Tool 6D | Animate Tool Handles easily!

Tool 6D | The Better Motor6DHandler

Tool 6D Logo_4

Animate Tool Handles easily!

:wave: | About Me:

Heyo, the name is Sio_Fi. I’ve been making posts on the forum ever since about 2 years ago (2020). The Motor6DHandler tutorial I provided then was the first ever tutorial I ever released on the forum that had pretty good feedback, and a lot of people who helped me make it what it was meant to be.

I’m glad it was able to help about 800+ (at the time of making this post) people who put the script into their games to animate their tools. I wasn’t expecting that number alone, and it still shocks me that it continues to grow.

I’m back once again, providing a better upgrade to the good ol’ Motor6DHandler script, Tool 6D!

Regardless, here is a link to the previous post for those who need it for some reason:


:page_with_curl: | Table of Contents:

  • Prologue: What is Tool 6D?

  • Chapter 1: Setup your Animation Rig w/ Motor6D(s)

  • Chapter 2: Preparing Tool for Tool 6D

  • Chapter 3: Setting up Tool 6D

  • Epilogue (p.1): Testing the Setup

  • Epilogue (p.2): Conclusion

:mag_right: | Prologue: What is Tool 6D?

So you’re probably wondering what Tool 6D even is, and what it’s used for. I’m here to answer those questions, but I need to explain what it once was.

In my previous tutorial that I linked above, I was providing support to users who were trying to animate tools that make big use of Handles. In that tutorial I showed how to setup the basic functionality, and get it functioning.

The post explained quite thoroughly how to setup a rig, and how to get that animation working on a Player in-game.

It had one major flaw, which I actually mentioned in the previous post, but didn’t explain how to do: The script didn’t naturally support the usage of more than one BasePart & Motor6D!

This meant that if your Tool had multiple parts that you wanted animated, the only one you would have had covered is the main Handle of your tool, and absolutely nothing else. I provided an example of what my finished result looked like at the end of the tutorial that showed my character using 2 gloves that were animated with this exact more-than-one Motor6D setup.

Tool 6D offers this lack of functionality, plus cleaner code, and less redundant methods of doing things! :smile:

:closed_book: | Chapter 1: Setup your Animation Rig w/ Motor6D(s)

I attached a Tutorial on the previous post about setting this up, which I still recommend the average user to follow since it’s more in-depth, but for the sake of a fully explained tutorial, I’ll quickly go through the setup.

If you’re already familiar with animating Motor6Ds (I’m just assuming the average person is not), you can likely skip this step because you’ll likely already know what I’m going to show.

If you wish to follow the previously linked resource on the old post, you can do so here.
(Credit to @H_mzah)

Step 1: Creating a new Dummy Rig.

Create a new Dummy based on whatever type of animation you intend on making (Whether that being R6, or R15, this will work with both)

You can do so by navigating to the Avatar tab sitting on the top of the Studio window:


The reason why we need to go here is due to a recent studio overhaul. Roblox relocated the Animation Editor plugin and the Rig Builder plugin to this very tab.

To start, click on the Rig Builder option listed in the Ribbon bar:

Open doing so, you’ll be greeted with this window, which you can select an option from, in the viewport. Select the one you’d like. For me, I’m going to choose R6 for the sake of simplicity.

I personally like to go for the Block Rig, but you can choose others depending on your use case:


Step 2: Preparing the Rig w/ Motor6D & Animation.

At this point, you might have something that looks like this. A basic colorless Dummy, with nothing else much to it. That will change:

We’ll need to create an object for them to hold, so for the sake of simplicity, I’m going to use the classic LinkSword. Go ahead and place it within general range of it. (not required, just so you know it’s there, and can keep tabs on it)

At this point, it should roughly look like this:

Now, we’re ready to begin creating a Motor6D to link the Dummy with the Tool (In this case, it’s the sword. For you, it may be something different!)

In order to do this, we need to use the Explorer in Roblox Studio, usually found on the right side of Roblox Studio. If you repositioned the windows around studio it may be located elsewhere, but just locate the Explorer.

