Visitors shouldn't be able to like posts

This topic has gained a ton of controversy and likes from visitors, WTH

Yes I know, I saw TheNexusAvenger’s post, but I’m making this because I saw so many visitors abusing the system for every post they see in a certain topic, mainly in #updates, I have been receiving so many likes from them and so many like notifications from them

and thanks to visitors, I got the “Admired” badge as a new year’s gift, but I didn’t expect that badge to come, and I knew badges are worthless


I do have some points as to why visitors shouldn’t be able to like posts in general

Like booster accounts

Take a look at Tanhavampire, That is an alt account for WHOTEI, and most of the likes are for WHOTEI and he somehow managed to get away with it until cpguy5089 replied to this topic which mentions the account, but the user was suspended, but the likes stay, even to the one that belongs to WHOTEI


Notice WHOTEI being the top of the list, He got 239 likes from that account, Even my former friend made a like booster account named ALbaraa_MAKX, He boosted his (now suspended) main account and I have a old picture of him doing it


It shows that he boosted it (it was on his ALbaraa_MAKX account), these accounts were visitors and hadn’t posted anything

Like farmers

Many people came here just to make low quality posts only to farm likes, Hell. I’ve seen some people like lV0rd [He is suspended for being involved in a LGBTQ topic and spammed “haram” in that topic because he is a muslim, He is still in the forum under the account tins4packabs] admit that it’s all what they’re here for, This is proof


Visitors not being able to like posts may help reduce the like farmers?

Like Spam

There are false claims about them “enjoying reading” posts, but it’s incorrect. Do they enjoy reading posts like this?


There’s no way they enjoy reading posts with some garbage like “charrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs” and such, People put these garbage to bypass the minimum characters, and I even managed to get 4.2k likes with 85% being from visitors if my math isn’t bad, It makes likes feel irrelevant and it makes likes worthless to visitors

[updated image as of 22/12/23]

It can cause notification spam, I am aware of this feature


but it’s inconveinent to some people like me, I want to know when my post gets interacted, People suggest like notifications restricted to members which is a good idea, so That could be a good suggestion, but it doesn’t help with like booster accounts unfortunately

Recent addition is that DarkPixlz has a valid point on his own topic, Visitors are liking posts to “rank up”, Before you say “one criteria of getting member is liking posts”, S H U T. The one and only way of getting member is Reading like 1.5k posts

I appreciate @pyxfluff for supporting this topic, but I don’t feel like visitors should have the ability to like posts in general, He made a feature request to prevent visitors from liking inactive threads, which is an good idea, as they’re necrobumping and annoying people like me


I disagree with the word ‘abusing’ in this context. I don’t think anyone can ‘abuse’ the like button necessarily. People click like on what they ‘like’, right? If replies by visitors are intentional, I don’t see how likes are that different.

I’d also like to note that you can change how you are notified about likes:


I guess a feature request could be to make an option to only be notified for those who are ‘member’ and above, but that partially defeats the purpose of liking a post imo.

This is a non-issue in my mind. Although, this isn’t a change I’d fight back against either.


yes they should



I don’t think anyone would “Abuse” the like button like someone said before

Also this isn’t the original Forums (Public forums that were shutdown) , The mods take down anything that’s off topic/ troll posts. But I see your concern about the issue it’s just that the likely hood of that happing (on a large scale) is low.


Nah bruh respect the visitors, we like visitors, they’re the best.


Although visitors could abuse the like system, it is more beneficial for visitors to engage in and like posts as they are still members of the community.

Why? The purpose of others liking posts are because they find it interesting, genuinely like it, or just agree with what the person said.


(CC. @lV0rd )

do you want to recieve mass likes??? I don’t want 2000 likes, with 60% being visitors

I have a post with 10 likes, with 8 being from visitors

but My most liked post has 41 likes, which are mainly from members

and what they usually do is go to a random topic, like the topic and every reply they see, however, if you replied multiple times, it could be bad, notification spam, I turned on notifications because I want to know who liked my post


I like me some likes dawg, I’m grinding for the badges


the devforums isn’t a badge collecting system, in-fact, farming likes is a bad idea, the devforums isn’t social media, it’s a place mainly for QnA’s and development


i understand what you’re saying but getting likes gives me dopamine so i’m all for it


It’s not really abusing, but liking should (in my opinion) be reserved for being helpful, or agreeing, etc. The visitors that just mass like every single reply in a topic isn’t beneficial in any way, it’s just annoying. If visitors can be limited to 2 likes per thread, maybe that’ll be better? If they get annoyed they should just become a member and actually contribute to the forum


But even so the majority of them I don’t think would “Abuse” the like system. Restrictions on Visitors could turn them away at any given point.


No, restrictions would make them want to become a member:


why you disagree with liking restricted to members??? I literally stated that they will still have the ability in international categories cuz visitors are able to post there so it makes sense, I do agree with @mapleflavouredk9 at this point

also I spotted one imposter among us…

also the most common categories I experience it are: #development-discussion, #updates:announcements, and #resources:community-resources, if you think they wouldn’t abuse the like system, YOU’RE WRONG, they do like the topic and every reply on the topic, I received mass notifications and 2.1K likes received, also Members use alts to log onto the forum and abuse the like system to boost their likes, which is against the forum rules and could get your main a strike

I even got one like abuser which is a visitor in this topic, If people disagrees with visitors being unable to like posts, liking the topic and every reply would give them a strike (it depends on how many topics you did it, the more topics they affect, the more powerful the strike is)


Then get off the devforum. You outright don’t belong here if this is your mentality since you’re clearly not here to contribute anything worthwhile.


It’s not that deep. No one cares about “likes” on the devforum, and no one is going to care what percent of those are visitors. I guarantee you no one has ever looked at your like count. There are a million other things you should care about than your likes on the devforum.


for real why do people care about likes. i guarantee you everyone in this thread has never had their likes looked at by another person


“Could” I wanna emphasize that it’s not guaranteed to happen.


People who care about likes on Dev Forum (those who go out of their way to make mega threads to get likes) should just be kicked from the program. Like cool dude you got 1k likes what makes you better then anyone else on the Forum?


To add on to this, all 9 likes are visitors (and the same people which is around 8 people liked a ton of posts there too):