Trying to make an item highlight effect

  1. What do you want to achieve?
    A glowing highlight effect like this guy did
    What are you working on currently? (2019) - #2662 by tyridge77

  2. What is the issue?
    It keeps doing this instead

see for yourself

  1. What solutions have you tried so far?
  • Multiple different ways of CFraming
  • Messaging the guy who did this this. This is what he said:
    "On renderstep set the viewport frame part’s CFrame to the original part’s CFrame. Original part should be neon, viewport frame part should just be whatever you want shown." – tyridge77

This is the code inside the place:

ViewportFrame = script.Parent.ViewportFrame
ViewportFrame.CurrentCamera = workspace.CurrentCamera

game["Run Service"].RenderStepped:connect(function()
	ViewportFrame.Part.CFrame = workspace.Part.CFrame

And this is how the explorer is set up


Maybe try asking @tyridge77 how he did his? If he’s willing to share.

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Oh yes, I should have mentioned that I updated the original post.
I already asked him

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He said in that thread how he accomplished it.

Yes, that’s what I tried doing.
It’s not working for me the same way it worked for him.

Try enabling IgnoreGuiInset or whatever it’s called on the ScreenGui. It looks like it works fine, it’s just offset from the actual part.


Awesome, that fixed it.


Yep, this made it work fine. Can’t believe I didn’t see that before. :man_facepalming:

The offset is coming from the GuiInset. Without it, looks beautiful.


When it comes to this kind of camera stuff, I always forget that the blasted GuiInset makes everything ugly. Same with camera functions which is why ViewportPointToRay is advised over ScreenPointToRay for constructing unit rays from the camera.


Late to reply, was gone all day. Glad you found the solution!