Once you do, you’ll see something like this. If your game has a lot more content in it, just search for the Dummy, and the Sword. You can group these both together to make locating it easier:


You’ll want to drag your Tools handle (In my case, the sword), into the Dummy’s Character model, as shown in the video below:

(Keep in mind, it may be safer to create a copy of your Tools Handle to use specifically for the Animation Rig, and one for your Tool. That way you can separate the two safely.)

After you’ve done this, you’ll need to create a Motor6D to put inside the Character Model.

To do this, click on the Dummy in the Explorer, and while hovering your mouse over it’s name, you’ll see a + icon next to it.

Clicking the + should cause a menu to pop up. When it does, simply search “Motor6D”, then hit Enter.

If you’re confused, refer to the video below:

Once that is done, click on the newly created Motor6D, then locate the Properties window just like you did when finding the Explorer window.

*You’ll need to set the Part0 to the Body Part you want, and set the Part1 to the Handle of your Tool (In this case, it’s the sword for me).

If you’re confused on this step, refer to the video below:

After you’ve done this, you’ll see the Dummy change in your viewport to something that looks like this. If you see this, you’ve done everything correctly:

If nothing changes, make sure the character is fully unanchored. You can select the model and anchor/unanchor it to make sure the Handle of your tool, and the Body Parts are all unanchored.

Now, just like the previous tutorial, I assume you know how to animate. I’m going to skip the animation step, but the Animation Editor should now be able to animate the Handle part with keyframes like it wasn’t able to before.

Below is an example of it working in action.

Things you need to take note of:

  • You’ll need to make an Idle animation for your Tool, or else the Handle will return to the default Motor6D position (refer to the previous image of my Dummy being impaled by a sword in his arm)

  • Make sure you set Animation priorities properly. (Idle Animation is Action, and for things like swinging a sword, Action2, or higher.) The reason you should do this is to compensate for the recent WeightedAnimationBlendFix change which has been forced on for all experiences.

:orange_book: | Chapter 2: Preparing Tool for Tool 6D

Now that you have all your Animations prepared (Idle animation, and any other animation as needed), you’ll need to setup the Tool for usage.

Before we begin, I should remind you that some scripting experience is greatly recommended. I’m here to provide a way to animate tool handles, but not teach anyone how to script. With that out of the way, let’s begin.

It’s very important that when you create your Tool, that you toggle off RequiresHandle. You’ll never need it on if you’re using Motor6Ds anyway, and for some reason it prevents Tool 6D from working at all, so make sure it’s toggled off. You can do so by following the example video below:

Next up, you’ll need to make a Script that you can use to play the Idle animation, as well as other animations. For me, I did what you’d typically do for a basic sword, and made it use the Idle animation, and a basic Slash animation.

Here’s my mock-up of a LoadAnimation script that you can follow (May not work exactly to your use-case, but adjust accordingly.)

Script that I used for my Basic Sword to play Animations
-- [ Services ] --
local PlayerService = game:GetService("Players")

-- [ Variables ] --
local Tool = script.Parent
local db: boolean = false

-- // Animations
local Animations = Tool:WaitForChild("Animations")
local Source_Sword_Idle: Animation = Animations:WaitForChild("Idle")
local Source_Slash_Anim: Animation = Animations:WaitForChild("Slash")

local Sword_Idle: AnimationTrack = nil
local Slash_Anim: AnimationTrack = nil

-- [ Functions ] --

-- This function will setup Animations when the Player equips the tool --
local function Sword_Equipped()
	local Player: Player = PlayerService:GetPlayerFromCharacter(script.Parent.Parent)
	local Character: Model = Player.Character
	local Humanoid: Humanoid = Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
	local Animator: Animator = Humanoid:WaitForChild("Animator")
	Sword_Idle = Animator:LoadAnimation(Source_Sword_Idle)
	Slash_Anim = Animator:LoadAnimation(Source_Slash_Anim)

local function Sword_Unequipped()

-- This function will perform a very simple sword slash animation --
local function Sword_Activated()
	if not db then
		db = true
		db = false

-- [ Connect Functions ] --

Also, here is the Explorer so some of the variables make a bit more sense as to where they’re located:


Once you’ve setup your Animation script, you can move onto the next Chapter. If you already had one ready, you can skip all of the previously mentioned things in this Chapter.

