Currently, as of 07/01/21
, various older avatar packages such as the Crimson Claw package, White Collar Dog, Creature from the blox lagoon, and more, have a major issue.
These packages don’t have actual proper heads - their ‘heads’ are just regular hat accessories, instead of them being actual head parts. This causes various issues, both major and minor, with the packages :
Avatar headshots of these packages do not look correct. If the heads were actual heads, the headshots would look normal and more zoomed out, as they should be, since the bust image generator centers in on the head.
Here’s what my avatar’s headshot looks like right now (using the crimson claw package), notice how the headshot is zoomed all the way in because the head isn’t actually a head :
These packages cannot wear hats properly. If I want my avatar to wear a tophat for example, I can’t. The tophat ends up barely appearing, since it is positioned improperly due to the head not being an actual head but a hat accessory instead. Here’s an example of my avatar trying to wear a tophat, but failing to do so because the head isn’t a head:
These packages cannot make use of facial animations & skinning if their heads are not actual heads. If they were regular heads, Roblox could potentially update them to use the new tech later on, since it opens up the possibility of it.
These packages cannot make proper use of layered clothing, because the cage meshes are non-existent for the ‘heads’ since they’re not actually heads. Things like deformed hats would not work here unless the heads were converted into actual heads. This also makes things like jackets, sweaters and shirts look incorrect, since the necks of the shirts do not properly wrap around the ‘head’ of the package since it’s not an actual head and is instead a hat accessory.
For example, you can see my avatar below - notice how the jacket clips into the head because it’s not an actual head:
Games that remove accessories ruin these packages, since their ‘heads’ are also removed. If the heads were converted into actual head parts, the packages would remain intact in said games. In my post about layered clothing’s clipping system, I outlined why having these sorts of avatar modification problems is a major issue.
These packages have incorrect head collisions. Because the heads are hat accessories instead of being actual proper head parts, when avatars using these packages enter any form of a physics state, be it ragdolling, rolling, etc, the head does not collide consistently with head geometry. In the case of my avatar, the entire front of the ‘head’ can clip into the ground instead of it having an actual collision with the ground, because it is a hat accessory.
Overall, packages such as these should have their ‘head’ hat accessories converted into actual proper head parts, so that they can perform consistently with the rest of the catalog packages and make use of new avatar technologies, conforming to Roblox’s vision with avatars.