Vanilla 3 - The pragmatic icon set for Roblox Studio

I don’t know yet, but I’m assuming it will stay on the selected channel, so we’ll have to switch back to “LIVE” when the UI update becomes publicly available.

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OH . MY . GOD !!! I’ve used Vanilla Icons for SO much time because I absolutely despise the old roblox studio icons (the new ones are ok… not “good” though) and i’ve been waiting for a while for something like this, I am installing this right now. Thanks for making these beautiful icons for us to use :pray: :pray:

Who would have guessed flipping flags is a really bad idea.

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When restarting it didn’t even do anything. Just have to wait 90 years for it to get to me for real I guess…


Amazing! Studio looks 100x better now. Strongly recommend!

It’s likely an issue with mod manager itself (this has already been mentioned like 2 messages earlier), and it is better to wait for the official release for production work anyway.


I can’t thank you enough for making this.

I am now free from horrendous single-colored icons.

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Hey, been trying to install this all night yesterday, been restarting studio a lot yet it doesn’t update to the new icons update. It’s just stuck on probably the last version with the old icons, which means I can’t install these custom icons. Mod Manager is crashing again like the last 200 times I tried to install it so it’s a no go. I’ve reinstalled Roblox Studio and Roblox entirely, deleted all the Roblox folders in %temp%, all the roblox studio folders in AppData, and I still can’t understand what to do to get Studio to goddamn update :disappointed: Can someone help?

Roblox have only released the icons to about 50% of users. Unfortunately you can either used a pretty bugged version of Roblox Studio using the instructions in this reply or just wait for the update to be released

Can you provide a download for the version of vanilla for people who don’t have access to the Studio redesign?

that version doesn’t work now. Roblox bugged it in the latest studio update.

I already use ADHD Mod Manager and change it to zqtitanstudioreleasehighdpi, but where is the Custom Icon Dir folder?

Nevermind, I rejoin studio and I have it.

Roblox have rolled back the icon pack feature which Vanilla 3 depends upon. At this time, it is not possible to re-enable, so Vanilla 3 will not work until this is re-enabled by Roblox themselves!

Please leave any feedback here - I cannot do anything about this personally.


Is it possible to convert the icons that weren’t available before (TextChatService, RigidConstraint, etc.) into the classImages.png file?

I found a way to re-enable them!

You need to download the new version of the Roblox Studio Mod Manager and follow the steps below:

Step 1:
Change channel to “zQtitanStudioReleaseHighDpi”

Step 2:
Open edit fast flags and search for these fflags and override them with the values below:

Step 3:
Launch studio and enjoy!


hi, i keep getting these errors when installing that version specifically… i tried the alternate download (the full zip folder when u click Code > Download ZIP) and the version from the releases, none work. LIVE channel works tho

Edit: i think it has something to do with the update??? i tried LIVE channel with the custom flags you showed enabled (theyre enabled on LIVE for some reason) but it didnt work and gave the 3 same errors

Edit 2: suddenly, LIVE doesnt work anymore either. not even without the flags.

It seems to be causing issues with the script editor but you are supposed to download the exe

I tried both the Exe and the stuff in the zip, not just the zip, so that’s most likely not going to work unfortunately

Doing this completely bugs out essential features in Roblox Studio, I personally wouldn’t use this.