:green_book: | Chapter 3: Setting up Tool 6D

You’ve almost made it past all the complicated setup, so congratulations! I’ll try to explain this segment a bit, because it does require opening up a script, and editing some values.

First, you’ll need to obtain a copy of Tool 6D. Luckily for you, I have conveniently attached the model here for you to obtain it from.

:link: | Tool 6D: GET IT HERE!

Next, insert the script into your game by searching for the script in your owned models. After you’ve done that, click and drag the script into the Root of your tool.

Here is a video of that being done:

Once you’ve installed it, go ahead and double click on the script to open it up. When you open up the script, it may look a little bit intimidating at first, but don’t worry, as I’ll explain it to the best of my ability.

You should see something similar to this when you first open it up:

Now, scroll down a bit until you see a variable labeled Configuration. This segment of the script is the only one you need to edit, as the rest of the script reads over the configuration, and does the rest for you :smile:

Anyways, here is where you should be focusing your attention:

Here is where that part that I mentioned from the Prologue of this post comes in, you may have noticed that there is a numbered array, that holds information regarding a Tool_Part and a Body_Part for each number listed:

This allows you to setup more than 1 Motor6D. The default is one, but you can duplicate this table, and up the number by 1 if you’d like to animate more than just a single part within your Tool.

To visualize what that may look like, here is an video, as well as an image:


:warning: | Keep in mind you can set numerous Motor6Ds to the same body parts, so if you need to set multiple Motor6Ds to the same Body_Part value, don’t be afraid to do so!

Just to keep things simple though, I’ll just stick with the first table, and not add another one.


Most developers likely call their Tool handles “Handle”, so the default is Handle, and for R6 players, the default Body_Part is Right Arm, since tools use that by default on the R6 rig.

If you’re using R6, and have a part named Handle inside your tool, you won’t need to change anything here. Otherwise, simply rename these two things to what applies to you. If you’re using R15, you’ll need to rename “Right Arm” to “RightHand”. As mentioned before, if your tools handle is called “Handle”, you won’t need to change a thing for Tool_Part.

In my case though, my Handle was called “Sword”, so I’ll simply change Tool_Part to that, and since I’m using R6, I’ll keep it set to “Right Arm” on the Body_Part value.

Here’s what I got after reviewing my changes:


:warning: | Keep in mind that since Tools typically use the Arms / Hands, I say to set them to that, but if your tool requires setting Motor6Ds to other body parts such as legs, or the head, you’ll need to have made separate animations for those, and set the Body_Part value to accurately reflect that.

As always, feel free to direct message me if this segment was still a bit confusing to you.

Once you setup the configuration, the script will read over the configuration, locate the Tool_Part you specified, and connect it to the Body_Part you inputted with a Motor6D.

After you’re done with inputting as many Motor6Ds that you need (or if not, and you just stuck with the first table that I showed you and edited that one), you’re pretty much finished with this chapter!

:books: | Epilogue (p.1): Testing the Setup

Here comes the fun part! Finally! You can now take a break, and look at the Animation you worked hard on earlier, with this very simplistic change! (not technically of course)

Here is a clip with the sword I finished, and used this script with, including the LoadAnimation script I attached previously in the tutorial.

:camera_flash: | Video:

:books: | Epilogue (p.2): Conclusion

That concludes this tutorial pretty much. I hope you make great things with this, and once you keep doing this, it’ll basically become second nature to your skillset!

Is something not making sense to you? Do you need additional support?

Please contact me through my Developer Forum profile if you need help with anything listed here. It may help a bit more if you tell me which Chapter you’re confused on, that way I can go over that segment with you.

Please also keep in mind that this post is brand new, and just like the old post, I likely forgot to include an important step, or mention something. Writing all these words have probably driven me mad (not really, but it’s a lot), so go easy on me!

Keep an eye on the Console inside studio!

