The Robloxian Army (TRA) - Private Servers


This guide is for the Roblox group named The Robloxian Army TRA

If you find any issues with this guide or need any help, feel free to contact a High Rank ( Colonel+ ) in TRA or message me or @Partixel on these forums.

1. Table of Contents

      1. Table of Contents
      2. About
      3. Supported Games
          a. Bases
             1. Castle Beaumont
             2. Outpost Frostbyte
             3. City of Anuragrad
             4. Scorched Eden
             5. Gensou Sanctuary
      4. Dependencies
      5. Commands
      6. Help
      7. Other Documents

2. About

    VIP servers are a feature that allows other clans, friends and foes of TRA, to make use of our places and technology for their personal use. These servers can be used for;

    • Defense training
    • Scrimmages
    • Wars
    • Scouting

    You can use our VIP servers for whatever purpose you may have, as long as you comply with Roblox’s Terms of Use.

    Keep in mind that TRA actively bans all cheaters and exploiters on an individual basis in order to keep the competitive integrity intact at our places. This policy applies to VIP servers.

3. Supported Games

    Below is a list of all our games that support VIP servers.

    a. Bases

      1. Castle Beaumont

        Castle Beaumont is a popular payload based sword base, first introduced in 2017 and remastered in 2019. It makes use of a unique raid system and is considered the most technologically advanced sword base by many.

      2. Outpost Frostbyte

        Outpost Frostbyte is a popular class-based gun base with an innovative raid system and unique powerups that give players an unique advantage on the battlefield. This place features the latest TRAD technologies and is considered one of the most well-developed bases in the clan world.

      3. City of Anuragrad

        City of Anuragrad is an equal numbers class-based domination gun base with a plethora of land and air vehicles. It features state of the art vehicle technology and shows our mastery on the latest roblox features and optimisation options whilst showcasing our developers their stunning building expertise.

      4. Scorched Eden

        Scorched Eden is an equal numbers gun fairzone that supports a multitude of competitive modes. It features a unique 'Tug of War' mode as well as many classic modes that put your aim and teamwork to the test.

      5. Gensou Sanctuary

        Gensou Sanctuary is an equal numbers sword fairzone that features a 2 point domination mode. It features a lot of dueling and high action gameplay.

4. Dependencies

    All our places are based on open source technology made by the TRA Corporation. These products are extremely sophisticated and heavily influenced by the needs of the TRA Developers.

    Our games feature technology made by the TRA Developers.
    This technology is NOT open source and designed specifically for TRA.
    By using Private Servers, outsiders can now make use of this thrilling technology.

5. Commands

    All our bases make use of external V-handle commands that can be used to configure a place to your needs. Superadmin is given to the owner of a VIP server.

    These commands are simple to use, but have a notably different syntax compared to most admins. The ground rule is commandName/argument.

    If you would like a complete list of commands available per game, type cmds/.
    You can cycle through our command pages by providing a page number i.e cmds/1.

    Common commands & syntax

    • team/ Team over a player or group of players.
      • team/Peekay,Partixel/Raiders to team these 2 players to Raiders.
      • team/^165491/TRA to team people TRA members (groupId: 165491) to TRA.
      • team/!^165491/Raiders You can also easily team non-TRA members to the raiders team.
      • team/%Raiders/TRA It is also possible to specify an entire team as an argument, to team all raiders to the TRA team.
    • set/ To team and instantly respawn a player or group of players.

    You’ll quickly notice that V-Handle has a logical syntax and is convenient to use.
    If you’re not sure how a command works, use the help/ command and add the command you want information on as an argument.

    • For example, help/kick would show all information on the kick command.

    Base commands

    • forceofficial/ Officialize the server.
      (the pr/ command is also applicable, as VIP servers are considered practice servers)
    • forceunofficial/ Unofficialize the server.
    • dif/ Change the difficulty mode. (easy-normal-hard) (i.e dif/hard). By default, all bases that support difficulty modes are set to normal mode.
    • tutorial/ Trigger a tutorial before the raid starts that explains the workings of our bases in a cinematic way.
    • addovertime/ Add or subtract server time mid-raid.
      • addovertime/120 Add 120 seconds to the server timer. You can also say addovertime/120s.
      • addovertime/-5m Subtract 5 minutes from the server timer.
      • addovertime/1h10m30s Adds an hour, 10 minutes and 30 seconds to the server timer.

    Sword commands

    • float/ Change sword type to float swords.
    • mid/ Change sword type to midfloat swords.
    • nofloat/ Change sword type to nofloat swords.

    Outpost Frostbyte commands

    • classinfo/plrName(s) Check the classes the given players are on.
    • class/plrName(s)/className Set given class to given players.
    • generatorhealth/number Set generator health to a specific value.

    Castle Beaumont commands

    • sword/ Change weapon type to ‘Sword’.
    • shotgun/ Change weapon type to ‘Type_15’.
    • sniper/ Change weapon type to ‘Zero’.

    City of Anuragrad commands

    • vehiclelimit/ Command to enable and disable the default vehicle limit.
      • vehiclelimit/true Enable the vehicle limit. On by default.
      • vehiclelimit/false Disable the vehicle limit for unlimited vehicles of any type.

    Scorched Eden commands

    • mode/ Change the raid mode.
      • mode/dc Change the mode to Dual Cap terminal. You can also do mode/dualcap.
      • mode/tug Change the mode to Tug of War. You can also do mode/tugofwar.
      • mode/hp Change the mode to Hardpoint. You can also do mode/hardpoint.
      • mode/dom Change the mode to Domination. You can also do mode/domination.

    Gensou Sanctuary commands

    • sword/ Change weapon type to ‘Sword’.
    • shotgun/ Change weapon type to ‘Type_15’.
    • sniper/ Change weapon type to ‘Zero’.
    • points/number Set the maximum score to the given amount of points.

    TRA commands

    • teamleader/plrName Designate a team-unique player as teamleader. (i.e teamleader/me)
      This feature allows the teamleader to place down waymarkers for his team.

    V-Handle supports localization. (not all languages are supported.)

6. Help

    Refer to the dependencies documentation or contact Partixel or myself if you have any further related questions.

7. Other Documents