Thoughts on Realistic Cafe? - Frizzed

This looks wonderful! Great job so far. :smile:

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Sure, you can say it’s “super big.” Although there are various places in real life which can resemble a cafe that fit the description of looking like a “HQ or Studio of some sort.”

Here’s a quick example of a cafe which looks like a studio:

Starbucks Reserves tend to also be larger than usual, this larger size is what we originally intended to have for the design of this place. We aren’t going for the usual street cafes of which you may see as relatively smaller.

To conclude, you can definitely find cafes in all shapes and sizes - there isn’t just one type of style or way of which a cafe can be structured. Maybe you see this as unrealistic, I respect that but the usual cafe isn’t what we’re going for here. :v:


I’m well aware I’ve commented on this post in the past, Jack, but I’ve got to say it again: this cafe build looks AMAZING. The fact that you’re using Voxel, too.

Congratulations, and good luck!

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I hope you are being paid at LEAST 500$ USD. That is advanced building. Your build applies: architectural design principles, Advanced lighting knowlegde, custom fire and smoke. INSANE unioning / meshing, a AMAZING color pallet.

Wait i just read you are doing this for free. WHAT!!! You are not being paid enough.


This is absolutely fantastic, however in some of the interior pictures, it feels empty for me, you could add some plants or something. Overall this is great work, if I was to open a cafe group, I would buy this from you.

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Hey! That’s truly amazing, how do you get that lighting to work? That’s clearly really impressive. Keep it up!

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Glad you like it! Thank you so much for sticking with us, we always want the best for our players both visually and performance-wise.

Haha! I appreciate your compliments here, this originally started as a project to do for fun for our group and I think we’ll continue to have it that way. Thank you for the feedback!

Completely agree, we’ll be sure to throw in more nature to areas where there may be too much space. Thank you for the kind words!

Hi! If you’re referring to the “Future” lighting you can find a post on how to enable it here. Or if you’re referring to how the lighting works, we’re just using a bunch of light objects. I hope this helps and thank you for the feedback! sorry if I got the question wrong.

We appreciate all of your continued feedback and will continue to do so. Optimization is a priority for this place, with the potential arrival of Native DXT Textures somewhere in the near future, our excitement for release possibly on even older hardware will only ever get stronger in addition to our efforts already on optimization. Thank you for sticking with us on this awesome journey. :v:


As I saw your cafe, I love the effort you put in with the details of experienced developers. It must have took a lot of time to build the future of Frizzled.

But going to my recommendation of “voice acting”, you should hire great voices to greet the customer or staff member when they enter a game. They could say, “Hi! Welcome to Frizzled, hope you have a great time!” or when they enter the cafe, they could go over the rules. I also think you should hire translators, in case someone who doesn’t speak English could understand. Also, this may be a difficult task, but if there is no staff members around in the register, you could add NPCs who gets your order and they could say, as voice acting, “You have received your order! Have a wonderful day at Frizzled.” Either way, there are nothing else I would recommend and I hope the future of Frizzled turns out great!


I can see that your team has put some great work and effort! Your work looks totally unique, so I don’t see why you should try making the build similar to other cafe groups. I usually put blur on builds that I make, but I don’t see why you need that here. The meshes you have used for nature blends in with the design style that you have chosen. Great work!


Oh my, that is honestly amazing. Do you have any tips for builds like this?


It looks really nice and modern!

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Love it! Keep the good work on!!!

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Holy moly, absolutely astonishing. It’s beautiful; a masterpiece.

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its good and its better than many others cafes in roblox