Is something not working right? Do you feel like you followed the tutorial to the core but it’s just not working? Please take a look at the Studio console (or in-game console) to figure out if there are any errors, or likewise.

What are the limitations of Tool 6D?

Well, this script was made for people who wish to use melees which happen to possibly involve usage of other separate handles and body parts. It was never thought to be useful with guns, as that was out of the scope of this in resource, at least in my eyes, and for old times sake.

Animating guns with moving parts may not be possible, however you can animate the guns grip with this. I haven’t tested with making a gun, so if it works out, be sure to share how you did it!

If you happen to find other things this doesn’t work with, be sure to let me know here, and I’ll edit this post after testing your findings.

(p.s) Thanks to all those in the past that helped me accomplish my goals, and helped me with finding out what the old Motor6DHandler wasn’t capable of doing, including supporting me up until this point. I wouldn’t have gone through the trouble of putting all this together with my very small brain.

Know you matter, and that’s all for me :smile:
Have a great day/night, and until next time!


Love it!

  • You’ll need to make an Idle animation for your Tool, or else the Handle will return to the default Motor6D position (refer to the previous image of my Dummy being impaled by a sword in his arm)

Just wanted to mention that you don’t necessarily need to make an idle animation for the tools, as doing Motor_6D.C0 =, -1, -1.4)) * CFrame.Angles(0, math.rad(180), math.rad(90)), right after you instance the Motor6D should set the tool’s CFrame to the original CFrame.

(Additionally you could do Motor_6D.C0 = Tool.Grip instead, if the tool already has a custom grip.)


Animating idle animations are technically more practical in this case. If someone would like to do that mechanically wise I suppose they could add it into the script, though I find it to be better to just animate it, it’s a lot more visual, and easier to grasp. Most people aren’t programmers.

I appreciate the feedback. I’ll consider adding it after some testing, and if I think it really matters.


Yeah, I do agree that your method would be better for cleanliness and is much easier to understand, CFrames get very complicated, very fast.
Also, after a bit of tinkering, I’ve found a better method as the one I suggested is occasionally inaccurate.

		local Motor_6D ="Motor6D")
		Motor_6D.Name = "Link_"..Index
		Motor_6D.Parent = script:WaitForChild("Motors")	

		local Right_Hand: BasePart = Character:FindFirstChild("Right Arm") or Character:FindFirstChild("RightHand")
		Motor_6D.C1 = Tool.Grip * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(90), 0, 0)
		Motor_6D.C0 = Right_Hand.RightGripAttachment.CFrame -- likely different instance names for R15

This is great! I can’t wait to see what people do with this resource.

^^^^ As for this, I feel like Headstackk’s tool animation tutorial would pair perfectly with the one you’ve made! Here’s a link to Headstackk’s tutorial: How to animate Tool Parts (Guns, Knifes etc.)

Though I haven’t tested Headstackk’s tutorial with this one, I still believe it would work, someone feel free to correct me if it doesn’t

good job👍

I was aware of Headstackk’s tutorial (even referenced it in the old post!), however his has the usage of RemoteEvents, which had security flaws. The only difference with this resource is that it’s all server based, with no contact to the client.

His tutorial works, but if people are keen on server security (or just not wanting to utilize motors with local scripts) this is the resource for them.

Thank you for the response!

p.s I haven’t tested this with guns, thats up for the people to experiment! If someone may find a usage for it, or a lot of people request it, I’ll try my best to allow this to be more generically friendly.

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Dear @Vyntrick,

I am writing to report an issue with your Tool 6D Script. I have noticed that the tool handle is getting bugged and not working as expected. When I try to use the Tool 6D script it turns the handle in a weird position. I have tried various troubleshooting methods but the issue persists.

I would appreciate it if you could look into this issue and provide a fix as soon as possible. If you require any further information or details about the bug, please let me know and I will be happy to provide them.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


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Question: How is this useful is this is so easy to implement?

I believe it’s useful because Roblox does not provide any native support for animating tool handles without having to use a script. I wrote this so if people have more than 1 part to a tool that needs to be welded to other parts of the body, this would help. I suggest reading over the post to learn how this would be useful.

