The Big Bug Reporting Update

As stated, once we move permissions to group level, there is no reason for different user trust levels to exist, so the distinction will go away.


Your gif actually shows that the feature wouldn’t really help too much, since it currently already shows “similar to” topics when making topics through the native Discourse post editor:

A caveat is that I think this is less visible on mobile, so maybe a lot of the users are posting from mobile.

Regardless this is still valuable, it will help a non-0 amount of users find similar bug reports, so we will tackle this problem in some shape or form. (maybe not exactly like above but definitely some way to see bug reports that are close to what you are reporting, or maybe a list of recently reported issues in the issue area you selected)


I’m following up what we’re doing with reports currently in Bug-Support inbox, thanks for asking and will let you know.


Compared to a couple years ago we have a lot more tools internally to make sure we’re addressing issues. For example we now assign an owner internally to each issue to make sure they get looked at in due time.

Give the system a roll for some weeks and let us know in #forum-help:forum-features if you don’t see a satisfying response so we can take that to the teams internally and see how we can improve that.


This is exactly what this announcement is about. I recommend giving the post another read, and you can request to join if you want to report bugs.

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There’s no point in having a separate “Regular” trust level once we move over permission management to the devforum groups. You can see the trust level distinction between users vanish in the near future. There’s no point in having a separate “Regular” trust level anymore at that point, it has never actually meant the user is a “regular” forum user anyway.


Question, if you get accepted, will there be a notification ping like if you join a beta group? I’ve got activity from people @'ing bug report group, but it seems like I’m not in it which is weird.


Yes, you’ll get notified via private message on being accepted.


By request message, do you mean request to join the Group?

You can try to submit again if you’re not sure that it went through. It’ll pop up with a window that says You have already requested membership for this group. if you already have. You can also check your Sent folder in your Messages


To add what Hooksmith said, the trust level status has mainly been used to manage who can do what on the forum. Changing how we manage permissions means there won’t be a reason to maintain the old Member and Regular distinction — I’m curious if it’s something people would enjoy if it was purely a cosmetic badge on the account?


I’m still confused. Are you saying that trust levels will be deleted?

Regular and Member will most likely become one trust level as it will be useless to have 2 different ones.

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Some feedback, whenever you already applied for the group, you don’t know if you already applied unless you send in another application, and whenever you hit “submit”, it’ll error with “You already applied”.

Could we get a “Pending” on the group page, please?


Thanks for the replies, I personally don’t care about the title / a profile badge but some channels were locked for non-regulars, and since post-approval got paused for a while, it’s left me with fewer options to pass on things like bug reports, which meant I had to directly contact developer relationships before (one example being during voice chat beta testing that went back and forth for a while), if this new system fixes all that / streamlines it then I am more than happy with the change.

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Sorry about the confusion! We’re using Discourse’s group feature for this (meaning this isn’t something we built, it’s using the forum’s tech)


I mean personally I think that would be fine and might be an easier transition for people

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yes please :pray:


I believe that if benefits are to be provided to level 2 “Regular” members that the most important pre-requisite would be the improvement of ranking-up for existing creators and members. The process to getting the “Regular” status seems completely arbitrary with no clear process of obtaining it.

I just checked again and the request was sent. I wasn’t sure why I wasn’t able to access the sent folder earlier.

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I never knew that Discourse had that. Although this is a forum, it’s quite silly to expect people to read. At the same time, users who are creating topics in #help-and-feedback:scripting-support are in a vastly different headspace than those creating #bug-reports. Thus, they are more inclined to overlook or acknowledge but ultimately ignore this passive warning.

extra context

When I was making this gif, I observed multiple instances of someone creating an “Attempt to index nil with…” topic, having it solved, and then creating another topic with that exact same prefix. The only difference being:

A) the value after “with”
B) the line number/script where the error occurs
C) Both A and B

This is unrelated to bug reports, however, this should maybe be addressed.