The Big Bug Reporting Update

That’s very valid, we can take the feedback into account as we work on more refinements to the bug report wizard this year. Thanks for the feedback!


This is all I am seeing, is this normal?


After you are accepted, you should see the “Report Bug” button on the homescreen.


Speaking of not getting any responses, I didn’t receive anything from a Roblox employee regarding these topics:

@Hooksmith can you follow up with them too?


Sorry, but I’m a little confused. Does this mean that Regular will be called something else now? I really do hope so, since I’ve always thought the name was ssuper misleading.


God bless all the souls in allowing this too happen My Efficiency would be crazy improved with this.

Thanks for all your hard work for the community!!

P.s “Have no fear for @Kairomatic is here!” lol


This is really helpful. This will help me, as I have not created any topics yet, and therefore I will now have a section I may start posting a lot of topics in and reporting bugs (if they don’t already exist yet).


This would actually improve devforum by an order of magnitude.


What happens with already submitted Bugs to @.Bug-Support?


I submitted 5 yesterday… hopefully they still get checked :slight_smile:


We finally needed a new bug reporting system, happy to see that there is and that you guys care.


Really nice update, but pointless if most of the bugs are ignored or never taken care of

Is it normal for the request message to disappear after sending? I saw the DM dialog for when I filled in the request body, but there’s no history in my messages anywhere.

@darkpixlz mentioned that the DevForums uses an stable version of Discourse and the person who you replied to mentioned that they don’t update the base discourse version compared to the plugins

I really appreciate the update, My bug report on my other account @VSCPlays was randomly approved out of nowhere an hour before this topic was made, I might return to the @VSCPlays account and use that with the @AllowBugReports account and just use it for bug reports


So what with the old Bug reporting method?

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I’m curious. Will this be rolled out for people with member status? As it stands, only regular users and higher can access the bug reporting wizard. Also, will there be a similar tool for feature requests?

Members can request to join the group and after getting added can access bug reports just like regulars.

Like it says in the bottom of the announcement:

So most likely something similar will happen to feature requests.

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Does this part relate to ranking up from Member to Regular? Because I’ve been wondering if it was just put on halt or if the requirements are just very abstract since me having 1.9K days of memberships, over 1.8K post likes, 11D read time, etc. hasn’t qualified me for any increase in trust level. Had to make bug reports in the past by directly contacting developer relations which was a pain to say the least.

As mentioned in the announcement, if you already had bug report access, there’s nothing to do, you are already in the group.


As stated, once we move permissions to group level, there is no reason for different user trust levels to exist, so the distinction will go away.