You might have missed a crucial bit of the tutorial!

I completely understand because I did write quite the bit of content on the post. Here is a quick quote back to one of the issues you’re experiencing:

You can do this pretty easily by animating just the handle part to fake what a normal tool would look like. This solution was provided by another kind developer forum member who contributed to this post on the previous thread.

You can find that here:

Alternatively you could program the grip as suggested by @ej0w here, however I cannot guarantee the compatibility of this method, and animations I find work best for this.

Please do let me know of any other issues by private messaging me. I’d like to keep the post clear with bug reports instead of problem reports.

Have a good one!

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I dont like this tutorial, Heres why, This tutorial makes people hold animatable tools deppending on the holding/idle anim for it which is just yucky for some cases.

Lets say you have a weapon system and this weapon system can be customized to have different stats and weapon models, Now lets say you wanna play a deffault stagger animation for the player, so you stop the idle anim and play the stagger one and uh oh it seems your tool just clipped into the character’s hand since it’s deffault holding position is like that and you need to always play an anim to hold it the way you want it to look.

Yes im aware you can animate the tool on the stagger animation but guess what, now you need to do a stagger anim for every single weapon model as they all have different dimmentions and ways to be held so you have to make those.

So just use an attachment when you wanna define the poition in the hand for the model and then you weld it with the motor6D that way even if no animation affecting the model’s handle motor6D, the model wont go in a yucky way.

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You have the right to hold this opinion! This niche case is considered out of the scope when I wrote this.

Most people from what I’ve seen have used this for combos (click sequenced animations that change depending on number of clicks) and it has worked for a lot of peoples general use cases.

If you’re making a more advanced system where animations can be changed via a menu, or depend on some form of statistical information, you’ll definitely encounter issues.

This tutorial was written for complete noobs, just like the first one. I simply wanted to provide a little more functionality, and I had no intent on making this the best thing in the world.

You can feel free to fork the script and edit it to your desired outcome, but I likely won’t consider changing it myself because I want this to be beginner friendly.

If you’d like to manually set grips, I suggest referring to @ej0w message, with his script here that I mentioned in my previous reply.


Also sorry if I sounded rude by the way, that was not my intention i just wanted to point out that this method could be improved using attachments.

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Thank you so much! After looking for a solution for the same problem a second time for a different game I’ve now actually fixed the problem. My problem was, that I forgot to create Motor 6D in the Rig. Thank you so much you helped us out really good, bump as well!

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originally i had that tool being impaled in my arm bug, i used that fix that ej0w made and the idle animation works, but the weapons not animating properly during the attack animation

The animations all look fine in the editor.
An idle animation exists and plays in a loop when equipped.
but the tool is facing the wrong way

also if it gives anything, it’s a bow, the bow’s string is moving in the right way respective to the bow, but the bow is not facing the right way or in the right spot

I have been searching in other topics of Motor6D problems, found like 3 other people having the same problem with no replies on their topics.
So here I come, and I can say this here because the problem does not change when i use Tool6D method and script instead of others, it remains.

This is a common issue when using animated Tools. Your issue is likely that you animated with the Motor6D on a rig that had the C0 set with a specific value. Try to make sure the Dummy is animated with either no C0 offset on the Motor6D, or ensure that the Motor6D you’re using on your tool has the offset used.

This resource doesn’t currently have support to put the offset in the configuration, but this has been considered as of recently, due to internal discoveries.

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have you tried the action 4 in priority?

I have a sword that floats next to the hand, but its constantly welded to the hand due to Handle. Will this tutorial help in this case? Also, can you repost the example video, I can see it for some reason

The only reason that happens is because anything attached to the handle will pivot around it as that’s the connection between the body part and the tool part.

The only way to have something not following the arms movement, is to set the Body_Part to Torso if you’re using R6. For R15, you’d pick either LowerTorso, or UpperTorso depending on your case for R15.

As for the videos, they’re working fine on my side. Have you tried clearing your browsers cache and reloading the page?

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