[Update] Changes to Asset Privacy for Audio

theres a 99% chance that roblox will say no


Although this thread is still open (and I’m going to keep it that way until they close it manually or until public audio comes back for everyone) we finally got another update! Sharing assets privately is finally easier and things will hopefully get better over the next few months.


Too little. Too late.

Imagine if this update returns on December 31st, 2024 when they said it will be solved in this year. Such a ROBLOX moment.


Bobox being bobox. Nothing changes. Im surprised how this “company” is still afloat. Crazy fools.


We finally have an estimate for another change to uploads of short audio…

Will they keep that promise, and what will they really be doing?


the wording makes me worried that it could possibly not be full public audio returning


Right now I assume that they’re gonna roll out publishing for newer sounds under 6s or something and then promise once again such support for all other audio later.


Guys ngl, we are gonna get GTA 6 before we get this audio update.


No we’re gonna get this before GTA 10


"Cannot be made public at this t-- "
Just. Stop. We have been waiting for an entire year for this now. All fingers were pointed to YOU because you didn’t release an update.
You just clearly FORGOT about it. It has been over an year and people were waiting. I can’t even upload free-to-use audios anymore.

THIS POST IS 2 YEARS OLD :partying_face:


PUBLIC THE AUDIOS RIGHT NOW BRUV so what if copyrighted audios are a thing you just need better moderation :rage:


Roblox, We are almost 2 years later and yet you still prevent us from uploading public audio’s… You should just revert this stupid update as it’s completely useless. Not to mention the amount of bypassed audios somehow getting to be public but perfectly fine audios not. I’ve uploaded a few of my OWN created music and yet here is Roblox coming with the copyright strike even though I litterally want to use it for my own games… This is stupid and has to change. You can’t let us wait any longer…


Are you a bot?

We want public audio! There is so much copyrighted audio on the platform because your moderators didn’t take the time to ban them that Roblox just decided “GET RID OF (ALMOST) ALL LE AUDIO.”


ykwhats actually best for roblox to do for us is that if we can only use our audios in our games(games that we made/own) so that we don’t have to go and take the universal id and go through every audio to put it in, that way making it more better, and basically just like the old privating audio system before this, that way its much more better and saves time for us devs

Its extremely easy to do that by just using the “asset manager” in roblox studio.
We are supposed to receive public audio this year, and there should be ZERO exceptions or excuses from ROBLOX.


We’re almost 23 months in and half of the COPYRIGHT-FREE music that I upload gets DELETED!!

It’s 2024. Either they allow audios to be public so I can find audios I used to use, or they allow us to prove that we have permission to use certain audios.


On March 2022, Roblox made the worst update of all time.

Roblox removed all audios that are longer than 6 seconds. This means for games with audios that are longer than 6 seconds will lose some of their sounds or go completely silent! And boombox passes became useless and a waste of Robux.
I have evidence:

This means many games were ruined and millions of Robux were wasted!
This made many developers including me upset. Because some audios I loved listening to in Roblox stopped working and many games had to close due to this audio update (including a few air conditioner games i played before, because some of the sounds of the air conditioners went silent like their compressors!) please revert this update!


I don’t see why this is the worst update possible. We’re looking at risking the entire platform of shutting down(legality and compliance issues) or having the audios deleted. It would be favorable for all to just stick to the latter. It’s as simple as it sounds.

2 year anniversary, still waiting on that update, hopefully we’ll get a full release estimate instead of just “2024”.