much for the info. I do see the issue on mac, and we are working on a quick fix for this.


Can confirm, this is not happening in Mega Princess tycoon on PC


This issue impacts the latest update. Platforms where the issue should be seen are mac and other devices with screens with retina scale. We are working on patching the fix as soon as possible, however the soonest will be in next week. Sorry about the inconvenience and thanks for your patience.


Just going to bump this quickly to ask if you have an ETA of when this patch will be released. Would it be in this week’s release #600? :slightly_smiling_face:

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Yes it will be in this week’s release #600.


This isn’t fixed in release 600 of Roblox Studio. If we have to wait another week for the fix that’ll be really disappointing.

The release for 600 is not complete yet. We’ll flip the flag to fix the issue once every platform has 600.

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Hi, the flag for fixing this issue is ON now. Please let us know if you still see the issue happening. Thank you!


It looks like this issue has started re-occurring in my games after the most recent Roblox update. Was not running into it for the past 12 days (since this was marked as Fixed). Looks to be exactly the same bug as before where the text goes extremely small with TextScaled enabled in the BillboardGuis.

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Yep… it’s back. This time it seems to be present on all of my devices rather than just a few as mentioned here:

This is so utterly frustrating. @CharlieGordonnn

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