So let me provide some more detail and examples.
Other Game Engines
Familiarity with how other game engines provide visual effects is essential to evaluating how Roblox ranks in comparison. Both Unity and Unreal Engine are free to download, and have extension documentation, if you want to check out some other engines.
View Other Games
Hop on Twitch and check out the visual effects in some other games to see what others are capable of. For starters, take a look at the effects in these games.
- Path of Exiles - has a ton of visual effects for just about everything in the game
- Guild Wars 2 - showcases a lot of spell effects
- Any Modern Shooter - for bullet and explosion effects
1). Starting With The Basics
Roblox provides a very simple fire element, but it is about as simplistic as one can get. Fire in other games has quite a bit of variety allowing for many more interesting uses.
Again Roblox has a very basic explosion element. But I am looking for many more options and variety to make the explosion more interesting.

The same goes for smoke. I need something more convincing than the 2D smoke particle system.
2). Spell Effects
Other games have really cool bubbles. They are not simple translucent spheres. These bubbles have rim effects, textures, dynamic effects, and ground intersections.
A lot of spells have effects which are displayed on the ground. This is not just a decal on a flat surface. These are effects which follow the contours of the ground. Many effects are animated and have dynamic elements.
Dynamic lightning that travels from target A to target B. The lighting is varied and moves and jumps like the real thing.

There are so many other neat effects out there that I can’t find images of everything. But if you view some of the more visual games on Twitch, you can see for yourself.
3). Gun Effects
Just about any modern shooter has these visual elements. The next time you watch a shooter, analyze the various components that make up the weapon being fired.
Muzzle Effects
Muzzle flashes and the such when the weapon fires. This could be fire, smoke, bullet shells ejecting, etc. These are not just 2D particle emitters, but true 3D effects.
Projectile Effects
When the projectile is in the air, such as when a missile is being fired, smoke that dissipates, fire, tracers, etc. I can achieve some of this with trails and particles, but it is not as convincing as other games. And with the smoke and fire elements being so basic in Roblox, it is hard to make something on par with other games.
Impact Effects
Effects when a bullet hits something like shrapnel, sparks, smoke puffs, and bullet holes. Again, I can do some of this in 2D with particles, but it is not volumetric, and takes a ton of experimentation with various particles to achieve this.