"Volumetric Fog" V1 | MOVED

#moved# to 💡Luminous | Simple lighting effects | V0.5

This is a way of creating volumetric fog in Roblox using beams. This simple yet effective system simulates light being influenced by fog, bringing a touch of realism and atmosphere to your game.

The system uses beams positioned in front of the camera to simulate light scattering caused by fog… These beams adjust dynamically based on the camera’s field of view and resolution size. This setup is lightweight and customizable.

-- Services
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")

-- Constants
local SETTINGS = {
    LIGHT = {
        PART_NAME = "LightRaySource",
        EMISSION = 1,
        INFLUENCE = 1,
        COLOR = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255),
        CAMERA_OFFSET = 2
    RAYS = {
        COUNT = 100,
        SPACING = 0.7,
        TRANSPARENCY = {
            MIN = 0.9855,
            MAX = 1

-- Variables
local Camera = workspace.CurrentCamera
local raySourcePart = nil
local lightBeams = {}

-- Helper Functions
local function createPart()
    local part = Instance.new("Part")
    part.Size = Vector3.new(1, 1, 1)
    part.Anchored = true
    part.CanCollide = false
    part.Transparency = 1
    part.Parent = Camera
    return part

local function calculateBeamProperties()
    local viewportSize = Camera.ViewportSize
    local halfFOV = math.rad(Camera.FieldOfView / 2)
    local beamWidth = (math.tan(halfFOV) * 2 * viewportSize.X / viewportSize.Y) * 150
    return beamWidth

local function createBeamAttachments(parent, index, beamWidth)
    local zOffset = -index * SETTINGS.RAYS.SPACING - (index == 0 and SETTINGS.LIGHT.CAMERA_OFFSET or 0)
    local topAttachment = Instance.new("Attachment")
    local bottomAttachment = Instance.new("Attachment")
    topAttachment.CFrame = CFrame.new(0, beamWidth / 2, zOffset)
    bottomAttachment.CFrame = CFrame.new(0, -beamWidth / 2, zOffset)
    topAttachment.Parent = parent
    bottomAttachment.Parent = parent
    return {
        top = topAttachment,
        bottom = bottomAttachment

local function createBeam(parent, index, attachments, beamWidth)
    local transparency = SETTINGS.RAYS.TRANSPARENCY.MIN +
        (index / (SETTINGS.RAYS.COUNT - 1)) *
    local beam = Instance.new("Beam")
    beam.LightEmission = SETTINGS.LIGHT.EMISSION
    beam.LightInfluence = SETTINGS.LIGHT.INFLUENCE
    beam.Color = ColorSequence.new(SETTINGS.LIGHT.COLOR)
    beam.FaceCamera = true
    beam.Transparency = NumberSequence.new(transparency)
    beam.Width0 = beamWidth
    beam.Width1 = beamWidth
    beam.Attachment0 = attachments.top
    beam.Attachment1 = attachments.bottom
    beam.Parent = parent
    return beam

-- Core Functions
local function initializeSystem()
    if #lightBeams > 0 then return end
    raySourcePart = raySourcePart or createPart()
    local beamWidth = calculateBeamProperties()
    for i = 0, SETTINGS.RAYS.COUNT - 1 do
        local attachments = createBeamAttachments(raySourcePart, i, beamWidth)
        local beam = createBeam(raySourcePart, i, attachments, beamWidth)
        table.insert(lightBeams, beam)

local function updateSystem()
    if not raySourcePart then return end
    raySourcePart.CFrame = Camera.CFrame
    local beamWidth = calculateBeamProperties()
    for _, beam in ipairs(lightBeams) do
        beam.Width0 = beamWidth
        beam.Width1 = beamWidth

-- Initialize

Now, if you find anything you want to let me know about the script that is bad, I will change it or fix it. I am not a great scripter but I wanted to show my method for fog.

I have made a demo place for you to try here, Custom "Lighting Engine" Demo - Roblox , RBLX file aswell. One final thing is if you are interested in how I made probes to show light bouncing I have used this awsome tool. LampLight - Global Illumination For Roblox (New v1.2). One final note, this is great for dark scenes with light sources, limited light sources may ruin the scene.
FogGame.rbxl (88.4 KB)

This script is completely open-source and free to use in any project. Feel free to modify and improve it as needed. If you enhance the script or use it in a game, I’d love to see what you create! just dont sell it and lable it as yours, unless modified heavily heavily,


I actually could use this, perfect timing. Does the behaviour of this get changed in any kind of way if you change the shadow map to future for example or does it not really matter?


I just chose voxel for a better look, it makes the fog look like cubes almost. But you still can run other lighting technologies without the effect being changed. Its really just whatever fits your boat. :ok_hand:Thanks for checking this out! :100:

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Hey so I just peeked through the source and noticed you are using VOLUMIKA, which is paid-access. Was this intended? I don’t believe Elttob allowed redistribution.

major oops, im so sorry. I was using it just too see how it looked and fergot it was in the place file. I will fix.

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It reminds me of this

Why not particle emitters ,i use them to make realistic fog just for some environment

It reminds me of when I go out for a walk in Miraflores, municipality of Lima Peru in 2022 with heavy rain and cold, i see these effect of blomming light yea due to the small 1 mm water droplets


Phenomenal resource! I actually may end up using this for a few projects of mine. I’m excited to see all of the new opportunities that this model creates, and I’m excited to see what you continue to create in the future. Great work!

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You can use particle emmiters to get the same effect, I was thinking beams since you could bend them on the camera. Im working on a rewrite with other features like eye adjustment, and adaptive film grain.

Im bassicly making a lighting package.

I wouldent call it Phenomenal but thanks!! :100:

It is cool…

Are the faint lines see on parts, the beams hitting them?


Also can you expand on what you mean by this

One final note, this is great for dark scenes with light sources, limited light sources may ruin the scene.
what do you mean by 'limited light sources may ruin the scene.


yes. sadly there is not much to do about that besides increasing max beams and lowering the distance between each beam.

Limited light sources will result in less of a fog look, you still can use in dark scenes with limited lights. its just with more lights it showcases the light mixing with other colors and such.