Upcoming Changes to Avatar Catalog Upload Requirements

Removing descriptions outright is the worst idea ever. Maybe removing it from what gets searched for?

Destroying clothing botters is very good.

However this tax seems too high for clohing designers. What if you were a clothing designer who would create tons of clothing. This would quickly become more expensive than premium. More expensive clothing should never be the result.


Yeah, I investigated in that topic a little bit more yestarday and now can agree with you.

I came up with idea that probably will fix botting issue
To upload you will still need to pay but to put on sale you will need to

  1. Have verified phone number
  2. Enter a pin code that has been send on your e-mail address

Why a verified phone number. I don’t like Roblox having it.

You should recude the tax. Even a litle tax is going to hurt botters. 100 R$ is definetly too much. More like 10 R$ or 5 R$ would be good.
Anyways try not to over tax people. The purpose of this update was to make it better for clothing designers. But a high tax is certainly not going to help them.

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hm, think about it Premium is 4.99$ and you could upload unlimited clothes… Now you pay 100R$ for each upload so once you upload more than 14 clothes per month you will pay 1400R$ which is 4.99$. Guys just count that you could upload 100 shirts with premium for 4.99$ and now if you would like to upload for example 100 clothes it will cost you 35$!!!

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Yes thaat is right they small groups will disappear and only big ones will stay


I believe he means you will only pay a fee if you place a T-Shirt on-sale - uploading them will remain free.

I understand why Roblox has decided to reduce clothing being stolen from their original creators this way, but if the upload fee will be R$100 that will be unfair those users who just joined in the clothing design industry.

If this update will be released, at least make uploading the asset free and selling the asset an option, for example
Uploading the asset - R$5-R$20
Selling the asset - R$25-R$50
(If uploading the asset will be free for all users that would cause users to download template files and upload them so they don’t have to pay the creator by buying the clothing piece from them, meaning the original creator won’t profit off of it.)

Another possible way to reduce clothing being stolen from their original creators would be a verification system to get access to uploading clothing. An example for this would be:

  • A verified email address
  • 2-Step verification enabled
  • Have an account that it older than a certain time period (Older than a year or something)
  • Be a member of the Developer Forums

This will really reduce the amount of stolen clothing being uploaded every minute, please consider that.


When I was a teenager of 14 years old, I already had access to my own bank account and I did my newspaper run on a weekly basis which got me on average €70,- per month (I could’ve even gotten the most expensive Premium at that point! Sadly it was Builders Club back then :sob:)

Even if you’re younger, there are many creative ways to get money. Like, if you’re lucky and find a €5 note you could even save it in a jar or piggybank and use it whenever it’s wise to get Premium. Or maybe your parents give you some cash every week or month for you to spend. Maybe your grandparents are proud of your grades and give you a €20 note. Maybe on your birthday you get €1,- times your age plus a 0! (e.g if you’re 13 years old you’d get €130,-). Or, perhaps, you have a small job yourself like washing your neighbours cars or doing a newspaper run like me.

I know parental permission might be a problem. But if you’re able to explain to your parents properly that it’s a way to earn cash as well (assuming you can DevEx with the earned money! If not, explain that it’ll allow you to no longer need to purchase any Robux for example), kind of like a small job, then I’d imagine them agreeing to it if you have a strategy & plan ready (such as the one I explained earlier).

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yes, but you aren’t losing more money every time you upload as a dev depending on what you upload.
i think you aren’t considering that its just as time consuming but 1.20 PER upload.

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This causes a great issue towards small developers. I mean, you don’t need Premium to upload clothing, but to also pay a fee? That’s beyond bad.

Try reconsidering that, ROBLOX.


The price to upload clothing is dumb. I get that it’s no longer locked behind premium which is great but, now it costs robux to upload a simple shirt?

There’s really no reason for this other than a cash grab that ultimately screws developers and those that can’t afford robux. Especially during the pandemic, people do not have money and magically, we’re expected to pay for every clothing piece we upload?

I can’t believe that people actually support this. If you have a bunch of shirts, you’re literally paying more for robux than you would have for premium and you’re not even guaranteed a profit. At least with premium, the other features in it justify the price. With this, nothing justifies the price.

This is such a bad move on Roblox’s part and I hope that it gets corrected. I feel bad for the developers that bank on clothing as profit, this is going to hit them hard.

We shouldn’t be encouraging kids to spend money at every turn for simple functionality on a site.


Originally, I started making clothing for Roblox. I made a outfit from the anime series ‘Dragon Ball Z’ which I was fairly proud of. Within the first week of me uploading it to Roblox, it was stolen and spammed onto the catalog. You wouldn’t have imagined how upset I was that I barely earned profit off it and there are copies of my outfits that have over 50+ sales on multiple pages. I ended up deciding not to go with making clothes and instead became a 3D Modeler / Artist.

It’s nice that Roblox is going the direction to let everyone upload shirts/pants and what not, but making it so you have to pay to upload them is not the direction to head. In fact – it’s just doing more harm than good. If you are a small group of Clothing Designers or just make them on your own, this update will not help you at all.

Putting a pay barrier isn’t fixing the issue that the catalog has with clothing items. It’s a band aid that’s only prolonging the ongoing issue.


This is honestly one of the best updates ever! Now clothing copying might be a thing of the past! Hopefully Roblox manages to clean out the catalog of a lot of the copied clothing!

Same, I don’t like Roblox having my phone number either.

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This might not solve the problem, since bots now dont need to have premium they can just be given a big amount of robux from the group and its still contuing on. This might also make many clothing designers quit, and after this update we’ll probabaly see way less oringinal clothing from those small groups. It’ll be very hard to start a clothing company/group.


As much as I would LOVE clothing coping to become a thing in the past, I highly doubt it will. Bots/those who copy clothing will profit from those copied pieces and will be able to pay the fund. If bots/clothing copiers are paying the premium fee, they’re most likely able to pay the robux fee as well.


Seriously? Ok, maybe it’s a solution for botting, but paying for every single piece of clothing it’s terrible. To explain the main problem, I’ll do an example.

Imagine an user that wants to start a clothing group: that user barely gets robux from selling clothes, and he also has to pay to upload, so he will get tired in a few days probably.

Maybe it’s not a problem for big clothing groups, but for those who want to start it’s really frustrating. Why don’t you just improve your moderation system to verify clothes? Like, maybe make a way for moderators to see if a template is similar to another template that already exists. Maybe it will take some time, but at least new clothes designers won’t be demotivated by the tax.

Let’s remember: powering imagination. You’re literally destroying clothes designers’ imagination by adding this tax. :roll_eyes:


You’re right, especially if we consider that those bots previously re-uploaded shirts and pants and sold them.

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