UIStroke - Studio Beta (UPDATE: re-enabled)

I had recommended to tiff shortly after it went out of beta that they should convert the number value to a UDim like we have in UICorner. She said she’ll talk to her team about it but it may come in a future update. I hope :crossed_fingers:


man, add some color to the updated ui it looks dead

Area’s using the UIStroke will be controlled by the users UIColor that they have set in there settings.
It’ll have more color in-game


Can we expect to see an update on the alignment of the stroke? Center, outside, or inside?

Did this get disabled again? It’s not showing in my roblox studio anymore


This has been requested before in 2019. Summarized, they wish to add it in the future but the current performance issues of implementing this effect would not be worth implementing it. Not sure where they are with it yet, but I assume that it’s still a no-go.

If you want to achieve a similar effect though I recommend checking out this response to a post:

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Yes, except the problem with that is that once Roblox UI’s support more features many people (including me) will have to re-make and rescript their UI’s due to their old ones being more complex than they need to be and inferior :pensive:. Sure, there is backwards-compatibility, but it will likely be faster, simpler, and more efficient to use supported features that accomplish the same thing. But it will still be better, easier, and enable you to accomplish more than you could before! :grin:

Maybe, but I doubt it. Custom Fonts would not be able to be monitored and therefore not “safe to use” since Roblox is a game directed at children.

Roblox could connect roblox studio or the website to a font finder, or they can make a libary section named “Fonts” where you can upload your own custom font.

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Any idea when this is going live? I currently have a game (almost) pending for release that uses it and I don’t want to have to go back and use images for everything.

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The stroke does not appear when using RichText, I assume this will be fixed over time?
Also, will there be a feature in which the stroke scale as UI’s scales?

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Just an FYI: UIStroke.Transparency does NOT update when changing this value in-code. Pretty sure this is a bug. Hope this gets fixed soon, otherwise I cannot animate this object and will be forced to simply not use it.

Video: https://streamable.com/awfj5f


  • I animate my UI using springs - meaning I manually update its Transparency every frame when needed.
  • Adding on to the above: I do not use TweenService at all in that video and am not sure if this issue occurs with TweenService as well.
  • This issue occurs with or without the UIGradient child object.
    - This issue also occurs even if I clamp the maximum assigned value to 1.

After further investigation, I’ve determined the exact cause of this issue:
If - for any reason - the Transparency value goes above 1 for even one frame the Transparency will be locked to its original value. No further updates from code will render. This was fixed on my end by changing how I cached relative transparency values and clamping them before assignment.

There still appears to be an internal issue of some kind, but at least I can work around it by making extra sure the value never exceeds 1 at any point in time.


Love this! Just one thing I want to ask, is there a way to change the way the stroke starts from? For example inside, center and outline.

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Unfortunately, there is no current way to do this. Perhaps this will be added in the future, but as of right now there is no way to make it go any other direction other than outwards.

I hope this releases fully soon, I was able to design several neat GUIs with good borders using this.


Any updates on when the stroke will be back enabled for all users to see? Just had UI made for my up-and-coming project and the strokes really bring the UI design to a whole new level and It would really stink to not have it on our UI during our game launch.


I’m making a plugin in roblox’s UI style and it needs rounded borders for buttons, UIStroke is really good solution, but I have a question. Will other users see that stroke? I think no, only if they enabled beta feature, but I’m not sure.


Hey @Tiffblocks, The comment I responded to I’d love for this to be a feature. Its in the default BorderPixel on UIs it’d be a shame not to include it in this. I’m currently working on some UI and It’d be super annoying to try and get it to align properly especially with them not scaling properly in the first place.




The triangle bug is back again, its a bit different this time though.
This time the bug only occurs with UIStroke beta turned on, and the triangles no longer go outside the borders of the buttons:

Repro: GuiBug.rbxm (7.0 KB)

It would be cool to be able to apply the blur effect to the outline which would act as a drop shadow. 2 birds in one shot?

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